  • Warts and Birthmarks

    Warts are infectious benign neoplasms of the skin, rough growths that look like a nodule or papilla. The surface of the elevation is uneven, rough, with cracks, in which tiny red dots - blood vessels are seen. Warts are often colored yellowish gray, they do not have dermal lines. Warts, like papillomas, condylomas, molluscum contagiosum, are a viral disease. There are several types of warts: ordinary, flat, plantar, pointed, senile.

    Common warts are common - nodules 3-10 mm in diameter. The zone of their occurrence - brushes and fingers, soles, less often - the face and neck. Flat, or juvenile, warts have a diameter of 0.5-3 mm, they are arranged in groups and occur mainly in young people.

    Plantar warts occur on the feet or the places where the shoes are most stressed, they often make walking difficult, becoming painful.

    Pointed warts, as the name suggests, have a corresponding shape, they are softer than ordinary warts. They appear in places of high humidity - the corners of the mouth, around the nostrils, on the genitals.

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    Older warts are formed in people older than 40 years, most often in groups, their number can grow.

    Preventing the appearance of warts

    If you do not have such neoplasms, prevention is especially important for you. If you have one or more warts, you also need prevention, so that their number does not increase.

    So, warts are a viral, rather infectious disease of the skin. The pathogenic virus easily penetrates the body through lesions in the skin - cuts, scratches and even burrs. To cause the spread of infection can damage the warts. The neoplasm does not appear immediately, growing

    only 2-5 months after infection.

    To avoid self-infection, the following rules must be observed:

    if you have warts in the areas that you usually shave( legs, armpits, bikini area), perform the procedure gently, without touching the warts;

    if you have warts in the okolonogevoy area, and you have a habit of gnawing your nails, immediately discard this harmful occupation. Otherwise, you risk increasing the number of warts on your hands;

    warts develop better in a moist environment. Therefore, if you sweat heavily, wash your face with cool water more often and wipe dry. Against the sweating of the feet will also help proper hygiene, the use of powders, frequent change of socks.

    To avoid contact infection, follow the advice of specialists:

    , try not to touch other people's warts. This does not mean that handshakes should be avoided. But still, if you know about the presence of human warts, it is better to avoid unnecessary contact with them;

    not to acquire a neoplasm on the genitals, it is advisable to use a condom - especially if you are with a new partner whose health state is not aware of;

    do not use other shaving accessories;

    do not go barefoot in public locker rooms, showers, baths.

    In any case:

    if there are scratches and cuts on the skin, seal them with adhesive tape. Now the assortment of such means is so great that you will surely choose one that will meet your needs;

    as it is established, warts more often appear in people with weakened immunity. So try to normalize the food, eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, spend more time in the fresh air, go to rest on the sea or in the forest. In some cases, it is advisable to take polygonemic water with a tenure.

    vitamin preparations, of course, after consulting a doctor. To strengthen immunity, moderate physical activity, solar and air baths, hardening will also be useful;

    warts can appear in a person after severe mental shocks. Therefore, it is advisable to learn how to deal with stress, no matter how strong it may be;

    if you touched a wart, your own or someone else's, carefully wash your hands with

    soap and then dry your skin with a towel

    Wart removal

    There are many folk remedies for warts. However, at best, they are ineffective, at worst - the independent removal of tumors can lead to their degeneration.

    Therefore, if on your skin you have found a certain neoplasm in your body, consult a dermatologist. It is to the doctor, not to the beauty salon, because only a dermatologist can determine whether this is really a wart, and will advise on how to remove it better.


    This method has been known for a long time, and it is based on the use of low temperatures. Namely - on the use of nitrogen, which is cooled to a temperature of -196 ° C and due to this is converted from gas to liquid. With the help of liquid nitrogen, a number of neoplasms can be removed, this procedure being very effective and at the same time inexpensive.

    Cold burning is most often performed as follows. At the end of a wooden stick-applicator length of 25-30 cm tightly fix a cotton swab, the applicator is processed in nitrogen and applied perpendicular to the wart with a slight pressure. The exposure time takes several seconds( usually 10 to 30, sometimes up to 60 seconds).

    Soon after this, the wart will begin to turn pale, become white and dense, there will be congestion and swelling. In place of the wart a few hours after cauterization, a so-called epidermal bladder is formed, which lasts 5-7 days. Then the tumor will gradually decrease and in its place a crust is formed, which in 10-12 days will disappear. As a result, on the spot of ugly education there will be a hardly noticeable pink spot with smooth skin.

    Sometimes there are "persistent" warts, for example, plantar, which can not be removed at a time. In this case, the procedure of cauterization must be repeated repeatedly with an interval of several days.

    Juvenile warts are removed by extinguishing the skin with liquid nitrogen. To do this, the applicator is held parallel to the skin surface and rotational movements at low pressure quickly move it along the treated area until the skin slightly turns pale. After 1-2 minutes repeat the procedure. After a week the surface of the skin will become darker, begin to peel off - during this period it will have to be wiped with a 2% solution of salicylic alcohol. Then the new growth will disappear.

    Despite numerous advantages, cryodestruction has negative sides. It is very difficult to accurately determine the range of nitrogen, so during the procedure, healthy tissues may suffer. In addition, when using this method, the scar remains sometimes on the site of the removed lesion.


    This method is based on the use of high frequency current. The procedure is as follows: a current flows to the thin metal loop, which, when it contacts the wart, cuts it and coagulates the surrounding tissue. Due to the fact that the heating of tissues occurs instantaneously, this avoids bleeding and limits the spread of the virus to healthy tissues. At the site of the remote formation, a crust forms, which disappears after about 7 days. If the wart was deep, then in its place after removal can remain light, barely noticeable flat hem.

    The removed excrescences necessarily send on histological research to exclude their malignancy.

    Laser removal of

    Removing warts with a laser is the most modern and effective method. In this case, one of two types of apparatus can be used: an erbium laser vaporizes the cells of the affected tissue, and when a carbon dioxide dioxide device is used, coagulation of the skin cells takes place.

    The removal of the lesion with a laser occurs under local anesthesia, the procedure takes several minutes. The influence on the fabric is done layer by layer, the exposure time and depth of penetration of the laser beam are selected individually. After removing the wart in place, a small depression remains, but it is leveled with the skin surface after two weeks. As a result, there will be no visible traces on the skin.

    Surgical method

    This method is used if the problem is a large number of formations. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, after which cosmetic

    seams are applied, which are removed on the 7th day after the procedure. At the site of the removed warts, there is a light scar 2-3 mm thick. Neoplasms must be sent for histological examination.

    After removal of the wart

    In most cases, after removing the lesion, a dark crust remains in its place. For two days it can not be wetted. While the crust does not fall off, this lot of skin can not be applied lotion, cream, decorative cosmetics.

    Later, when the pink skin appears on the injured area, it must be protected from ultraviolet rays for some time. To do this, avoid visiting the solarium, temporarily abandon sunburn. If the wart has been removed on the body, if possible, cover this area under the clothes. If in the open areas of the body, before the

    exit to the street reddened place should be greased with a cream with a high factor of protection from ultraviolet radiation.

    Compliance with these rules will help you prevent the appearance of age spots on the site of the removed lesions.


    The term "birthmark" is quite extensive. It includes many varieties of neoplasms, including birthmarks.

    In medicine, moles are most often called pigment nevusy - specific neoplasms on the skin. They refer to benign tumors, but tend to degenerate into malignant tumors.

    The color of the moles can be different. If it is vascular formations and birthmarks that originate from the blood and lymphatic vessels, then they have a pale pink or bright red hue. Pigmentary moles are colored brown or black.

    The surface of the formation can be flat or spherical, the shape - spindle-shaped or round. Sometimes birthmarks are covered with hair.

    The size of a birthmark can also be different. Moles can be small, the size of a pinhead, and can be larger - with a tea saucer, and then it comes to the birthmark.


    With birth marks, you should be treated very carefully, if possible avoiding any injuries and damages.

    If the hair grows on the mole, do not touch or tear them. If the birthmark is in the shaving area, then shave very carefully, trying not to touch it. Moles that are on the

    body, protect from friction clothing, dress and undress neatly.

    Take special care when bathing. If there are many moles on the body, you should avoid hard bastards and strong rubbing of the skin - instead, you should wash yourself with a soft sponge or washcloth. Speakers above the surface of the skin of a birthmark is better not to touch even with a sponge, and gently wash them with only a hand.

    The most powerful stimulus to malignant degeneration of moles is ultraviolet rays. Therefore, people who have moles, the more plural, to tan should be treated very restrained. Especially cautious to beach rest should be treated albinos( they tan is simply counter-indicative!) And fair-skinned blondes, people with blue, gray and green eyes.

    All owners of moles during the most active sun - from 10 to 17 hours - it's better not to show at all on the beach. In the rest of the time, you need to use a cream with a sunscreen. But it is necessary to sunbathe only moderately! Remember that

    tan is generally able to have a mutagenic effect on the skin, and a sunburn lotion can not save 100% from this trouble.

    Another mistake of many is to paste a patch on the birthmark or something else that supposedly should protect the birthmark from ultraviolet rays. This is wrong: under the label a greenhouse effect is created, and this is a provocateur of infection and ulceration of the mole.

    Therefore, in summer, people with skin tumors should spend their time in the shade, resting under the awning or in the shade of trees. And if you really want to fire in the sun, then the best variant of clothes, as it may seem strange to you - cotton trousers and a blouse, the sleeves of which should be as long as possible. Such clothing serves as a good protection from ultraviolet rays.

    If you have birthmarks on your face, then the cream with sunscreen should be used not only in the summer, but also in other seasons - this to some extent helps to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

    Generally, everyone who has moles, you need 1 time in 6-8

    months to conduct self-examination of their birthmarks. In the study of those parts of the body that are not visible to us, you can help relatives or friends.

    Especially attentive should be those people whose relatives suffered from melanoma, sunburners, who annually burn themselves to sunburns, owners of a large number of moles and large tumors of considerable size( the larger the size of the birthmark, the higher the probability that it will turn into melanoma).In this case, birthmarks, which we have since birth, are usually less dangerous than those that appeared during life. The most harmless birthmarks are flat, they are not injured and do not cause us any inconvenience, but they also need to be protected from the sun.

    When examining neoplasms, you should be alerted to the following factors:

    the birthmark has changed its color. The process takes place in different ways: the pigmentation may intensify or, conversely, decrease, or the colored patches appear on the mole-all this often indicates that the mole is not all right;

    the birthmark changed its appearance: scales appeared on it, it peels off, it bleeds;

    has changed the edge of the mole, it has denticles, irregularities, overgrowth;

    mole increased in size, from flat turned into convex, became more dense;The

    mole became asymmetric. The "normal birthmark" is symmetrical: the axis drawn through it divides the birthmark into two equal parts. If the parts are unequal, this may be a sign of the degeneration of the birthmark.

    In all such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.