
Kefir mask for face: how useful it is, how to make it at home, reviews

  • Kefir mask for face: how useful it is, how to make it at home, reviews

    Kefir Face Mask at home for all skin types

    No one doubts the usefulness of yogurt. This drink saves not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Kefir mask for the face is the elixir of youth.

    Cooking from this product mask - a pleasure. Kefir is combined with any ingredients. It contains twenty-five different vitamins and nearly two hundred and fifty different nutrients.

    How useful the kefir mask

    Kefir, due to the chemical composition, is able to cope with any difficulties of the skin. In a matter of days, it can transform the appearance and rejuvenate the skin. Fatiness does not matter. Every yogurt is equally useful. But it's better, of course, if it is as close to a natural product as possible. What is useful kefir mask?

    • Thanks to retinol, collagen production is activated and aging processes are slowed down.
    • Remove inflammation and irritation on the skin with thiamine.
    • Make the skin supple and smooth wrinkles can riboflavin.
    • Whiten pigment spots and moisturize dry skin - this is the task of niacin.
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    • The rescue for the problem skin is pyridoxine. He can quickly get rid of acne of all kinds and acne in a short time.
    • Protects against harmful effects of folic acid.
    • Saturates the skin with oxygen and improves the metabolism of vitamin B12.
    • Provides the skin with freshness and cleanses all kinds of impurities, ascorbic acid.
    • Skin looks healthy and radiant with vitamin E.
    • Inflammation on the skin removes biotin.
    • Fills the skin with energy, vitamin PP.

    The effect of using the mask

    Kefir mask is suitable for any type of skin. Adding various ingredients in its composition, you can achieve different results. For example, for oily skin, it is used for the purpose of healing, for dry skin - to moisturize. On the problem skin, it will relieve the inflammation, and sensitive - protect against external stimuli.

    After you have ascertained the usefulness of the kefir mask, it's time to start studying the recipes. These masks are successfully used at home.

    Mask for normal skin type

    1. Vitamin mask is very useful at any time of the year. For its preparation, you need any fresh berries. It must be kneaded and added art.spoon of yogurt.
    2. In kefir add honey and whipped protein.
    3. The herbal mask also has a healing effect. Pour boiling water mixture of herbs from chamomile, calendula and sage. Insist twenty minutes. Add three tablespoons of kefir.

    Masks for dry skin

    1. For a mask you will need an egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil. Stir and add in 2 tbsp.spoon of yogurt.
    2. In ordinary fatty cottage cheese, add kefir and grind. The mass must be enough to cover your face.

    Nobody doubts the usefulness of yogurt. This drink saves not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Kefir mask for the face is the elixir of youth.

    Cooking from this mask product is a pleasure. Kefir is combined with any ingredients. It contains twenty-five different vitamins and nearly two hundred and fifty different nutrients.

    How useful the kefir mask

    Kefir, due to the chemical composition, is able to cope with any difficulties of the skin. In a matter of days, it can transform the appearance and rejuvenate the skin. Fatiness does not matter. Every yogurt is equally useful. But it's better, of course, if it is as close to a natural product as possible. What is useful kefir mask?

    • Thanks to retinol, collagen production is activated and aging processes are slowed down.
    • Remove inflammation and irritation on the skin with thiamine.
    • Riboflavin can make the skin supple and smooth wrinkles.
    • Whiten pigment spots and moisturize dry skin is the task of niacin.
    • The rescue for the problem skin is pyridoxine. He can quickly get rid of acne of all kinds and acne in a short time.
    • Protects against harmful effects of folic acid.
    • Saturates the skin with oxygen and improves the metabolism of vitamin B12.
    • Provides the skin with freshness and cleanses all kinds of contaminants, ascorbic acid.
    • Skin looks healthy and radiant with vitamin E.
    • Inflammation on the skin removes biotin.
    • Fills the skin with energy, vitamin PP.

    The effect of using the mask

    Kefir mask is suitable for any skin type. Adding various ingredients in its composition, you can achieve different results. For example, for oily skin, it is used for the purpose of healing, for dry skin - to moisturize. On the problem skin, it will relieve the inflammation, and sensitive - protect against external stimuli.

    After you have ascertained the usefulness of the kefir mask, it's time to start studying the recipes. These masks are successfully used at home.

    Mask for normal skin type

    1. Vitamin mask is very useful at any time of the year. For its preparation, you need any fresh berries. It must be kneaded and added art.spoon of yogurt.
    2. In kefir add honey and whipped protein.
    3. The herbal mask also has a healing effect. Pour boiling water mixture of herbs from chamomile, calendula and sage. Insist twenty minutes. Add three tablespoons of kefir.

    Masks for dry skin

    1. For a mask you will need an egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil. Stir and add in 2 tbsp.spoon of yogurt.
    2. In ordinary fatty cottage cheese, add kefir and grind. The mass must be enough to cover your face.

    Masks for oily skin

    1. Half-rounds of flour mixed with a teaspoon of soda. In this mixture add two spoons of yogurt.
    2. Half-kefir mix with whipped egg yolk. In this mixture add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a half-vodka.

    Mask against pigment spots with oatmeal

    25 gr.oatmeal mixed with one tbsp.spoon of kefir. Add 15 gr.honey and 10 grams of olive oil.



    "I'm so used to the kefir mask that I can not imagine life without it! I come from work tired. In the mirror look terrible! I take out kefir or sour cream from the refrigerator and smear my face. After about fifteen minutes, I wash it off, and here it is - the second breath! The face is fresh and rested! "


    " I always save myself from kefir from sunburn. So bakes, pulls - I will anoint and it is easier at once. Removes heat instantly. Only need to smear periodically. Especially if a severe burn. Me this way my mother told me, and I waved it off. And once "pripeklo"!I tried and was surprised! "

    Catherine:" Kefir mask and from black points helps. "I cook with oatmeal and eggs. And the skin is then smooth, clean, healthy! "


    " I fight with pimples with kefir, especially on critical days! Simply I put kefir on a skin, and in ten minutes I wash off. Miracle-tool! "


    " My skin was always problematic. Tonalku only washed off for the night. I could not do without him. She began to make kefir masks - the result was noticed in a week. Now everything is wonderful! ยป


    1. Half-rounds of flour mixed with a teaspoon of soda. In this mixture add two spoons of yogurt.
    2. Half-kefir mix with whipped egg yolk. In this mixture add a tablespoon of lemon juice and a half-vodka.

    Mask against pigment spots with oatmeal

    25 gr.oatmeal mixed with one tbsp.spoon of kefir. Add 15 gr.honey and 10 grams of olive oil.



    "I'm so used to the kefir mask that I can not imagine life without it! I come from work tired. In the mirror look terrible! I take out kefir or sour cream from the refrigerator and smear my face. After about fifteen minutes, I wash it off, and here it is - the second breath! The face is fresh and rested! "


    " I always save myself from kefir from sunburn. So bakes, pulls - I will anoint and it is easier at once. Removes heat instantly. Only need to smear periodically. Especially if a severe burn. Me this way my mother told me, and I waved it off. And once "pripeklo"!I tried and was surprised! "

    Catherine:" Kefir mask and from black points helps. "I cook with oatmeal and eggs. And the skin is then smooth, clean, healthy! "


    " I fight with acne with kefir, especially on critical days! Simply I put kefir on a skin, and in ten minutes I wash off. Miracle-tool! "


    " My skin was constantly problematic. Tonalku only washed off for the night. I could not do without him. She began to make kefir masks - the result was noticed in a week. Now everything is great! "
