  • Hair dyeing

    The most gentle way on hair is affected by shading means - they do not penetrate into the depth of the hair, but only create a color film on its surface.

    Tinted products can not radically change the color of hair - they change only their shade and are more suitable for light hair. Tinted funds are washed off 6-8 times.

    Much more popular are persistent and semi-permanent paints - with their help you can hide the gray hair and give your hair any color for a long time, while the color will be rich and bright. However, the chemical dye can not be used if before the hair was painted with natural dyes( henna, basma) - you need to wait,

    until the natural dye clears. Also, hair can not be dyed immediately before or after a chemical wave - between these procedures must pass a minimum of two weeks.

    Before staining

    To check if your hair is ready for such experiments, take one hair and pull it in different directions. If he easily breaks - then it is now very fragile;at the moment hair you better not paint and do not expose himovzavke. If you can stretch the hair at 20-30% of its length - it means that it is flexible enough, the hair will withstand staining.

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    Before the procedure, check the skin condition: if it has wounds, cuts or if you suffer from scalp diseases, discard hair dyeing.

    Paint choice

    When choosing a paint, carefully read the composition. It is better to buy semi-resistant paint with a low content of ammonia or with its substitutes. It's good when there are various useful additives in the paint. For example, paints with natural beeswax protect hair from drying, help to improve the structure and appearance of hair. Lanolin, derived from sheep's wool, is also used as a beneficial moisturizer. Olive oil added to the paints, softens the hair and makes them more smooth, helps restore the lipid balance of hair and scalp. Herbal extracts, which can be a part of paints, reduce inflammation of the skin. Proteins of silk and cashmere will give hair a beautiful, natural shine. Also give the hair a shine of light-reflecting particles. To your hair look natural, buy a paint, different from your natural color for 1-2 tones. Wishing to paint in red tones, remember that such shades of colors are washed out faster than any others. Becoming a brunette, you will look older. In addition, to repaint a blonde or a burning brunette, you need to have good skin.

    Those who have freckles on their faces, as well as people of advanced age in such colors, it is better not to be painted - this will emphasize the defects of the face. That as a result of coloring the hair color turned out as you expected, the temperature in the room should not be lower than + 22 ° С.If you have long hair, then you will need 2 or even 3 packs of paint. Work with paint is done in gloves.

    Hair coloring Scheme

    1. 1-2 days before the expected painting, test for skin sensitivity. To do this, mix a drop of dye with a drop of oxidizer and a drop from this composition put on the elbow or on the skin behind the ear.

    If after 24-48 hours an allergic reaction( itching, redness, irritation) does not occur, you can start dyeing your hair. The test for the sensitivity of the skin can not be done if you have already bought this paint and know exactly what it suits you.

    2. Hair dyeing with chemical dyes is done on dry hair that has not been washed for 2-3 days. Before painting, you need to close your clothes, putting on a hairdresser's cloak or throwing an old towel over your shoulders. Then, using clips, the hair is divided into 4 zones: the occipital, frontal-parietal and two temporal. At the edges of the hair on the skin apply a greasy cream.

    3. Mix the dye and oxidant in a non-metallic container, thoroughly mix the resulting composition with a brush for dyeing the hair.

    4. Apply the coloring compound to the hair with the same brush immediately after preparation. Apply paint as quickly as possible, but without fuss. Begin with the back of the head, dividing the hair into strands. Paint apply over the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots.

    5. To paint the temporal zones.

    6. Dye the frontal-parietal zone.

    7. For even distribution of the paint immediately after its application, comb the hair with a wide, rare tooth, trying not to touch the skin. You can just massage your hair. Paint leave on hair for the time recommended in the instructions. If it is not indicated, do not wear the cover. If spots of paint remain on the skin or clothing, remove them with a special stain remover or with a cotton pad soaked in sunflower oil.

    8. With a small amount of water, foam the paint, massage the head and then rinse the paint thoroughly with plenty of water until the running water is clean.

    In a good hairdressing salon after the end of the procedure, the hair is washed with a special shampoo after staining( not to be confused with shampoo for colored hair) - it provides a more lasting stain and it can be used only once. It is desirable to use shampoo after staining the same company as hair dye.

    At home, after dyeing your hair, if you do not have a special shampoo, it's best to just rinse your hair with water without shampoo.

    Otherwise, using a normal shampoo, you risk washing the paint, not allowing it to completely penetrate the hair and dye it. After staining, wait until the next day and then wash your head with shampoo.

    After washing your hair, pat them with a towel - use the old one, which is not a pity to spoil( there may be traces of paint on the towel).

    On wet hair after painting it is possible to put a mask - sometimes such masks are sold complete with a paint.

    Note. On discolored, streaked and very gray hair, the coloring can turn out to be less intense and lie unevenly. On healthy, thick and thick hair, the paint is taken worse, so with this type of hair you can keep the paint longer than indicated in the instructions for 5 minutes.