  • What did the teddy bear bring us?

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    Features of the game and its educational value. The purpose of this game is to find out whether children can learn the subject by touch, how the child was used to examine an object that is outside his field of vision, with one or two hands.

    Before the player, the task is to find out by hand which item fell into his hands. Solve the problem for the child is very important and interesting, because this thing Mishutka brought him personally. However, despite a strong desire to quickly find out what he will get, the child has to wait for his turn to look for a gift and reckon with other children. This is the educational value of the proposed game.

    Game material. Small toys of contrasting shape. They should differ significantly from each other and represent objects familiar to children. These can be cubes, balls, toy dishes, bunnies, chickens, typewriters, pupae, peas, horses, etc. The number of toys must correspond to the number of children. It is advisable to have two or three copies of each toy. For the game, you also need a bag of dense fabric that holds all the toys. A rubber band is pulled into the bag so that the child can not look into it when looking for a toy.

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    In addition, for the game you need a teddy bear, as well as a car, bicycle or sled, on which he will come.

    Description of the game and its techniques. The teacher invites the children to sit comfortably on the high chairs and asks if the stumps want to play together today. At this time, there is a knock at the door and a toy teddy bear drives into the room on a big car( or on a bicycle), which the caretaker's assistant pushes. In the paws of the bear are a large bag of toys. The educator reports that in this big bag there are many, many toys and that the bear has brought some toy for everyone. Do you want to know what the bear brought us? He asks."Then let's listen to what he will tell us."The adult leans over the bear, pretends to listen to him, and then tells the children that the bear asks them to go one by one to the sack, but do not look in there, but only choose their own gift, then say what they chose, and only after that get out ofbag and show it to everyone.

    The game begins. Mishka takes turns in calling children and proposes to look for a toy. Thus, all the gifts are returned to their seats.

    Noticing that the kids who received the presents start to forget about the general game, the teacher suggests that children with the same toys stand up and show the bear how they play. He shows the children some movement, and they repeat it: for example, they roll a car, jump with a bunny, swirl with a doll, etc. After completing the action with their toy, the children put it on the table, and the teacher explains to them that the toys will returnin a bag and with the repetition of the game, the children will again choose for themselves what everyone wants.

    After the first "distribution of gifts" ends, the game is repeated again. All the toys return to the bag, and the children again look for presents. But now every child knows what toy he wants to find, and thanks to this, the recognition of objects in form becomes more successful.

    The game ends with the wires of the teddy bear. The children stand up, thank him for the gifts, and the bear promises to come again to visit them to visit and bring them something else. Rules of the game.

    1. Choose a toy only with your hands, without looking into the bag.

    2. First, name which toy was found, and then take it out of the bag, show the children and return to the place.

    3. Play together, calmly wait for the queue and return your toy without objection, so as not to offend the bear and that you can repeat the game and choose a new toy.

    Tips for the educator. When selecting toys, it is desirable to consider the possibilities of visual and imitative actions with them. Therefore, it is better to give preference to figurative toys( animal figurines, transport, etc.).

    It is very important to release the hands of children who received gifts from the objects in time. A prolonged holding of the toy soon begins to burden the child and distracts him from the general game. To do this, choose a place in advance where the toys will be put together after the game actions are executed. So that they do not distract the children, you can cover them with something.

    The game is fun. Therefore, when you hold it, create an atmosphere of cheerful upbeatness, surprise and do not require children to strictly follow the second rule. If the child can not find out the shape of the object, let it reach for him, show the children and he will consider his gift well.

    Impatient, impatient children should be called early and be released early from distracting toys.