  • Paraffin and clay masks

    Currently, in almost every cosmetic salon, the list of services offered includes paraffin masks and clay masks. What explains the high popularity of these funds?

    Paraffin is a product of distillation of oil, mineral fat. Purified medical paraffin is completely dehydrated, it has a high heat capacity and heat-retaining capacity.

    The paraffin mask acts on the skin as a thermal, emollient, moisturizing and detoxifying agent.

    As a result of the course of paraffin masks, fine wrinkles are straightened, the skin is tightened, the swelling of the tissues is reduced. Paraffin masks help to eliminate dryness, peeling of the skin, improve the complexion, to make less visible the age-related disorders of the face oval( omission of cheeks, over-eye, etc.).

    Paraffin masks work well on the skin with reduced elasticity;They are also recommended for people with porous, flaccid skin. After paraffin masks are softened comedones and acne, which facilitates their removal.

    Paraffin masks should be performed in a beauty salon, as their use requires high skill and experience. In addition, self-applied paraffin masks increase the risk of burns.

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    Clay is an amazing product of nature. Even in ancient times, people learned to use clay for domestic purposes and noted that in pottery products remain fresh for a long time. Later clay began to be used in medicine, with the help of it treated a variety of diseases, including applying clay inside.

    In clay cosmetology is used to improve the condition of the skin and hair - it is part of most masks and wraps.

    Due to its unique chemical composition, clay is capable of absorbing toxins, killing pathogenic bacteria, eliminating various inflammations.

    Clay, which lies at a depth of 30 meters or more, has the highest quality. In such clay, a minimum of substances harmful to humans, it contains the maximum amount of microelements and minerals.

    Depending on which rock was formed from clay, it will have the appropriate color and properties.

    Clay masks perform much easier than paraffin masks, so you can do them yourself.