  • Braiding braid on medium hair: photo and video for beginners

    In our time, it's hard for girls to remain feminine, as the pace of life accelerates with each passing day. Therefore, they are increasingly wearing jeans and sneakers than dresses and stilettos. But everything can be fixed. A girl simply enough to braid a braid and she will immediately become romantic and feminine. Not everyone has long chic hair, because not all of them go. But this does not mean that girls with medium hair can not do hairstyles with weaving. Today you will learn how to learn how to make a beautiful weave braid on medium hair.

    Spike for beginners

    1. Comb your hair and separate the strand on the vertex. Divide it into three parts.
    2. Begin plaiting the usual pigtail of three strands. After you make several links of the braid, separate from one of the sides a string of loose hair and connect it to the side strand.
    3. Continue the weaving, only now do the pick up of the loose string on the other side. Continue to weave braids, repeating the same manipulations, until you weave all loose hair.
    4. instagram viewer
    5. After this, finish the weaving in the technique of the ordinary braid. Tighten the ponytail with an elastic band.

    French braid - we try on ourselves

    This hairstyle is an inverted French pigtail.

    1. Before starting to weave, the hair must be carefully combed. At the base of the forehead, in the center, separate a part of hair and divide into three parts.
    2. Take the strand from the right side and throw it under the middle strand. Do the same with the left strand. Pay attention that the main difference of this weaving is that strands should be placed not on the middle strand, but under it.
    3. Now take a strand of free hair on the right and add it to the right strand.
    4. Make a weave of strands, and then take a loose strand to the left and connect it to the left strand. Continue the weaving along the same pattern until you weave all loose strands.
    5. Next, continue the weaving in the technique of a conventional braid. Fix the tip with an elastic band.

    Fish tail - add originality

    Divide the hair in the center into two strands, after combing it back. From the left strand, separate the thin strand from the side of the temple and connect it to the right strand. Do the same with the right strand. Continue braiding until the end of the hair, holding the locks in the right or in the left hand. Fix the tip with an elastic band.

    Combined spit

    At the forehead line in the center, separate the hair strand and divide it into three parts. Begin to twist the strands in the technique of spikelet with alternately picking up the side strands.

    After you weave the last loose strand, divide the hair into only two strands and braid the remaining length of hair in the technique of the fish tail. Be careful, make sure that you have only two strands in your hands. Tie the tail with an elastic band.

    Beautiful netting with a bang

    We bring to your attention a video, which tells in detail about the creation of a hairdo with weaving based on bangs.

    Festive hairstyle for girls

    Hairstyle is perfect for small women with thick bangs.

    1. Carefully comb back the hair and assemble them into the side tail, preferably on the right side.
    2. Separate the strand from the tail, which is 1/3 of all the hair, and braid the regular pigtail.
    3. Fix the tip with an elastic band.
    4. Now gently wrap the braid around the rubber in the form of a spiral, so you completely disguise the rubber band.
    5. Secure the spiral with the studs.
    6. The remaining strands are wound using forceps in the form of springs and fix with varnish.

    Having learned classical weaving techniques, you can create beautiful and original hairstyles yourself. Look at the photos and video lessons below for inspiration.