  • Cosmetics

    Almost all life, every woman spends in search of a good decorative cosmetics .Usually, only after trying on dozens of cosmetic preparations, after going through trial and error, we get the desired result: first, we put on the face that make-up that suits us and advantageously emphasizes our beauty, and, secondly, we know which onesmeans help us with this, and, thirdly, we are able to care for the skin of the face and body, providing its attractive appearance.

    Means of decorative cosmetics are faithful helpers in the struggle for the preservation of beauty and youth. However, they need careful selection - cosmetics, as we said in previous articles, should correspond to a specific type of skin. And choose medicinal products not under the influence of advertising, but carefully and thoughtfully. Do not think that the dressing table should be filled with bubbles, like a table in a chemical laboratory - it's not about the amount of cosmetics, but in its quality. Qualitative decorative means are expensive, but in most cases they avoid problems that usually arise after the use of poor-quality drugs.

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    All cosmetics should undergo an allergic test: apply a small amount of money to the elbow bend and wait 24 hours - if there will be irritation or itching of the skin. If not, then this cosmetics can be used, if there was a reaction, then the selected drug is harmful to you.

    Do not neglect this rule - so you can protect yourself from more serious health problems. For example, substandard mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner open the way for conjunctivitis, low-lipstick or shine - for various kinds of cheilitis.

    Cheap and substandard powders, foundation and blush can lead at best to the appearance of acne on the skin, at worst - cause severe irritation of the skin of the face, blockage of pores.

    From here two conclusions:

    1) it is not necessary to save on decorative cosmetics( and on means for care of a face skin and a body the economy is inadmissible);

    2) All cosmetic preparations should be checked before use on an inconspicuous area of ​​the body.

    When choosing cosmetics for themselves, most women, according to numerous opinion polls, are guided by inner voice prompts( intuition), the prestige of the trademark( in most cases created by advertising) and beautiful bright packaging.

    Needless to say, these selection criteria are unconvincing, and at times harmful. The inner voice can simply lie, the prestige of the brand - go into oblivion, and the colorful packaging can hide a substandard cosmetic. A competent woman, choosing a cosmetic preparation, will always pay attention to its composition, as it is not indifferent to what chemical compounds will affect her skin. A sensible woman will be skeptical about the assurances of advertisers about the "100% naturalness" of a cosmetic product and will not buy luxury cosmetics in an underground passage at a price lower than the cost of its packaging.

    Every self-respecting woman should understand the composition of used cosmetics. And for this it is not necessary to have a diploma of a chemist or a biologist, since it is not absolutely necessary to know the exact formula of each substance. It is much more important to have an idea about the properties of an ingredient, to know the principles of its action in conjunction with other components of a cosmetic preparation and to be able to select cosmetics for each specific case taking into account this knowledge.

    The ubiquitous advertising is designed to drown out the voice of the mind in consumers and to play on feelings, instincts, the desire to get the desired effect at any cost.

    Trading companies almost always keep silent about some components of miracle products, which have exactly the opposite properties, but are necessary by recipe. And decorative cosmetics, and facial and body care products can not be uniquely good or bad - it all depends on the specific case of their application. And in order not to make the wrong choice and choose the best for yourself, you need to know the composition of each drug that you are going to use.

    At the heart of almost all cosmetic products is a mixture of fat and water .To ensure that these components do not exfoliate from one another( water does not form a stable compound with fat), emulsifiers are introduced into the cosmetic preparation to prevent the separation of the water-fat mixture.

    Fats and oils used in cosmetics contain biologically active substances and nourish the skin, they soften it and restore the natural fatty grease that is removed during washing or when the sebaceous glands are not functioning properly.

    These components can be either natural or synthetic. Natural fat components easily penetrate the skin without drying it. However, fats and oils of natural origin can not be considered ideal for all skin types. The components listed above not only nourish and protect the skin from loss of moisture, but also are the raw material for the synthesis of fat-like substances by the skin glands. Therefore, do not get involved in cosmetics, on the label of which there is an inscription "Oil free" - "Does not contain oil".

    Studies have shown that fat deficiency in the body leads to dryness, peeling, hypersensitivity and irritability of the skin, allergens, microorganisms can penetrate into the epidermis.

    Russian cosmetics often contain natural fats, but they are difficult to preserve without preservative. That is why recently Western producers switched to synthetic analogues. The use of natural fats is a visiting card of Russian cosmetics.

    Vegetable fats and oils

    Natural vegetable oils are an excellent tool for the care of skin of the face, neck, chest. Such remedies are suitable as a day or night cream, emulsion for removing make-up, are the basis of various medical-cosmetic masks, give the skin freshness, make it supple and elastic.

    Almond oil is very effective due to the high concentration of phytosterol and tocopherol( vitamin E).It regulates skin permeability, fat and water balance of tissues, activates the process of cell regeneration. It is part of the nutritional and moisturizing milk for the body, night creams for the face, funds for the neck and décolleté, hand creams.

    Olive oil has emollient properties, it is part of most preparations for aging skin. It is also used in regenerative nutrients for skin with a decreased function of sebaceous glands and massage aids.

    Coconut oil is a solid vegetable fat with a specific odor;it is obtained from the dried pulp of coconut. Forms a protective film on the surface of the skin and hair. Perfectly softens the epidermis due to the high content of vitamin E, therefore it is a part of cosmetics for dry skin.

    Shea butter( karite) is obtained from the pulp of the fruit of the shea tree fruit. This is a protective and skin softening agent. It has regenerating properties, stimulates the synthesis of collagen in the skin, therefore it is part of the anti-wrinkle make-up formulation.

    Castor oil is used in hair cosmetics because it has a conditioning effect and stimulates their growth. Used as an additive in soaps and shampoos for fine damaged hair. It is part of the body oils, suntan, lip balms and eyelashes. Obtained from castor seeds.

    Wheat germ oil has unique regenerating and antioxidant properties. Used in cosmetics for the care of dry sensitive skin. One of the best oils for the skin of the eyelids and lips, as it smooths wrinkles, removes flaking and irritation.

    Animal fats and oils

    The first of these ingredients is derived from animal fatty tissues. Such substances penetrate well into the skin, nourishing and softening it, they are also resistant to rancidity and dermatologically neutral. However, in addition to the advantages of animal fats, they also have disadvantages: they create a sticky film on the skin, promote the appearance of gums and often have an unpleasant smell. This circumstance has prompted domestic cosmetology to pay attention to synthetic analogues of such substances.

    Pure chicken fat is obtained from domestic chicken fat. It is easily applied and distributed on the surface of the skin, leaving no oily film, makes the skin soft and smooth, activates lipid metabolism. Does not cause allergic reactions, therefore it is recommended for hypoallergenic nourishing creams and children's cosmetics.

    Mink fat has high penetrating properties and contains up to 20% palmitoleic acid, which is not found in vegetable oils. When the concentration of mink fat is over 10%, the product acquires an unpleasant odor that is not blocked by the perfume. A common ingredient in nutritious creams for dry skin, night creams and protective cosmetics against frost.

    Lanolin is a wax-like substance that covers sheep's wool. It is extracted by washing it with water, also called "woolen fat".When used, it forms a water-repellent film and fixes moisture in the skin, restraining toxins and waste products, so the cosmetic companies from lanolin gradually refuse.

    Lecithin is made from yolks of chicken eggs, sunflower seeds, soybeans. It activates the lipid exchange in the skin, softens it, optimizes the function of the sebaceous glands. Contained in cosmetics for dry skin and hair.

    Synthetic fats and oils

    As already mentioned above, the use of synthetic ingredients in cosmetology is justified in many ways. Artificially created substances usually perfectly cope with their function, and also do not clog the pores of the skin, unlike some natural fats. The main function of synthetic cosmetics ingredients is to reduce the stickiness of the preparations and to improve the absorption of natural fats and oils into the skin.

    Butyl stearate is an oily liquid and is a quality substitute for natural oils, improving the absorbency of the cosmetic. Its content in the base of the drug can reach 10%.

    Ilantan has a consistency of ointment, is part of the means for the care of oily skin prone to acne, because it has an antimicrobial effect.

    Cetiolan is a liquid that is used in various creams to reduce their viscosity and, accordingly, increase the absorptive ™ of the agent.

    Isopropyl myristate is a synthetic oil that softens the skin and neutralizes the drying effect of alcohol.

    The main function is to reduce the feeling of fatiness from the cream. However, it is easily absorbed into the skin, fixing toxic substances.

    Isopropyl palmitate is a light, fractionated coconut oil that is used as a fat component in creams, lotions, lipsticks, etc.

    Essential oils

    These are useful plant biologically active substances that are stored in the glands of plants as microdroplets.

    Depending on the type of raw material, essential oils are obtained from flowers, leaves, stems, roots, fruits or seeds, and sometimes from the whole vegetative shoot.

    Essential oils are never used in a pure form, as they cause severe skin irritation. They are diluted in various proportions with vegetable oils( from sprouted wheat grains, almond, avocado oil, etc.).

    Essential oils are part of creams, toners for the face, rinsers, gels and shampoos. In natural products, the substances necessary for the skin are in the form that is most suitable for assimilation by cells. A unique combination of the chemical properties of natural essential oils( including a structure similar in structure to skin cells) allows cosmetics with natural essential oils to have an effective effect even on the deepest layers of tissues. Within minutes, natural essential oils, carrying with them valuable nutritional components of the cosmetic product, penetrate from the surface of the skin to its lower layers, and some substances can reach even blood vessels. With the regular use of natural essential oils and their compositions, the effect of dryness and stiffness of the skin disappears, non-infectious skin diseases are facilitated or completely disappear, the complexion becomes even and fresh, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin increases.

    Of the other ingredients of cosmetics, the most common preservatives, flavors and active supplements.

    The doctors, cosmetologists, chemists and biologists have long argued about the qualities and positive / negative effects of each component of the cosmetic product. Perhaps, only water was and remains the most neutral component of any cosmetics. It is water that has the first number in the list of cosmetic ingredients. The list of ingredients of a given preparation is always made not according to the alphabet or effectiveness of the effect, but by percentage. The fatty part of the base can be made up of natural fats and oils, synthetic or semi-synthetic fats, which, acting on the skin, must support its lipid( fat) balance, promote moisture retention in tissues and nourish them.

    Preservatives are necessary for long-term storage of cosmetics, since such substances prevent the reproduction of bacteria in the preparation and the oxidation of fats and fat-like components.

    Today they are the subject of numerous and hottest disputes, as it is believed that the use of preservatives causes various allergic and dermatological diseases.

    However, it is not yet possible to create such a cosmetic product, which does not contain preservatives and which could be stored for a long time. In addition, the use of cosmetics does not in itself imply sterility, because usually creams are applied to the skin with fingers, the brush of the carcass contacts eyelashes, the applicator touches the skin of the eyelids, etc. Therefore, a good preservative is one that is as toxic as possible to microbial cells and minimally -for skin cells.

    For each cosmetic agent, the preservative is selected individually, but more often mixtures of several compounds are introduced into the formulation, which allows simultaneously protecting the cosmetic preparation from a wide range of bacteria and fungi and at the same time reducing the content of each preservative to a minimum. However, even the cosmetics, in which preservatives of natural origin are used, have their shelf life - no more than 6 months in the refrigerator. The fact is that scientists have not yet managed to find a natural composition that would provide reliable protection of cosmetic products.

    As a result, the cosmetic industry proposes to introduce synthetic preservatives into the composition of the products, which in recent times have caused various kinds of prejudices, based generally on ignorance of chemical processes and reactions in the human body. Nevertheless, if the cream or mascara does not contain preservatives at all, then their value is highly doubtful. This is either an advertising trick, or these drugs do not contain any natural substance that could deteriorate with time.

    Preservatives can differ in the degree of toxicity. The food products used in cosmetics are least toxic: benzoic and sorbic acids, their salts and the adjacent methyl and propylparaben.

    More toxic - for example, formaldehydes - when their percentage in the cosmetic preparation is exceeded by a factor of 2 compared to the normal cause a severe allergic reaction to the skin.

    There are also substances that make up cosmetic products that have an antimicrobial effect and, accordingly, contribute to the preservation of the product, - alcohols. Most often in the composition of cosmetics, ethanol, propanol, glycerin and cetyl alcohol are introduced. As preservatives, they are used only in mixtures with other similar products.

    dyes are natural or synthetic substances used for coloring cosmetics. The cosmetic industry practically can not exist without dyes: decorative cosmetics, hair dyes and even shampoos or creams - all this should have a color. But if the dye is needed in nail polish or ottechnochnom mousse, then the cream or lotion can do without it. Therefore, the bright color of cosmetics, whose functions do not include coloring, should become an alarming factor: are manufacturers trying to conceal under the sky-blue color the poor-quality structure of the drug or to distract the attention of consumers from the unpleasant smell of cosmetics.

    According to the chemical composition of , the dyes divide the into several groups.

    Indigo is one of the oldest drugs. It is obtained on the basis of natural raw materials - fruits of the same name tree. Does not cause skin irritation. Used in lipsticks, soaps, salt compositions for baths.

    Nitrokrasiteli can penetrate through the skin. Are toxic substances, reduce the oxygen content in the blood. With constant exposure, they have a negative effect on the liver.

    Azo dyes are a large group of compounds derived from phenol. May cause an allergy.

    Triphenylmethane dyes are the most common group. They contain aluminum salts. They readily dissolve in water, change under the influence of light and alkalis.

    Xanthan dyes can be acidic and basic. Acidic dyes give a high intensity of staining, which changes under the influence of light. Widely used as inexpensive dyes. Gives bright colors based on a mixture of soluble salts of mineral or organic acids.

    Anthraquinone dyes are light yellow prismatic crystals, insoluble in water. Are raw materials for the production of a wide range of dyes. May cause skin irritation, allergic reactions, dermatitis. Formulations based on anthraquinone are widely used in cosmetics because they are very resistant to light.

    Due to possible harmful effects, the use of dyes in cosmetics is strictly regulated. Only natural dyes( of plant, animal or mineral origin) are allowed for use without certification.

    fragrances( fragrances) give any formulations a pleasant smell.

    It's no secret that the fragrance of a cosmetic product sometimes becomes a decisive factor when buying it. Women are more sensitive than men, they react to the smell and want to have the liked odorant at home. Manufacturers of cosmetics put a lot of effort to attract customers, for this new fragrances are being developed, familiar and exotic, fantasy and calm. However, the introduction of fragrances into cosmetic products is not just an advertising trick. In fact, perfume has a more prosaic purpose - they muffle not always pleasant specific smell of the basis of the drug. Usually it is the smell of fat, sometimes even rancid. Therefore, the need for cosmetic flavors does exist.

    Flavors can be of synthetic and natural origin. Of course, most women advocate the exceptional naturalness of cosmetics, including fragrances: after all, they in most cases cause allergic reactions of the skin to creams and other means. For hypoallergenic cosmetics use special hypoallergenic fragrances, the cost of which is quite high( usually in quality cosmetics, the role of flavoring agents is played by natural essential oils).However, not everything is so clear!

    Natural fragrances in cosmetics also use all sorts of plant extracts, essential oils and substances of animal origin - amber, musk, etc.

    Because natural flavors are expensive and often difficult to access, the cosmetic industry produces synthetic fragrances. Their undeniable advantage over natural is that they do not mix with a large number of additional substances, that is, chemically pure. And the quality of perfume is determined primarily by the degree of its purification from solvents and impurities. In addition, synthetic substances give the possibility of an almost infinite choice of aromas.

    Biologically active substances are vitamins, herbal infusions, enzymes, enzymes, etc. They are also a matter of controversy, but there are components whose beneficial effects on the skin have been confirmed by research for decades - plant extracts( frutapony)fruit acids, enzyme complexes, tea extracts, coenzymes A, Q10( ubiquinone), ingredients of marine origin.

    It is the biologically active components that make up the greatest value of cosmetic products.

    They ensure the effectiveness of drugs and often become the foundation for pricing in this sector of the cosmetic industry.

    The most common supplements to date are plant extracts, collagen, elastin and ceramides. However, you should not thinklessly believe in advertising and buy all cosmetics with these substances. Uncontrolled use of them can lead to the opposite result, so it is worth remembering that the effectiveness of drugs directly depends on its correct selection for a certain type of skin.

    Extracts of plants

    Oils or extracts of plants contained in cosmetics are much more useful for skin and hair than synthetic components. Extract is a dosage form obtained by extracting the active ingredient from

    of natural raw material with the help of an extractant, by the form of which such preparations are divided into aqueous, alcoholic, ethereal, etc. Consider the types of extracts from plants most often used in cosmetics.

    Aloe extract has bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, stimulates blood circulation, moisturizes the skin and helps it retain moisture, eliminates inflammation. Cosmetics containing aloe juice are used for irritable, dry, dehydrated skin and skin with signs of wilting.

    Extracts of algae differ in their composition and therefore have a narrowly controlled effect. Some of them are able to stimulate and regenerate skin cells, have an emollient and easy bactericidal effect. In others, moisturizing and water-retaining properties are clearly manifested. Still others are effective against cellulite, acne;they are suitable for the care of oily skin.

    Extract of witch hazel is obtained from bark, flowering branches, leaves of this plant. It causes narrowing of the vessels, reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is widely used in creams, cleansing lotions for the face, in hair care products, especially against oily seborrhea.

    Ginseng extract accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells, regulates the water-salt and protein balance of the skin, has healing and bactericidal action, improves blood circulation. Contains in creams and lotions for dry and sensitive skin, in preparations for the care of aging skin.

    Extract of dogrose, as well as a decoction of its fruits, has a vitaminizing, bactericidal, tonic effect, is an effective remedy against freckles and age spots. Phytoproducts of dogrose are widely used in cosmetics: nourishing and regenerating creams and masks, bleaching and exfoliating creams, massage oils, vitaminized milk, shampoos, shaving products, baby creams.


    Collagen is very popular due to its unique ability to bind and retain water. It does not leave a sticky sensation, especially if it is used in a soluble form. By creating a protective film, collagen helps to reduce the natural loss of moisture. Does not cause allergic reactions when used for skin care.


    Elastin is close in properties to collagen. In cosmetology, elastin hydrolyzates are used in skin regenerating agents and as a natural colloid, giving a protective film, in preparations for skin and hair. Like collagen, it forms an airtight film on the skin because of its large molecular weight. Elastin can not penetrate the skin and, even when injected into tissues, does not perform its useful functions due to an unsuitable molecular structure. Recently, studies have shown that elastin is a carcinogen.

    Ceramide( ceramide)

    This is a fat or wax-like substance that together with cholesterol and fatty acids form a lipid barrier layer of the skin. The main function of ceramides is to prevent loss of moisture, preventing dryness, peeling, flabbiness of the skin. They are also favorable for the structure of the hair: they strengthen the scales, eliminate damages and peel cells on the hair shaft. The source of ceramides of vegetable origin is soybean oil. Such substances are expensive components of medicinal preparations, so cosmetics with ceramides can not be cheap.

    Acquaintance with the general components of cosmetics has taken place, and now it is necessary to pay attention to the labels of specific preparations designed to clean, moisturize or tint. Ingredients of facial and body care products are faithful assistants in the struggle for beauty, but the main rule of their application remains unshakable: every woman picks up cosmetics for herself, focusing on her own skin condition, and not following the advice of her friends or advertisements. After all, the basis of beauty is health, and improperly selected cosmetics can significantly complicate the life of their proprietress.

    Cosmetics are, in fact, a chemical product. It is the reaction of cosmetic ingredients with skin cells that produces either a positive or a negative effect. Therefore, the list of components of cosmetics should be completely suitable for a certain type of skin.

    Skin of the face is the first indicator of the health of its owner and the correctness of the choice of cosmetics. Skin care - a constant and carefully adjusted to the smallest movements of the ritual. We all know that the person captures the attention of others in the first place, therefore, skin care should be given as much time as possible, do not shirk the daily routines and do not try to disguise skin imperfections instead of getting rid of them.

    Body skin is a health indicator of the whole body. And to consider that it is possible to look after the body from time to time, it is as unreasonable as to think that it is enough just to cover it with a dress.

    Both the face and the body of a woman must be well-groomed - this immutable truth is especially relevant in our time. In those days when good cosmetics was scarce, looking well-groomed was considered almost a challenge, then everyone was satisfied with the minimum offered by the domestic cosmetic industry.

    Now the times have changed, the choice of cosmetics pleases the eye, therefore it is simply unacceptable to look unwell for any woman, if she wants to make a good impression. That is why every lady is obliged not only to keep the face and body in order, but also to know what means this order is achieved. Only this knowledge will help her to choose the best cosmetic.

    Now about some types of cosmetics in more detail.

    Therapeutic cosmetics

    It's no secret that any interference in the body of synthetic chemical compounds has a negative rather than a positive effect. But to identify the negative effect should take several years, and therapeutic cosmetics - a young industry, which uses newly developed drugs, the long-term effects of which on health are simply not yet known. Therefore, contrary to advertising, medical cosmetics should be considered unpredictable in terms of its impact on the body and human health in general.

    Therapeutic cosmetics are intended not only for the beauty of the skin, but also for solving its problems. The therapeutic effect is useful, but the use of any medicine does not pass without a trace for the body. Curing the disease, medications, as a rule, give a negative side effect. Therefore, the final decision on its application is taken by you. I also note that it is necessary to purchase medical cosmetics only in special cosmetic shops or pharmacies, but in no case on street trays. For the sake of persuasiveness, let me remind you of the danger of the onset and development of a skin allergy for cosmetics.

    Because of the individual intolerance of the ingredients that make up cosmetics, as well as improper storage and use, serious health problems can arise. What can cause allergic contact dermatitis?

    • Brushes of hands: ornaments, cosmetics, local medicines, rubber, metals, plants.

    • Forearms: metals, plants, textiles, dyes.

    • Face and head: local medicinal substances, cosmetics, light-protective creams, dyes.

    • Lips and mouth: lipstick, toothpaste, metals, citrus, mango.

    • Eyelids: substances from fingers of fingers, plants, cosmetics, metals, topical( topical) medicines.

    • Forehead and scalp: hair products.

    • Axillary area: deodorants, topical medicines, textiles, dyes, depy-elators.

    • Torso: topical medicines, sunscreen creams, cosmetics, buttons, buckles, zippers, leather, rubber.

    • Genitalia: antiseptics, topical antibacterial and antifungal agents, rubber, latex, clothing, perfumes.

    • Shins and thighs: wood dust, clothing, textiles, local medicines, rubber, metals, contents of pockets.

    • Foot: shoes, leather, lacquer and shoe cream, dyes, local medicines, plants, socks, tights, textiles.

    These are the consequences.

    Oxygen or antioxidant cosmetics?

    The so-called oxygen cosmetics has recently become popular on the Russian market. All its manufacturers assure that it is able to slow the aging process of the skin. But is this really so?

    Modern cosmetology is characterized by contradictions. For example, the huge popularity of tanning in solariums coexists peacefully with the wide use of cosmetics with ultraviolet filters that protect against it.

    Suspicions in the effectiveness of oxygen cosmetics arise when everywhere you hear the advertisement of antioxidant drugs, including cosmetic. These diametrically opposite methods claim about the same effect - the effect of rejuvenation.

    Currently, antioxidant agents are used so extensively that it is difficult to find any cosmetic series without them. In defense of this kind of cosmetics scientists say that they regard oxygen as a harmful substance, leading to aging of the skin. Oxygen forms free radicals, which enter into a variety of biochemical reactions at the cellular level, causing the oxidation of certain substances, which leads to the destruction of many cellular structures, primarily membranes. All this accelerates the aging of cells. Antioxidants help to neutralize and neutralize harmful free radicals.

    Stressing the negative role of oxygen, biochemists even call the aging process a slow oxidation: rapid oxidation is a combustion process, and in case of excessive oxidation caused by free radicals, the body constantly burns billions of small "fires" that accelerate the aging of tissues. Antioxidants help put out this "fire".

    Antioxidants belong to the preservatives of cosmetics, but they can be separated into a separate group, because they perform not only preserving, but also protective functions.

    It is known that human skin is a natural barrier that protects us from loss of moisture and foreign matter penetration. The skin has immune properties, protects against ultraviolet radiation and mechanical influences. But after about 25 years begins the process of aging tissues.

    The most known natural ingredients of the described group are vitamin E( alpha-tocopherol), vitamin C( ascorbic acid), flavonoids, carotenoids( yellow and red plant pigments), coenzyme Q10( ubiquinone).

    Alpha-tocopherol( vitamin E) is a fat-soluble anti-oxidant that neutralizes free radicals and turns them into compounds that are harmless enough to the human body. Vitamin E is found in large quantities in walnuts.

    Ascorbic acid( vitamin C) is a powerful reducing agent, which protects against oxidation a number of biologically active substances. Some manufacturers prefer to produce vitamin C in closed ampoules, the contents of which are mixed with the cosmetic preparation immediately before consumption.

    Flavonoids are a large group of substances that are contained in water extracts of various plants. They have the ability to neutralize free radicals and stop the oxidation of fat.

    Green tea extract contains the most useful substances - catechins. The pronounced anti-inflammatory and soothing effect of the green tea extract is widely used in day and sunscreens, in pre-peeling and post-peeling lotions, anti-acne lotions, etc.

    Grape seed extract( pycnogenol) contains mainly anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, which also have antioxidant properties. And the bioflavonoids of rutin and quercetin, contained in grape seed extract, help strengthen the walls of the vessels and stimulate the synthesis of collagen.

    Ginkgo extract contains a large amount of rutin and quercetin, which have a beneficial effect on microcirculation and are powerful antioxidants. In addition, the extract of ginkgo contains many other unique biologically active substances.

    Carotenoids are natural pigments of yellow or red-orange color. They are produced in the process of photosynthesis by many plants and cause the coloration of flowers and fruits. Especially rich in carotenoids are carrot, sea buckthorn, rosehip, apricot, palm oil. These substances are fat-soluble antioxidants, that is, they are introduced into the lipid structure of the cosmetic agent.

    Coenzyme Q10( ubiquinone) is involved in the metabolism, providing cells with oxygen and is an antioxidant that is able not only to neutralize free radicals, but also to restore the activity of other antioxidants, in particular vitamin E. Compared with the latter, the effectiveness of ubiquin is five times higher. Get it from oceanic algae.

    When the skin is exposed to hydrogen peroxide, it decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen, which is a free radical, as a result of which it kills the microorganisms, producing a disinfecting effect. If every day to work on the skin with oxygen, it will destroy not only harmful bacteria, but also a beneficial microflora, weakening the body's defense against infections and bacteria, like antibacterial soap.

    In addition, the constant exposure to oxygen on the skin will only accelerate the aging process. Oxygen cosmetics have not passed the test of time, because it appeared only recently and its creators can not claim a positive effect, which they have not yet had time to see. It turns out that enriching cosmetic products with oxygen is nothing more than an advertising trick.

    Constantly using cosmetics containing antioxidants and avoiding sun bathing, you can significantly slow the rate of skin aging. However, the faces of many modern women are already marked by wrinkles and pigment spots - a result of unrestrained enthusiasm for the sun in their youth.

    The effectiveness of cosmetics at the present time is mainly tested on cell cultures and other models that are difficult to call optimal, since the processes occurring there only partially correspond to those that occur in the skin of a person who uses such cosmetics. In addition, cosmetology is still not a medical industry, so it is not accepted to conduct serious clinical studies, during which the most unexpected problems may arise that will not be of use to manufacturing firms.

    In fact, cosmetic companies do not care about the health of consumers' skin at all. They simply do not have time for this. As a result, after several years of using cosmetics, people may have unexpected problems.

    This has happened more than once. For example, cosmetics with fruit acids were once considered a radical means of rejuvenation. However, it is already known at present that it gives only a short-term improvement, after which the aging process is accelerated. Therefore, now the use of funds with fruit acids and their concentration in cosmetics are limited to special documents adopted by experts of the European Union.

    Probably, eventually it will be found out, that to similar results results and oxygen cosmetics. This can be judged not earlier than in 10 years. Only by that time it will be too late to change anything.

    Placental cosmetics

    The development of this branch of cosmetology should be grateful to the scientific discovery of a hundred years ago. It was at the beginning of the last century that it became clear that there was a substance in the placenta that could stimulate the division of new cells. To use the human placenta is considered unethical, therefore in cosmetology the placenta of sheep is applied, introducing it intravenously to activate the regeneration of skin cells.

    The placenta is a tissue that contains nutrients essential for life and development and at the same time is a filter that protects the fetus from harmful substances coming from outside.

    Currently in cosmetology, placenta extract is used to rejuvenate the skin. It is believed that it promotes the reproduction of cellular growth and the death of old cells, which worsen the work of organs.

    Manufacturers of cosmetics convince us of the absolute safety of their products, which include the placenta extract. However, the purity of this substance causes doubt. Despite the development of modern science and technology, it is still impossible to make a hundred percent cleansing of the placenta, and indeed any animal can suffer from a variety of diseases that leave their imprint on the placenta. Is it possible with the help of modern purification technology to remove from the placenta all potentially negative? While this is unknown, there is a risk, and very serious, because of which many people simply do not dare to use placental cosmetics. This is only one, but very serious claim to placental cosmetology, the rest are less relevant.

    Cosmetics on the Internet

    The Internet not only simplifies our life, but it is also capable of damaging health at thoughtless infatuation with online purchases. How? Harms health, of course, not the World Wide Web, the problem is created by people themselves, buying online cosmetics that are not intended for use. This happens very often, more often than you can imagine.

    Of course, the network is and henceforth will always work reliable, well-proven online stores, where you can buy quality cosmetics. However, with frightening speed, counterfeiting sites and sites where you are offered any kinds of cosmetics for all occasions at an affordable price, but do not warn that the distinguishing feature of their product is a very low quality, are multiplying. You understand that such funds can cause serious damage to health, but why do you buy knowingly harmful products?

    In such an online store you can easily buy, for example, a peeling agent with 30% salicylic acid, while the normal content of this substance in cosmetics should not exceed 0.5-2%.

    Multiple excess of the concentration of this known chemical substance not only destroys skin color, but also causes severe severe burns to the skin, requiring prolonged and painful treatment.