
Beige hair color: photo, who goes light blond, frosty blond or cold blonde

  • Beige hair color: photo, who goes light blond, frosty blond or cold blonde

    All hairdressers say that the beige hair was, is and will always be popular. This hair color can often be found in models, watching fashion shows.


    On the photo you can see the whole palette of beige shades:

    Is there a natural beige shade of hair

    Interesting fact: there are blondes natural, beauties with light blond hair, and if there is a natural beige hair color, photo is good photoshop or realshade? The answer is: yes, there is this natural color, in the people it is called a "light blond shade with a golden or wheaten shade".Why such a blond is so popular and how to achieve this shade, let's talk further.

    Why exactly beige hair

    In Europe, many designers often emphasize on beige shades, this is for the simple reason that this tone is ideal for describing the Slavic and European image of the girl.

    Light blond shade looks good with any shade of eyes. By itself this color is very calm and harmonious, therefore with its help it is very easy to create a romantic image.

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    Also beige blond can visually hide skin changes that occur with age, smoothing wrinkles and making a woman younger.

    How to choose the perfect beige shade of hair

    Despite the fact that stylists claim that this shade is universal, it is important to remember that it looks most advantageous for girls with a cold color.

    This means that the beige hair will look beautiful on the girls with blue, dark gray, black and brown eyes and a swarthy or light skin tone.

    Shades of color

    Undoubtedly, a simple solution for many girls is a beige blond. To create this hair color, you just need to choose the right paint and the right color so that it fits perfectly into the original hair color.

    The procedure for dyeing hair is extremely simple, especially if the original hair color is light. In the case of dark hair, dye your hair better with a specialist.

    To whom comes the beige-golden blond? This shade goes to the cold color of the girls. Also, it looks great on dark-skinned beauties with frosty blue eyes.

    The shade of beige softens the image, makes it more romantic and feminine, especially if it has a golden gleam.

    Light-blond beige hair goes to all color types, for this reason it is the most popular. This shade of hair is very similar to an ashen blond, however, it has softer and warm colors with notes of gold.

    Natural beige blond is similar to caramel or wheat with a light sand color.

    If you have a strict haircut with clear features, it is recommended to abandon the fashion technique of stitching strands and prefer a single color beige color. In this case, dark beige hair can also come up. But then it is better to resort to the creation of a romantic French ombre, with the creation of attractive overflows in curls.

    How to choose

    paint Before deciding on the type of paint you will be painting, it is important to decide what kind of paint it is. Hair colors are professional and household. Of course, it's better to choose a professional paint, not a household one, so you can keep your hair healthier.

    Among the usual industrial paint that you can buy in any department of cosmetics, there are also varieties. It is ammonium and bezammiachnaya. In the first case, the paint is more resistant, but it negatively affects the structure of the hair. But the paint without ammonia is considered more sparing, but it does not last very long.

    To save on the health of your head or not - the decision depends on you. In any case, hairdressers recommend to paint with a paint that protects the hair, it's okay if it is washed off faster, it's never too late to refresh the color.