  • Creams for different ages

    Over time, the production of collagen in the skin decreases, the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases, the epidermis loses its elasticity. The most important way to preserve skin youth is to protect cells from harmful effects caused by bad ecology, ultraviolet rays of the sun, free radicals and our bad habits. But you can not start using cosmetics designed for mature women, from a young age - it only hurts the skin. Therefore, it is so important to know which cosmetic products you can use at this or that age, and with which it is better to wait.

    At the age of 20, there are usually no serious skin problems, except, perhaps, juvenile acne. The skin is moistened and elastic, so the main task is to preserve this beauty. For

    , it is sufficient to use a light moisturizing cream with sunscreen filters with the SPF 30 index daily. At night, you can use serum with antioxidants to help the skin get rid of accumulated harmful substances and free radicals. To eliminate acne, it is necessary to undergo complex treatment with the use of soft but effective cosmetic agents, such as salicylic acid, benzene peroxide and sulfur.

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    In 30 years, the complexion begins to deteriorate, small wrinkles appear and a slight slack in the cheeks. Dry obsolete cells gradually accumulate on the surface of the skin, preventing it from breathing, and the complexion acquires a dull shade. Reduce eye wrinkles around the eyes will help eye cream with retinol or other vitamin A derivatives, such as retinol linoleate or retinol palmitate. These substances have a momentary effect on the skin around the eyes, pulling it up, and with constant application stimulate the production of collagen skin and the renewal of epidermal cells.

    In 40 years, deeper wrinkles, nasolabial folds, twisting of the neck and chin skin may appear. Fight with the appearance of such defects can be with the help of special plasters for the face, which during the sleep immobilize the muscles, suppressing facial expressions. There are also special creams containing substances, the action of which is similar to that of botox;they reduce the ability of muscles to contract. Slightly tighten the skin of the neck and chin can be with the help of special strengthening creams. But the effect achieved with the help of these tools is only temporary. Much more useful is the use of moisturizing and nourishing creams and masks in the neck and chin.

    In 50 years, the number of wrinkles increases, the skin hangs. At this stage of life, the appearance of the face can be improved with the help of tightening creams. Most of the commercially available skin tightening agents contain components that form a film on its surface, for example albumin. Regular use of creams with vitamins A and E will help not exacerbate the poor skin condition and delay the appearance of more serious problems. Anti-aging agents for dehydrated skin usually contain anti-oxidants and substances that stimulate biosynthesis, which simultaneously improve the synthesis of lipids, collagen and elastin, for example, fruit acids.