  • Preparations based on hyaluronic acid

    Restylane, perlene, juvederm - volumetric fillers, based on hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin.

    Hyaluronic acid is a special substance that forms part of all living organisms. In the human body, it is present in such concentrations: skin - 56%, connective tissue - 27%, muscles - 8%.The function of hyaluronic acid is the retention of water in tissues. It is known that 1 gram of hyaluronic acid can bind up to 1 liter of water. It is due to the internal moisture that is retained in the cells thanks to hyaluronic acid, our skin remains smooth, smooth and beautiful. In addition, this substance plays a major role in the healing of wounds.

    Unfortunately, with age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in tissues is declining. The skin becomes dry, loses its elasticity, becomes wrinkled. The lack of hyaluronic acid affects not only the skin - for example, the mobility of the joints decreases.

    Differences in preparations and their effect

    Restylane is recommended for the correction of fine superficial wrinkles. With its help, you can remove shallow defects on the forehead, around the eyes, at the nose, correct the oval of the face, slightly change the shape of the lips. The drug is able to give the skin the necessary volume and smooth out all irregularities and wrinkles. Restylane is suitable for women aged 20-45 years. The positive effect lasts from 8 to 12 months.

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    Perlayn - a stronger drug, it is suitable for older women with deep wrinkles. The drug helps to correct the oval face, changing the shape of the cheekbones or chin, with it you can get rid of deep creases on the face and increase the volume of the lips. Perlene is injected deep into the skin and dissolves more slowly, its duration is about 2 years.

    Juvederm is the most modern of the listed drugs, the concentration of hyaluronic acid in it is the highest. With this tool you can smooth out fine lines around the eyes, nose, lips, restore the natural lines of the face, increase the volume of the lips. Unlike restylane and perlay-na, juwiderm contains a minimum amount of sodium salts, and they cause swelling after injections. Therefore, juviderm gives a minimum of side effects, such as swelling and redness at the injection site. The effect of injections of this drug on average lasts from 6 to 9 months, sometimes up to 1.5 years.

    Lip correction with

    fillers Fillers can be used to successfully change the shape and volume of the lips. It can be an age-related correction if you need to make your lips younger, or create a new image. So, for example, if you make an exquisite bend on the upper lip,

    then the wide face will seem oval. Having given volume to thin lips, you will make your face more benevolent.

    Safety of preparations Fillings made on the basis of hyaluronic acid are absolutely safe - such compositions never cause complications. Modern preparations do not require preliminary testing for allergy. In addition, fillers have a natural, but non-animal origin, therefore, the risk of carrying infectious agents is excluded. The described drugs can restore the optimal physiological environment of the skin, without leading to violations of its functions.

    After injections, the face retains a natural facial expression, and no one will guess that your skin has been manipulated.

    Fillers are not addictive. When the duration of the injection ends, the drug simply resolves without leaving traces, and your face becomes what it was before the procedure. At your request, the next course of injections can be performed without waiting for the complete resorption of the drug introduced earlier.

    Age restriction of

    Hyaluronanic potato-based fillers have been used as a prophylaxis for 20-year-old BoapiCTi. But all the same time for the first injection everyone chooses himself to dance himself, guided by the subjective i. IMOBOI iipinn ISM,

    Contraindications to the use of filners:

    elevated root cannulae Gb to i iui i.ip.i 1,1 m n.i m to the pin mi.i of luronic acid;

    inflammatory process in the dream of INCLUSION( for example, exacerbation of herpetic infection with rash i.ioe-in this case it is necessary to wait for you( road development);

    exacerbation of chronic illness,


    administration of drugs that affect blood clotting;

    recently conductedpeeling;

    presence in the treated area of ​​any non-absorbable filler( silicones, biopolymers);



    The procedure is as follows:

    1. The skin is treated with an antiseptic solution.

    2. Anesthetic cream is applied to the injection zones.

    With the introduction of large volumes of the drug, instead of local anesthesia( cream-like composition) conductor anesthesia - as in dentistry.

    3. Exclusive bandages are applied to the treated skin areas - they improve the absorption of the cream. They last a certain time.

    4. Using a very thin needle, the drug is injected.

    5. Treated skin areas are massaged so that the preparation is evenly distributed.

    6. Injection zones are wiped with an antiseptic solution.

    7. Cold gel packs are applied to the treated skin areas - this prevents the development of bruises and bruises.

    The total duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 minutes.

    For the correction of individual folds and wrinkles, it may be necessary not one, but 2-3 procedures, which will be carried out with an interval of 1 month.

    After manipulations of

    Within a few days after the correction, minor hematomas at the jab sites, redness of the skin,

    feeling of bursting and a slight soreness are possible. Within 2 weeks at the injection sites a slight swelling is possible - this swelling is associated with the accumulation of water. All these phenomena are temporary and reversible, they do not require treatment.

    With lip correction, lipstick can be applied on them 2 hours after the injection.