  • Wafer tubes: recipe for waffle irons

    Wafer tubes, the recipe of which we will tell you, came into fashion about 15-20 years ago, and managed to get out of it. The new peak of popularity of wafer tubules falls on the present. Previously, a recipe for their preparation was attached with instructions to the waffle iron. Now it is lost, and the waffle maker is stored on the mezzanine.

    Let's remember how it was. The most delicious option was represented by wafers with condensed milk filling. This is the original sweet treats for tea.

    The recipe for the electric waffle iron should be observed exactly to avoid problems with baking.

    How to bake delicious wafers

    For the preparation of tubes, take 450 g of flour, 350 g of sugar( better than powdered sugar), 5 pcs.eggs, 200 g of butter. For a cream it is better to weld condensed milk and add peanuts.

    Recipe assumes the following steps. Melt butter, add flour and egg yolks. Then add the sugar and whip. In order for the dough to be airy, in the final mixing phase add carefully whipped proteins. To prevent the dough from burning, use powdered sugar.

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    The prepared mass is laid out on a baking tray with a tablespoon and fried at a temperature of 180 degrees. It is important not to hold the waffle for more than 6 seconds. The form can be oiled. After the time has expired, hot layers need to be obtained from the waffle iron.

    While the layers are hot, they are quickly rolled with a wooden stick into the tubes.

    When all the wafer tubules are ready and cooled, you can fill them with a cream of condensed milk and roasted peanuts. Guests and households will definitely like this delicacy, but you are recognized as a real hostess.

    Recipe with kefir and sour cream

    This is also an old, time-tested recipe. Baked wafers are best filled with jam with sourness.

    You will need such products for dough: margarine 250 gr., Sugar 1 glass, kefir 1 glass, sour cream fat 2 table.spoons, eggs 4 pcs, vanillin, flour 8-10 table.spoons( see the consistency of the dough - it should be like pancakes) and baking soda. For the filling - any jam.

    And prepare wafers for this recipe in this way: margarine should be melt, while it's still hot, you need to pour in it granulated sugar with vanillin, mix thoroughly( you can use the nozzles to whip the creams), then you should pour the yogurt, put sour cream.

    Mix everything, break the eggs and whisk thoroughly until the sugar dissolves( unless of course it has dissolved with margarine).You do not need to beat for more than a minute.

    Then it is necessary to pour the flour, the soda with the food slaked vinegar, mix thoroughly. Flours need so much that the dough was like pancakes( not quite liquid).

    Preheat the waffle iron and bake the sweet layers, which are rolled into hot tubes. Fill them with jam to your taste. To put for cooling. Obtained tubules for this recipe are very tender and crunchy. Enjoy your meal!

    Some useful tips for

    The main secret of delicious thin wafers lies in the consistency of the dough: it should be moderately thick, and resemble fatty sour cream. Whatever the wafers do not burn, add a spoonful of vegetable oil( preferably odorless, refined) or a spoonful of starch( corn or potato) into the dough or a couple of spoons.

    The cooking time of waffles depends on the power of the electric waffle iron and the recipe. For example, dough, mixed on margarine or oil, is baked quickly, and on kefir or milk - much longer. The average cooking time of one crust lasts from 30 seconds to 4 minutes.

    Recipe wafers for the Soviet electric wafer does not need to contain sugar, because the cakes can be stuffed not only with cream and condensed milk, but with meat and mushroom fillings, cottage cheese or pâté.

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