
The regime, the daily routine for a newborn baby and a nursing mother

  • The regime, the daily routine for a newborn baby and a nursing mother

    Day regimen is a kind of conductor of the body. When observing the regime of the day, conditioned reflexes are produced in a person. And what is the life of a newborn is only conditioned reflexes. When the organism is accustomed to a certain regime of the day, it prepares in advance for certain actions: to eating, going to sleep. How is it better to make a routine, a daily routine for a newborn baby?

    The most difficult thing is to teach a newborn child to a certain regime of the day, because the periods of sleep and wakefulness are not systematized yet. The behavior of the baby depends on the satisfaction of his needs.

    First of all, the regime of the day is subject to the feeding regime. When breastfeeding, the number of feedings can vary from 10 to 12 per day. Therefore, the daily routine for a baby depends on the number of feedings.

    Let's try to make an approximate mode for a newborn baby.


    When the morning begins - the child will inform about it with his crying. Most children this happens at six in the morning. Of course, getting up is difficult, but it is necessary. Be sure to change the diaper to the baby after a night's sleep, feed him. Usually, in the morning the child falls asleep again after feeding. You have the opportunity to lie still.

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    Morning "charging"

    Before the next feeding, prepare everything necessary for washing the baby. Do with it "charging".It is better to have breakfast before feeding.


    Walking is a very important part in the mode of a newborn's day. It is best to go for a walk after the second feeding. You can do it in the company of a friend with a child. It is very convenient. You can go shopping, stopping by turns. If you have helpers, then they can walk with a stroller, and at this time you can do household chores.


    Dressing the baby, feed. Of course, it will be better if you have time to eat before him. Then you better go to bed together with the baby. Remember the rest. Mom after the birth of rest is simply necessary for its fastest recovery and for the health of the baby.

    After rest, it's time to feed again and you can go for a second walk.

    Early Dinner

    Feeding, changing clothes. Now you can start preparing for the evening bathing and you can have dinner.

    Water treatments

    Cooking a baby to water procedures is best when he is not hungry yet. Start a little beforehand before feeding. Unfold it, give it a little "walk", then redeem. Water treatments will bring pleasure and the kid and you. Now feed him and put him to sleep.

    You can transfer the bath to a later date, bathe the baby after nine o'clock in the evening. Usually after bathing and feeding the baby has a long break between the feedings. However, if the baby does not calm down after bathing, it is better to bathe him earlier.

    We can give only general advice on compiling a daily routine for the baby. Of course, every kid, especially a newborn, has his own interval between feedings, and his time is "walking".

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