  • How to teach a child to pronounce letters - teach a child

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    People have a unique ability: they can share their thoughts and feelings with other individuals through a speech device. This is also promoted by a specific character-sign system, that is, an alphabet. Correct pronunciation of each person is trained from early childhood. At the same time, many parents think how to teach a child to pronounce letters. The meaning of all learning is that letters and sounds are added to words from which sentences, texts, statements that have semantic significance are built. Children often have problems with the correct articulation of all letters. Most often, problems arise with the correct pronunciation of the letters "sh", "p" and "l".

    This is due to the imperfection of the child's speech apparatus, which lacks training.

    The first thing that parents can do for the baby to learn the correct pronunciation quickly is to stop "lisping" with him. Adults, being touched when communicating with a child, often distort words. The child perceives this and later begins to reproduce these "wrong" expressions. Watch your speech, try to pronounce the words loudly, clearly and distinctly. Turn your face when talking with the baby so that he can see your articulation.

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    Classes with a speech therapist

    With a pronounced problem with pronunciation, a speech therapist comes to the rescue. These specialists know everything about speech defects and will help to eliminate them. Often it happens that only a speech therapist is needed. At a meeting, the specialist will assess the level of the defective speech of the child, advise special exercises to perform at home or appoint the next meeting with the baby, if the defectiveness is very high, and there is no possibility to solve the problem on your own.

    The individual features of the physiological structure of the child's speech apparatus may serve as a cause for improper pronunciation, for example, a toddler may have insufficient length of tongue or too short a bridle. In the case of reasons of a physiological nature, the child will have to undergo a number of medical procedures or postpone the operation.

    For other reasons, you often just need to work hard with the baby. But do not correct it every time, when he incorrectly utters the word. Sufficient for memorization will be a three-four-fold repetition of one word, but very legible and clear. First you can say the words at a slower pace, but gradually return to your usual speech tempo.

    An invaluable help in learning the correct pronunciation of letters is articulatory gymnastics. Speech therapists created many different methodologies and manuals that will help in the fight against improper pronunciation.


    Exercises in front of the mirror

    Begin training in the second or fourth years of life of the baby. By five or six years, the speech apparatus is already fully formed and may be too late.

    Classes should be conducted in an easy game form, which does not load the baby. Do exercises to correctly set the language, improve its mobility with your child.

    It's best to perform the exercises in front of the mirror so that the kid can see how his tongue moves and could compare with the mother's language.

    First, demonstrate the correct execution of the exercise, and then ask the baby to repeat it.

    1. Place the tongue at the edge of the upper dentition and ask the baby to repeat.
    2. A toddler must complete the exercise by delaying the tongue for fifteen to twenty seconds.

    Take a break and repeat the task two or three more times. This exercise will help to make the sublingual ligament more flexible, which will help in the pronunciation of problematic letters.

    The letter "p" is very difficult for many children. To correct pronunciation, there are also special exercises. One of them is the task "Woodpecker", when the child must forcefully hit the tips of the tongue on the upper dentition and simultaneously pronounce the letter "d".The kid trains the tip of the tongue and the correct articulation.

    The words "t" and "d" can help in the pronunciation of the letter "p".All these letters require that the tip of the tongue abut the upper sky at the very edge of the upper dentition. The letters "d" and "t" rarely cause problems in their pronunciation. Speech therapists use this to teach the correct articulation of the letter "p".Try to repeat with the child more words, in which "p" follows "t" or "d", for example, a tractor or firewood.

    You should also have patience, because screaming and swearing can only discourage the baby from learning anything at all. A calm, balanced tone of the parent and a clear diction will help to correctly perceive the letters by ear. The kid will make himself a sound picture of the correct pronunciation and will further adjust his pronunciation to the correct sounds heard.

    Teaching materials

    You can use in teaching toys that depict the alphabet, or hang a beautiful bright alphabetical table in the children's room. Favorite cartoon characters who "hide" behind the letters on the wall, will excite the interest of the child and help in learning.

    For the smallest in the store you can find soft rugs-puzzles. There are variants with the alphabet, that is, the rug consists of squares, inside of which there are letters. In the future, you can use such a rug-puzzle for learning to read, and choosing a variant containing also numbers - the account.

    You can make a learning game yourself. To do this, cut out cards from the cardboard and paste or draw letters on them. Invite the kid to draw an object whose name begins with this letter. Then simply take out the cards and loudly pronounce the letter, supporting the pronunciation by examples of the names of objects, for example, "l", as "lamp" or "and", as a "needle".Try to use simple and monosyllabic words. Do not overload the child's brain with terms and long words.

    Teach a child to correctly pronounce letters is not so difficult, enough to be patient. The main thing is to conduct classes regularly, to train speech skills and improve pronunciation.