  • Image

    The word "image" came to us from the English language. The English, in turn, borrowed it from the Latin imago - "image, form."

    Image is a purposefully formed image, designed to exert a certain emotional and psychological impact on people around them. Creating an image for this or that person, image-makers - image specialists - can achieve completely different goals.

    They can offer the singer an image of a frivolous young lady, and they will be slandered in domestic and foreign tabloids, polygic - a serious image of a businessman who is ready to take responsibility for all citizens of his country - and millions will vote for him. If you do not think on such a scale, you can create your own image yourself, guided by this topic.

    Image includes many concepts, the main ones from co-mountains - the appearance of a person( clothes, shoes, accessories, hair, make-up) and his behavior. In order for the appearance to be complete, the first must be fully combined with the second. Gak, for example, if you wear a business suit, you should behave accordingly, as a serious and prosperous person. Your posture and movements should be calm, but not frozen and not tense, the voice - moderately loud, not crouching, speech - literary and distinct.

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    The image should correspond to your individual( behavioral and lifestyle habits. If you are an active business man with a male character, then, most likely, you will not want to dress up in ruches and frills. And if you are a modest, strictly educated girl, then the outfityou will probably not want to try women even on a New Year's holiday

    Throughout life, the image of a person can change, and this is normal. In young age, a girl can shock the people around with ragged jeans and a bare belly, but she's readymaternity dresses in her wardrobe, short asymmetrical haircuts give way to curly locks, she became an employee of a serious firm - and changed her free style to strict business suits. "

    However, there are several factors that spoil any image.gait, cigarette in your mouth, swearing, habit of biting your nails or inflating bubbles from chewing gums. Remove all of the above features from your life if you really want to look good!