
Haircut Aurora: description of performance and photo on hair of different lengths

  • Haircut Aurora: description of performance and photo on hair of different lengths

    Aurora is a legend in its own way. About twenty years ago this was the most popular hairstyle among women, and by now, the recognition has found her "daughter" - a haircut Cascade, where the hair has a more sharply outlined transition. If we describe what the "Aurora" looks like, then we can say that it is the same ladder with a smooth transition, which is mainly done on medium length hair.

    Now I suggest you consider the photo of aurora haircuts.

    Aurora on short hair

    As you know, in the distant 80's short and magnificent haircuts were quite popular, so the first suggest that you consider the photo of this hair on short hair, and then the way of doing at home, as well as advice from professionals.

    So, here are some theses that will help you decide if this hair style is right for you or better to abstain.

    1. If you have straight hair, no matter how magnificent, then in most cases you will definitely need a similar haircut. But if you have a square, rectangular or round face, then from short haircuts it is better to abstain altogether, as the "Aurora" gives the hair volume, and, therefore, fills your face;
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    2. If you have a triangular or oval face shape, then this haircut is absolutely right for you. Do not forget only about individual individual factors: redness, pimples, birthmarks, etc.;

    And now I suggest you to find out what factors of your appearance are not suitable for aurora hair cutting.

    1) If you have wide cheekbones, then from any short haircut it is better to abstain;

    2) If you have strongly curly hair, especially if the curls are very small, you will be very problematic to comb your hair and make any styling.

    Now that you've learned all the necessary theses, I suggest you consider video master classes from professionals and amateurs who are sheared at home.

    On medium hair

    Aurora haircut on medium hair appeared somewhat later than the original, but nowadays it has great popularity and is ideal for those who like "ladder" like, but you do not want to lose the entire length of your hair.

    To begin with, I suggest you look at the standard Aurora hair clip for medium hair.

    And now you need to disassemble several criteria and understand whether this hairdo will suit you or not.

    1. If you are the owner of lush hair( not curly hair), then this haircut can be very good for you, because it will support the volume, but if you have thin and weak hair, then, perhaps, the short haircut described above is more suitable;
    2. If you have wavy hair and a thin face in the form of a triangle or an oval, then the aurora for medium hair may very well come up to you, but if your hair is curly, especially when curls are small, then it's better to refrain from this haircut, otherwise there may be problemswith combing and styling;
    3. This hairstyle can well hide such flaws as redness on the face, black dots, etc. This, of course, does not mean that you can completely forget about this problem;
    4. This Aurora is unlikely to suit you, if your face has the shape of a square, rectangle or circle. After all, the Aurora was created to give volume to the hair and frame the contour of the face.

    Now that you have learned the basic theses when choosing this hair, I suggest watching video lessons from masters and amateurs.

    For long hair

    Aurora for long hair has gained popularity closer to the 2000th years, but still does not slow down. True, now - it's shorter strands in the front, but the length of the hair behind, as it is necessary, almost does not change. The technology of this hairstyle is not so much more complicated, but as much longer.

    And here is a photo of "Aurora" for long hair.

    To be honest, for this hair style there is almost no unsuitable appearance. It will fit under any shape of the face, but here the main thing is to monitor the condition of your skin, to prevent the presence of excessive amounts of acne, black spots, etc.

    Journey into the past

    This haircut appeared at the dawn of the 80's, and, as you have already noticed, it does not slow down the pace until now. Many women of our time prefer "substitutes" for the initial haircut of the Aurora: a cascade, a ladder, etc., which in their essence do not differ in anything. I suggest you look at retro photos, where did the triumph of Aurora begin.

    As you can see, this female hairdress was designed for naughty hair, but now the situation has radically changed, because, as it was written above, making an aurora on strongly curly hair is not the most successful option.