  • What is the balance of energy

    In order for the body to function normally, and weight was normal, you need to consume exactly as many calories as the body spends with food. The more active the activity, the more energy a person spends. As a result, the need for food or calories with increasing physical activity increases.

    However, even if a person does not seem to do anything, for example, sitting and watching TV, he still spends calories on mental activity, maintaining a constant body temperature, digesting food and implementing other internal processes. The heart performs 100,000 cuts per day and spends on it the amount of energy it would take to lift a weight of 8 tons per 1 meter!

    Therefore, there is the concept of basic metabolism, which means that a person at an ambient temperature of + 18-20 ° C, while in a state of absolute rest( for example, lying on a bed), spends 1 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per hour.

    Thus, if you weigh 60 kg, for an hour of such inaction you will spend 60 kcal, for a day - 1440 kcal. Thus, for your weight, 1440 kcal is the minimum that your body needs every day.

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    Table Recommended caloric intake per day


    Age of years

    Female kcal

    Male kcal

    Mostly mental work

    18-29 30-39 40-59

    2400 2300 2200

    2800 2700 2550

    Light physical work

    18-29 30-39 40-59

    2550 2450 2350

    3000 2900 2750

    Physical labor of mediumgravity

    18-29 30-39 40-59

    2700 2600 2500

    3200 3100 2950

    Heavy physical labor

    18-29 30-39 40-59

    3150 3050 2900

    3700 3600 3450

    Particularly difficult physical work

    18-29 30-39 40-59


    4300 4100 3900

    In practice, it turns out that even 4hour to lie in complete inaction is rather problematic, so a person gets up and starts doing somethingь.For example, if on the

    day, sitting on the couch, you decide to read the magazine, keep in mind: the intensity of the main exchange during reading increases by 16%!And if for 4 hours of idleness you would spend only 240 kcal, then for 4 hours of reading - already 380 kcal!

    And if you choose an activity more actively, for example, arrange a 4-hour general cleaning of the apartment, then you will spend 800 kcal already! As you can see, cleaning is useful not only for the house, but also for the figure.

    The need for calories increases not only with increasing activity. For example, it is high in children due to the development of their body. The need for nutrients in pregnant and lactating women is increasing.

    A large number of calories are also wasted if a person has to work at low ambient temperatures. So, for example, the inhabitants of the North on average by 10% should be increased caloric intake compared to those who work in warmer climates.

    Interestingly, with the same activity, the male body requires more food than the female body. So do not be surprised if, after the joint weeding of the garden, your husband will be hungrier than you. With age, the need for calories decreases, as can be seen from Table 3, since over the years almost all people are slowed metabolism.

    In case of excessive consumption of food, some of the incoming substances are deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. First it leads to a pronounced roundness of the forms, then to obesity. Against this background, the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract increases, overall performance and mobility decrease.

    With insufficient food intake, the body first consumes the existing "strategic reserves" - fats and carbohydrates, which leads to weight loss, and the figure acquires a slender shape. However, if a long-term low-calorie diet in the body consumes not only fats and carbohydrates, but also proteins, as a consequence, the mass of skeletal muscles decreases.

    Conclusion: do not overeat, but do not eat a little. Work hard - do not deny yourself a full dinner;love to eat - more move! Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve a beautiful figure.