
What is vitamin deficiency: the symptoms, signs and consequences of the disease

  • What is vitamin deficiency: the symptoms, signs and consequences of the disease

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    Avitaminosis is a painful condition that occurs due to inadequate intake or rapid destruction of essential vitamins for a sufficiently long time. Sometimes a person lacks only one substance( for example, he develops Vitamin B1 vitamin deficiency), and sometimes in the body there is a shortage of several important vitamins( in this case we are talking about polyvitaminosis).The causes of avitaminosis are different, but sometimes people themselves are to blame for the occurrence of this pathology. For example, overly strict diets, so popular today, are fraught with the development of avitaminosis.

    Symptoms of spring vitamin deficiency

    It is in spring, after a long and cold winter, that people are most susceptible to beriberi. It is caused, as a rule, by the fact that in the cold season the food contains few vitamins and trace elements. In addition, in spring, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often aggravated, in which the absorption of vitamins is impaired. And some drugs used to treat, for example, gastritis or gastric ulcers, also reduce the digestibility of vitamins( such preparations include, first of all, suspensions - Fosfalugel, Almagel, Maalox and others).

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    A person suffering from spring avitaminosis usually complains of drowsiness, increased irritability and chronic fatigue - he can not cope with the usual amount of work or it takes more time. Has beriberi signs visible: the appearance of pimples and acne on the skin, dull hair and their loss, chapped lips, brittle nails and peeling of the skin. When these symptoms appear, it is best to contact a physician immediately so that he can find out the cause of this condition of the patient and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is also recommended to enrich your diet with products containing a large number of vitamins, and take multivitamin preparations.

    How does vitamin deficiency appear on the skin?

    Unfortunately, first of all, avitaminosis is not the best way to affect a person's appearance. Be sure to think about your own health, if the skin has acquired an unhealthy pale shade, have become dull and dry. Also, the skin's tendency to irritations and inflammations should be alerted.

    Very often there is noticeable avitaminosis on the face in the form of a large number of acne. This phenomenon is caused by a shortage in the body of such important vitamins as. A, E and C. To prevent the occurrence of such an unpleasant defect as an acne in avitaminosis, it is worth choosing foods that are rich in these vitamins and take multivitamin complexes. It is necessary to eat vegetable oil and animal oil, citrus fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Symptoms of beriberi on the skin include its increased dryness, flaking and cracks. Experts associate this problem, first of all, with an acute shortage in the body of such important vitamins as. A, C, E and Group B. Dryness of the skin is fraught not only with the formation of wrinkles and early aging, but also the development of serious diseases. For example, with vitamin deficiency. And often a disease called follicular hyperkeratosis develops, which is manifested by the appearance of "goosebumps" on the forearms, knees, hips and legs. Doctors necessarily recommend taking multivitamins and fully eating, in order to prevent serious consequences of vitamin deficiency. After all, some diseases that provoke a deficiency of vitamins, unfortunately, are easier to prevent than cure.

    Another common symptom of this phenomenon is beriberi - spots on the skin. The appearance of pigment spots is associated with insufficient intake of vitamins, which have an antioxidant effect, into the body - that is why in the limited areas of the skin appear darkening, prone to increase the area and merge with each other. Such vitamins include A, E and C. If they are deficient, the skin begins to grow old faster, and the sun's effect only aggravates the situation. At occurrence of such maculae it is recommended to address to the doctor-dermatologist, correctly to eat and accept vitamins. All this, in conjunction with the doctor-appointed treatment, will lead to a decrease in pigmentation and its complete disappearance after the restoration of normal metabolic processes.

    Increased secretion of sebaceous glands develops with vitamin B2 vitamin deficiency. Excessively oily skin quickly becomes dirty, and therefore acne and acne often appear on it. It is worth thinking about the lack of this vitamin in the occurrence and frequent recurrence of herpes, as well as with furunculosis. Also, deficiency of riboflavin is fraught with the development of nervous disorders, depression, gastritis, decreased visual acuity and may even lead to a reduction in life. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of this vitamin in the body. It is found in chicken eggs, buckwheat, oatmeal, fish, legumes, yeast, mushrooms, apricots, cabbage, whole grain bread and tomatoes.

    If there is a lack of vitamin B2, rosacea can develop. With this disease, the skin of the face is affected, pink acne, vascular sprouts and diffuse redness appear on it. Taking medications containing vitamin B2 will help reduce inflammation and reduce swelling.

    If we talk about the appearance of Vitamin E vitamin deficiency, it is worth noting, first of all, the formation of stretch marks on the skin, reminiscent of the consequences of pregnancy. This problem affects not only women, but also men. Therefore, with such a cosmetic defect is shown the use of vitamins B6 and E.

    Signs of avitaminosis on the hands of

    With deficiency of vitamins A, E, C and D, the skin of the hands becomes very dry, with cracks and flaking accompanied by itching. Scratches and scratches can not heal and become inflamed for a long time. Often the skin on the fingers begins to peel, causing a lot of anxiety and pain to a person suffering from avitaminosis.

    Often wrinkles appear on the skin of the hands. This problem is caused, first of all, vitamin E vitamin deficiency, because it allows hands to preserve beauty and youth for a long time. Often, when vitamins are deficient, there are various problems with the nails: they become very brittle, weak, often loose. Often, the nail plate may be uneven. In this case, it is recommended to use multivitamins and foods rich in vitamins such as C, E and A( vegetables, milk, fruits, bread, vegetable oils and nuts).All this will help the nails to become healthy, strong and, of course, beautiful.

    Avitaminosis on the lips

    You can recognize the vitamin deficiency by the condition of the lips. So, with a shortage of vitamins that belong to group B, the moisture and elasticity of the delicate skin of the lips decreases. Also there are small cracks in the corners of the lips, which can cause pain. If any dangerous bacteria get into these damages, for example, staphylococcus, infection may join, and ugly, poorly healing sores may form.

    Consequences of the disease

    Knowing that avitaminosis develop with insufficient intake of various vitamins with food, you should normalize your diet. After all, often strict diets, various starvations provoke a violation of the exchange of vitamins in the body.

    It should also be taken into account that avitaminosis contributes to the development of many serious diseases. For example, signs of vitamin A vitamin deficiency, in addition to skin dryness, also include the development of so-called night blindness( niktalopia).This disease is characterized by a decrease or a complete lack of night vision.

    Vitamin C avitaminosis may cause scurvy. The following symptoms are typical for this disease:

    • hemorrhagic rash;
    • fragility of vessels;
    • tooth loss;
    • gum bleeding;
    • hypochromic anemia;
    • decreased immunity;
    • pain in the extremities.

    And if the body does not receive vitamin PP, then there is a pellagra. Such avitaminosis symptoms have the following: photodermatosis, glossitis, weakness, dementia, insomnia, dermatitis, aggressiveness, alopecia, ataxia, edema( dense hypodermic edema), paralysis of limbs, dilated cardiomyopathy and diarrhea.

    Symptoms of children's vitamin deficiency

    Often children suffer from vitamin deficiency. That is why caring parents should necessarily know about how vitamin deficiency manifests in children. So, the first sign of a shortage, may be a decrease in the activity of the baby, a deterioration in appetite and a decrease in immunity. If the avitaminosis lasts long enough, it is quite possible that the baby lags behind in development and growth from its peers.

    Also, with a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium, a child may develop a disease called rickets. This pathology occurs in children of early and infancy. Such a disease can lead to serious problems with the musculoskeletal system in the future. Therefore, parents should ask a qualified pediatrician about what to do if the baby is avitaminous and how to prevent it. After all, in this case only prevention will prevent the emergence of serious problems.

    So, vitamin deficiency manifests itself in different ways, affecting one or another area of ​​the human body. It is only the physician who is able to determine which substance is missing. Sometimes, according to his purpose, a special analysis is carried out for the content of vitamins in the blood. In any case, an attentive attitude to one's own health will, if not prevent avitaminosis, then at least cure it in time.

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