  • Perfume

    Spirits accompany us everywhere, everyone has something connected with them: dreams, desires, feelings. That is why since the earliest times people have rubbed themselves with incense: each period of the day corresponded to its own smell. The first perfume, fragrances received in ancient times when burning certain bushes, herbs. Through the centuries people have learned to receive scented oils and infusions. Superiority in the production and refinement of perfume was always held by France. Here, in 1924, the first artificial fragrance appeared - the perfume Chanel No. 5.

    To spirits resort to emphasize their "I", to attach significance to their personality, to seduce. Smell plays a major role in creating the image of a woman. Smells, depending on their hue, can cause certain feelings. Some men believe that the most important is the fragrance emanating from the woman, and only then attention should be paid to other advantages of the lady.

    How to choose your perfume? Ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder wrote: "The best recommendation deserves perfume, whose scent draws attention to the passing woman, perfumed by them, people who had never thought of this woman before."Better not say!

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    Spirits cause in consciousness that unique and unique image which we remember with our eyes closed.

    They can tell what kind of woman is before us, to create her portrait.

    The choice of perfume should be carried out in the first place in accordance with the features of the woman, her figure, hair color and character.

    A young girl should not use the spirits of her mother, but rather choose floral, fresh, romantic smells.

    Mature ladies should not choose too sweet smells. They will be calm classic shades.

    Over dinner in the restaurant, the smell can be exotic, oriental, tart. These shades of perfume are suitable for burning brunettes.

    Blonde women prefer to use floral scents.

    The redheaded choice of perfume will not create any problems - any smells will suit them.

    Smells can correct a figure. Softer, romantic have the property of fullness, but the sharp and tart, on the contrary, lengthen the figure.

    You should not save on perfume. Cheap, low-quality products in combination with body odor can lead to unthinkable results.