  • Chest and legs

    Of course, every part of the body deserves our attention. But if the majority of women know how to look after the face and hands, and have already learned by the body, after reading the previous articles, then we have yet to talk about such parts of the body as the chest and legs.

    Ideal breast is a chest of medium size, conical or round, with elastic skin. In addition, you can conduct a mini-test. Make an isosceles triangle out of the thread. Let the base of the triangle connect your nipples, and the sides join in the jugular fossa. If the triangle turns out to be equilateral, you are lucky - you have the best physique.

    However, whatever your breasts, it needs proper care. To do this, firstly, it is very important to choose the right bra( blood circulation too tightly broken, and the breast is too large to slip).Taking care of the breast, do not overdry the skin of the breast. To do this, you should not use soap and too hot water. It is necessary to choose a special gentle shower gel, and after a shower to use moisturizing creams with vitamins.

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    To keep your breasts beautiful for many years, watch your posture: if you walk with an even straight back, your chest will not sag.

    Keep track of your weight: if you sharply discard it, then, losing your inner fat layer, your chest will hang. If you quickly gain weight, you may see stretch marks on the skin.

    Take care of tanning: frequent sunbathing not only greatly overdry the skin of the breast, but also increase the risk of breast cancer. For the same reason, do not sunbathe in the summer topless - otherwise, the aging of the skin of the breast is accelerated many times, and in the decollete area, pigmented spots and wrinkles may appear.

    Ideal legs should be slender if put together, they should form four "windows": between the upper inner thighs, from the lower part of the thigh to the upper part of the calf, from the knee to the middle of the calf, from the middle of the calf to the ankles. The feet should be soft, the nails well-groomed.

    The skin of the legs, according to modern beauty canons, should be devoid of hair - although, in principle, it is allowed to have a light, barely noticeable fluff.

    To achieve all these standards of beauty is not very simple, but it is quite realistic. The following recommendations will help you in this.