
Adaptation of the child in kindergarten - adaptation of the child in the pre-school

  • Adaptation of the child in kindergarten - adaptation of the child in the pre-school

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    First time. .. in kindergarten. And it is not known who worries more: a kid who still does not know well what awaits him today, or his mother, who has already had time to think over all possible situations. However, the first day in the garden usually goes pretty well. But the following. ..

    Sometimes the adaptation of the child in kindergarten is delayed for two or three months. Occasionally there are situations when the little one is not accustomed to changing the usual situation and parents have to take him out of the kindergarten, hire a nanny or return home from work. But most often in two or three weeks the baby manages to "join" the collective of his peers without unnecessary traumatic moments.

    So, why does the adaptation of children to the conditions of dou( kindergartens) depend and how to reduce its negative manifestations?

    Preparing for a kindergarten

    Whether a child goes to kindergarten or not, most parents decide right after the birth of the baby and putting on the appropriate queue. And although the plans may change( for example, if the grandmother wishes to sit with a crumb), or the queue will not have time to arrive on time, it is necessary to start preparing the child for the kindergarten in advance.

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    To begin with, about the kindergarten the kid needs to not only tell, but also to show. To do this, you can go for a walk along the route passing by the children playing on the street in the kindergarten. Usually a crowd of gay, running kids attracts the attention of the child and he has a natural curiosity and a desire to be among them.

    The second step is playing in the "kindergarten".Here already it is necessary to mum to show imagination to "endow" this institution with all possible attractive features.

    The third step is to invite friends( with children) more often, as well as to walk and introduce the baby to children in playgrounds and in parks. However, do not forget that the child is still small, he quickly gets tired and does not always behave tactfully towards strangers and children.

    The fourth step is to strictly forbid talking about a kindergarten with a negative connotation in the child's environment. Do not think that the child does not understand anything yet. He perfectly remembers all the information that appears in the field of his audibility, and unconsciously fixes it. Later, it can play a bad role in its adaptation in kindergarten.

    The fifth step is worth taking, when you were able to not only determine the kindergarten, but also got the right to visit it. It's time to introduce the baby to the teachers.

    The first days of

    But now the hour "X" has struck, and the kid goes to his first independent "swimming".Depending on the age of the crumb must be able to perform a number of specific actions( ask for a pot, dress, eat yourself).Sending a child to the kindergarten, do not forget that in the group there are many children( an average of 25-30 people) and the teacher can not always take a look at everyone. So Mom should take care of both the spare clothes for his child and the accessories necessary for the lessons of art( paints, plasticine and other small things, the list of which is usually given out in the kindergarten).

    To adapt the children in kindergarten more successfully, mothers should not combine the first day of crumbs in a new place for him and their own work. Ideally, the next two months, the mother should be "on the hook" to visit her child at the kindergarten at any time, pick him up early, take a walk with him after the kindergarten and give the crumb as much attention as possible, "brightening up" his transition to the nextstep of childhood.

    The first week is generally recommended not to leave the crumbs for a full day in the kindergarten. At the very beginning, you can limit yourself to only two or three hours, leading the baby after breakfast and taking to the day's sleep. The child must remember that his mother, although leaving, always returns. During these few days he will have time to get acquainted with the teacher and nurse, get closer to other kids and even find friends among them.

    The second week you can try to bring the baby early and leave it in the garden for daytime sleep. If the child treats this more or less calmly, the next step will be his full stay in the kindergarten. Otherwise, it's better to go to the kindergarten for a while for a while.

    If the child is sick

    Adaptation of preschool children is more difficult if there are any diseases or lowered immunity in their "baggage".Permanent long passes prevent the child from getting used to the new situation, make him nervous, and this, in turn, can lead to aggravation of the diseases. So if your baby continues to hurt, despite all your efforts, it is worth considering the need to continue the "experiment".In some cases, the transition to another kindergarten( in which the teacher manages to find his own place in the heart of the baby faster) helps to "cure" the child. Otherwise, you will either have to look for a private nanny or leave your mother for work( for example, a regular decree).

    I do not want to!

    I do not want

    But in life there are situations when the child's protests have to be ignored, no matter how sorry he was. And the garden can not be changed at the same time. Therefore, Mom will have to( especially without focusing on this) to ask his little one for the reason for his so negative reaction.

    If the matter is that the kid simply does not have enough time to communicate with his mother, then it is necessary to allocate in his schedule a special clock in the evening and on weekends, devoting them only to his child( and not washing dishes - get a dishwasher, clean up - determinefor her only a few hours once a week, buying a good powerful vacuum cleaner, a washing machine and other household "helpers", preparing a meal - the family can live a little and on fast semi-finished products, and on the weekend everyone would be nice to be like a children's cafe).

    If the toddler does not like the teacher, you can try to transfer it to another group, otherwise you will have to "go deeper" even more and find out what exactly does not suit the crumbs. There can be different situations, up to the fact that a child simply can not fall asleep in a new place( and he is scolded for this), to the unwillingness to remove toys after himself( which the teacher usually asks to do).Most often, the conflict can be resolved quite easily.

    It's time to dine!

    It's time to dine

    Another point that requires attention is the baby's food in the kindergarten. A kid, accustomed to a variety of home foods, can simply refuse kindergarten food, no matter how tasty it was. Ask the tutor to monitor the situation and change the home menu to simpler variants( like in kindergarten).

    If the little man refuses to eat breakfast, it is likely that the reason lies in an easy home "snacking" before leaving the house. Exclude from his morning ration cookies, sweets and other "goodies."Sometimes even an apple is superfluous and interrupts the child's appetite.

    In the evening, at home, the kid has to wait for dinner. And it will be better if all the family members gather at the meal. This will help the child realize that kindergarten is just an opportunity to play with the children and it's a good idea to spend the day while the parents are at work.

    But do not try to appease your child in the morning, promising him an evening "sweet surprise", if only he went to the kindergarten. If you still can not do without a kind of "carrot", replace it with a joint viewing of the cartoon, a game or a walk in the park.