  • Choice of image

    Correctly chosen image should hide your shortcomings and emphasize advantages. First, we will discuss the color spectrum of your everyday clothes. Each color of the spectrum has the ability to influence the emotions of others in a certain way.

    Red - encourages social activity, gives self-confidence, attracts the attention of others, evokes interest in the representatives of the opposite sex.

    At the same time, you should not walk too long in red, because this color quickly starts to irritate others. Do not wear a red and when you are on a ra-U botu.

    Pink color - acts on people soothing. The gently pink

    shade of the costume will be appropriate for family celebrations and christenings.

    Brown color indicates stability and confidence. This shade is appropriate, if you want to arrange the interlocutor to yourself, to call it to frankness. A brown suit can be worn for an interview - and you will be impressed by a good worker.

    Yellow is joyful and invigorating. He is usually liked by people who are trying to catch everything, building far-reaching plans. Yellow clothes can be worn when you need to work with children or you want to cheer yourself up, and also when we want to make a decisive step in life.

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    Blue color relaxes and helps to soberly assess the situation, causes others to trust and sympathy. Clothing blue is suitable for any occasion, as it gives its owner a serious and intelligent look. Dark shades are ideal for business clothes.

    Green color calms, raises vitality, relieves fatigue. It is good to put on under stress, for acquiring mental equilibrium, with overwork. Suitable for business clothes are olive and marsh, the color of needles.

    White is a color of purity and holiness. In combination with black, it looks solemn, also the white color looks good on tanned skin. White is a mark, and, probably, that's why people of high social standing often prefer to wear it.

    Black color is a color of elegance and good taste. In ordinary life, it is better to wear it in combination with other colors, because in large quantities this tincture depresses. It is not recommended to wear black clothes for solemn events, christenings, weddings.

    Errors that you can avoid

    When creating your own image, very many make annoying mistakes. Having the necessary information, you can get around them.

    Your clothes and shoes should always be clean. Otherwise, of course, no one will say anything out loud to you, but believe me, many people, especially women, notice the contamination of your clothes before you think.

    In the West, many people wear things unplugged, literally the way they pulled them out of the washing machine and dried on ropes. They have things worn by representatives of the elite of society, or ordinary citizens, when the official situation requires it. According to the tradition that has developed in Russia, it is not customary in society to wear crumpled clothes, whoever you are. That is, what crumples - and this is primarily cotton fabrics, silk - should be ironed. Just remember that smoothening the sleeves from the outside of the hand to the broom is now unfashionable. In order to avoid creasing, use the hose attachment on the ironing boards.

    The length of the trousers( except for narrow ones) is considered normal if they cover the half of the toe of the shoe from the front, from the side and from the back reach the middle of the heel. If you wear high heels with different heights, then you should have several pants of different lengths, respectively. With very long trousers do not tuck them inside and do not lift them up - better give the trousers in the atelier, asking the masters to shorten the trousers as you need. In advance, think about what kind of shoes you will wear these clothes.

    Good underwear - the basis for creating an image. It hides the flaws of the figure and emphasizes virtues, creates a feeling of comfort and gives you confidence. Do not underestimate this component of the image - it is he who can spoil the favorable impression of you. For example, the strap of an old bra does not get out in time from under the blouse, which also does not match the shade of clothes - and your harmonious image is already destroyed.

    Treat fashion with skepticism, rather as a kind of art that lives and develops on its own. To rivet the enthusiastic views of passers-by, you do not have to wear everything that great designers come up with. Focus more on what is going on, what really makes you prettier. In addition, the fashion is changing very quickly: what was worn at the beginning of the summer, may become obsolete by the end of the season, and what will you do with a dozen recently bought gizmos? From this point of view, it would be more correct to dress in a classic style or sew clothes yourself, choosing your own, unique look. However, you can buy a pair of fashionable T-shirts or accessories that you like.

    Wear only what you are wearing. Do not hesitate to put away clothes that you like, but the style and cut does not match your figure. Refuse to buy things of the wrong style, even if it is very cheap. Avoid outfits that reveal your shortcomings. So, for example, if you can not boast an elastic flat tummy, do not open it. If on the back acne or unattractive wrinkles on the sides, do not flaunt this part of the body.

    ( Going to buy clothes, take a man with you to help you understand, despite the sweet speeches of sellers, you need to buy it or not. It's best if you are accompanied by a woman - mother, sister or girlfriend.they are inclined to rush their lady at the time of purchase and rarely advise something sensible. If the

    is with you will be a fair sex, the chances that you will really learn the truth about how to look behind and from the side, noticeably increase.

    Before You BuyIt's a very important rule, but, alas, many women about him

    forget and as a result either wear uncomparable things up and down, or again go forshopping in an attempt to find the right thing, but it's not possible to all and not at once.)

    Choose clothes that currently fit you exactly in size. Never buy things that are small for the future, "when I lose weight."As long as you lose weight, you not only pay attention to others around all your shortcomings, but also bear this thing. Therefore, first reset the weight, and then change the size to a smaller one. Also, refuse to buy large-sized items "in reserve."If you know that you have a reserve, you will unconsciously strive to gain weight. If your figure remains the same, then even more, why do you need to make clothes too spacious?

    When traveling in shops and bazaars, ignore the fact that you can find a piece of any style on your figure. Yes, demand creates supply: plump women

    want to wear short skirts, and they sew, but how good are the big ladies in such skirts? It's sad that due to the fact that the manufacturers have adjusted to the wishes of the consumers( although it seems logical), beautifully dressed women are becoming less. ..

    If you are tight with money and you are thinking what to buy: clothes or shoes, it's betterchoose your choice in favor of the latter. In new shoes and an old dress you will look much better than in new clothes and old shoes.

    Learn to part with your favorite things. Warm, cozy sweater, worn out, but such beloved shoes and other things, thoroughly saturated with memories, is, of course, good. But is not it time to pay attention that on the same sweater there were holes and he lost the former brightness of color? Such "antiques" must be ruthlessly removed from everyday wear, either by throwing them away, or, if they are dear to you, by taking them far away into the closet - to the memory of their descendants.

    Dress accordingly to the circumstances, choosing the clothes of the desired style. If you are not used to wearing a strict suit, and a business meeting requires compliance with the dress code, at first you may feel uncomfortable. Therefore, before you go into people, it makes sense to rehearse a new image of the house, walking around with the briefcase around the room for several minutes. The main thing is that you do not lose the acquired confidence, as soon as you leave the apartment.

    Try not to show yourself in public in the clothes they saw you yesterday. Otherwise, others may be overwhelmed by thoughts like "she has not slept at home", "she is so poor that she has no other clothes", "her clothes are already dirty", etc. At least in the West, people try to followthis principle, especially at work - according to the rules of good tone, the thing can


    again be shown to the surrounding people not earlier than two pedals after the previous show. You can shorten this period to a week.

    With a limited stock of clothes, when there is no financial opportunity to expand your wardrobe immensely, at least try to change the top more often - it catches your eye first.

    If you are more than 40 years old, we recommend that you make some adjustments to your image. Do not try to wear fashionable clothes worn by young girls - it will age you. For the same reason forget about miniskirts, even if you have perfect legs. Carefully choose clothes according to the figure. Baggy t-shirts can afford young people;you in them will turn into a tastelessly dressed woman. Now you better dress in a classic style, and emphasize your uniqueness you can with stylish jewelry.