
How not to get into an accident( an accident on the road)?Tips for motorists

  • How not to get into an accident( an accident on the road)?Tips for motorists

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    This publication will tell you how a car enthusiast can reduce the likelihood of getting into such an undesirable situation as an accident. Analyzing the statistics of possible causes that contribute to the occurrence of accidents and adhering to certain rules - you can avoid troubles in the vast majority of cases. These can be classified as almost 97% of all cases, and only 3% - is the situation when an accident occurs for reasons beyond driver's control, subject to compliance with SDA.

    As a result, the situation can be viewed in the view of the behavior of the motorist, in which it is possible to prevent accidents and avoidance of collision if the driver is not in his fault in the situation leading to a possible accident.

    In general, you must always be prepared for a variety of situations on the road, so as not to become confused at such a moment and react correctly. Reaction and the ability to think soberly in such situations are very useful qualities. It is not very reasonable to rely on cleverness and good reaction of your possible "opponent" in such a situation. Together with this, the driver's experience and self-control is not all that is needed. An important role is played by the technical condition of the car and the ability to adequately assess the capabilities of its car. The state of technology depends on the safety of the car enthusiast and not only him, but also other road users - this is a tricky truth.
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    How to secure a car and exclude an accident? Technical aspects of

    First you need to consider the most classic and significant technical problems, the non-elimination of which can lead to an accident on the way. It's worth starting with the brake system, where all the elements must work together smoothly and flawlessly at the slightest demand. It is recommended to periodically inspect the condition of such elements of the brake system, as brake hoses, working cylinders of the system. The tightness of the hydraulic drive, brake pads, discs( drums) and tires - must be in working order. In this list, you can add the state of the suspension components, control systems( power steering) and so on. All this in the complex is called the elements of active driver safety.

    There are also elements of passive safety, which include:

    • Presence in the complete set of the car of pillows of safety;

    • Reinforced car body;

    • Safety harness;

    • Special car interior trim.

    All this contributes to reducing the risk of injury to people who are in the car during an accident.

    Special requirement for the condition of car tires( deterioration, defects) and compliance with their weather conditions and road conditions( seasonality).In the operation of the braking system under certain circumstances, much depends on the method of braking chosen by drivers( the presence of ABS and the condition of the road surface).In the absence of ABS, you must select intermittent braking, for example, if the road is slippery. Drastic braking is only permissible if there is an ABS system, whose operation principle presupposes technologically. To reduce the speed on a slippery road, braking is applied by the engine.

    The source of the road accident can serve and simply stalled on the road car! This is for the other participants of the movement an unexpected occurrence that can not be foreseen. This leads to the fact that the car engine requires a serious attitude - it needs to be monitored( periodic diagnostics).

    Optics( glasses, lights, mirrors) and chassis - also require periodic inspections in order to prevent malfunctions and careful maintenance. The serviceability of the headlamps and the quality of their lighting( long-distance and low-beam) is very important, at night, the quality for safe movement. This improves the visibility of the elements of the movement and indicates the car itself on the road( the car is visible at a long distance).The situation when only one headlight works, is also very dangerous, because a car in the dark can easily be taken at a distance for a motorcycle. The driver who noticed the "one-eyed" car, it is recommended to bypass it "with a margin" of distance.

    The color of the car is important! The world has conducted a lot of statistical research and found out the fact that the acuity of perception by other participants in the movement affects the color of your car, which affects, of course, your safety. The most noticeable on the road are red, yellow and white( although in winter, on the contrary, if we are talking about white color).Cars of dark color are less noticeable on the road in the dark. All this information is only given to your information and, of course, no one offers you to run to the car service and repaint the car body of your car, it's just worth knowing and considering the possible consequences.

    How to avoid road accidents( advice to drivers)?

    From the machine depends not a little, but from the driver even more. First and foremost, the driver must fully realize himself to the passengers, road users( other drivers and pedestrians), sitting down behind the wheel, and to think about himself. Driving a car requires attentiveness, a satisfactory physical and mental state, as the adequacy of decision-making and reaction is very much dependent on this.

    The correct comfortable fit in the driver's seat, which prevents unreasonable reloading of muscles, affects safety, especially during long trips. The driver, who is sitting wrong, is tired before the time, which negatively affects his attentiveness and reaction. The driver's body should be placed vertically in the roadway, as this reduces the load on the vestibular apparatus and enables the driver to see perfectly the situation prevailing on the road. Never need to neglect seat belts, and this applies not only to the driver, but also to all of his passengers.

    The driver's attention is negatively affected by the music in the car, because he may not hear the warning signals of other road users or the noise next to the driving car. In the car, no sharp smells are desirable, because it can cause the driver an allergic reaction or simply speed up the process of fatigue.

    Tips for car enthusiasts

    • It is important to take into account the important rule of each driver - the hands are always on the steering wheel, except that there may be manipulations with the control levers. At the same time, you can remove only one hand for a while. Sharply turn the steering wheel in an emergency situation with one hand does not work. This rule will help to survive the situation when the car will drive the front wheels onto a rock or jump into a pit( the road is not a gift for us) or even worse - an unexpected breakdown of the wheel.

    • In the process of motion it is not recommended to look at one point, it tires the view of the driver and deprives him of the ability to control the entire traffic situation. It is necessary to try to control all the space on the road, using mirrors and a dashboard( often not worth it).Priority, of course, remains behind the windshield. It is necessary to control the observance of a safe distance with the cars driving in front.

    • In snowy or rainy weather on the road you need to be attentive, as never before. The braking system and tires on a slippery road are not always solved, unfortunately. The driver is obliged to observe the distance at the intersections, bends and descents, and adhere to the lateral intervals adequate to this moment with other participants of the movement, as well as control his speed regime. At the moment of braking and the beginning of movement on a slippery surface, drifts may occur, this must also be taken into account and ready. The situation may happen with your car or someone else's car, but the danger is common.

    • High speed on a slippery road - fatal stupidity, do not forget about it, the same goes for overtaking.

    • It is necessary to predict any situation on the road and learn from strangers( in this situation it is, as it is impossible to actual) errors.

    Experience, of course, reduces the chances of a driver to get into an accident, as statistics say, but not infrequently an overly experienced driver often neglects caution, starting to think of himself as ace on the road, as a result receives a result worthy of an ass. This suggests that the experience without vigilance and the desire to improve their driving skills is of little value. In addition - you should never abuse speed, no matter how much you do not want it, because it increases the rush of getting into an accident.

    Spring and autumn are times when in the course of road traffic drivers are trapped by a lot of dangers on the road that can cause accidents. The car enthusiast must be ready for them, and the car - fully technically adapted( corresponding tires).It is best in such periods that the car rested in the garage, if possible or at least used less often.

    Categorically not recommended for ice, moving along a two-way road, is in the left row. It is likely that the car may come out from the oncoming lane( with skidding) and pass a frontal collision then it will be very difficult, even despite a good reaction. All this we lead to the fact that in the left row without extreme necessity it is better not to climb. In truth, the right-hand extreme strip carries certain dangers associated with the unexpected appearance of pedestrians on the road. In such a situation, it is optimal to choose the middle rows for your movement.

    From all that has been said, one can come to the logical conclusion that the most dangerous from the point of view of accidents are the roads with two lanes on one lane of traffic to each side. Here it is more dangerous to overtake, because you have to go to the oncoming lane during the maneuver, which is considered one of the most dangerous types of overtaking.

    Before you start overtaking, it is worth to assess the distance to the first oncoming vehicle( given its speed of approach and your time to maneuver).It is necessary to make sure beforehand that nobody plans there and the band is free. Starting the same maneuver, you can slightly lag behind the overtaken vehicle, which will give you the advantage of safety overclocking on your lane and a better view of the road. When overtaking, your speed should exceed the speed of the vehicle overtaken by you at 20-35 km / h. It is fraught with trouble braking in the process of overtaking, because your recent "place" can already be occupied or for you, someone else rushed to overtake the "locomotive".In the case where there is no possibility( even with your acceleration) to complete the overtaking, and the maneuver has already begun, it is better to turn on the left turn and go to the roadside, rather than wait for the counter vehicle to do so. This is because only you are to blame for provoking such a situation, since you did not calculate the security of your maneuver.

    Not connected with the exit of the car for a passing overtaking is fraught with danger, if someone simultaneously with you zate the maneuver of moving to another row. In the process of restructuring, you can not miss each other( the guilt lies on the one who is on the left, although it does not matter anymore).

    It is worth to be extremely attentive at the moments of intersection of unsettled crossroads and do not expect to give you a legitimate advantage in traffic. Do not try to slip past before changing colors( blinking green) by traffic lights. It is necessary to stop at an intersection smoothly, including a stop signal, as well as to move( in time) when the proper signal is turned on.

    In the case of a driver's awareness of the inevitability of an accident, it is recommended that certain emergency measures be taken to reduce the scale of the accident. The most dangerous collision is frontal, and therefore it is better to choose a lesser evil, as they say. The speed in such a situation should be minimized as much as possible before the collision. When the car is equipped with an ABS system, all this is much easier to do in practice. Otherwise, it is necessary to work more with the brake pedal and the steering wheel. With this situation, you can also use a handbrake to adjust the movement of the car, which can temporarily lock the wheels for the desired turn. At the moment of the collision, it is better to cuddle up to the seat as closely as possible, the left leg should rest on the floor. Hands should tightly grip the steering wheel and slightly be bent at the elbows.

    As for the safety of the driver during a collision, domestic cars are seriously inferior to foreign analogues. Classic domestic auto models rarely have elements even of high-quality passive safety, and the equipment related to active safety elements is very poor. The body in the process of a serious impact easily deforms and clamps the people in the car.

    In general, much depends on the strength, mass and height of the body from the road surface, if we talk about the safety of the driver and passengers. In the event of a collision of a heavier and light vehicle, the lungs suffer more. In the case of a lower landing of the second TS - the damage will be even more significant. On the other hand, a high landing reduces the stability of the vehicle during the movement( in the process of collision this is manifested especially).

    Since the collision happened, it is recommended not to panic and keep the mind sober. It is necessary to objectively assess the current situation, be ready to provide first aid to the victims. It is necessary to inform the relevant services about the incident, to look for witnesses and not to lose self-control.

    We wish you only a pleasant, safe and safe journey to you!