  • Cleansing the skin

    Skin cleansing is impossible to imagine without water, which is able to remove dirt, dust, pathogenic microbes from the surface of our body, thereby protecting us from infections. Water can warm or, conversely, cool our body. In the evening, after taking a bath, you can get rid of fatigue, relieve nervous tension after a day's work. The morning shower can drive away the remnants of sleep, cheer up;it is also used for hardening the body. A sauna and a sauna, where water and high temperatures are combined, are unique means not only for deep cleansing, but also for improving the entire body. After all, it is after the steam room that you can feel yourself as if you were born, feel a surge of vitality, remove slags, improve metabolism.

    At home, to cleanse the body you need to approach with knowledge.

    For cleansing oily skin, you can use quality soap, shower gels with active cleansing ingredients, phytosubstances that reduce the fat content of the skin, baths with cleansing additives. For such a skin, hard woolen cloths are suitable, which remove contaminants well. Scrubs are better to choose with large abrasive particles, they are recommended to use 2-3 times a week.

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    To cleanse dry skin, creams and soft shower gels, cream and oil baths are suitable. Strongly it is not recommended to use cheap grades of soap - they strongly dry the skin. Choosing a sponge, it is better to give preference to delicate materials - sponges made of cloth, or sponge-sponges. Scrubs should be selected with fine abrasive particles and use them no more than 1 time per week.

    To cleanse normal skin, shower gels and cream soap are used. The wool should be of medium hardness, so that it cleans well, but at the same time does not injure the skin. Scrubs should be used 1-2 times a week.

    To enjoy the shower or bath was maximum, make sure that the bathroom was warm, clean and cozy.

    On the floor it is better to lay a rubber mat, the presence of curtains in the bathroom will help you to keep the heat of the water when you take a bath or shower, and also warns splashing of water on the floor and walls.

    In the cold season, before taking water procedures, put a towel on the battery - after the bath you will be pleasantly wiped with a warm cloth.