  • Do not make a mistake, parsley!

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    Features of the game and its educational value. As well as the previous one, the proposed game promotes the development of tactile perception of the shape of objects in children. She teaches to examine the form purposefully, turning the object with both hands and probing it with fingers on all sides. This technique helps children overcome the habit of clamping an object in his hand or pressing it with the palm of his hand. Thus, the musculoskeletal component is included in the examination process.

    The game also contributes to the education of children's cognitive activity and their interest in solving the mental problem. Such collective game accustoms kids to independence, to observance of rules, and also to performance of the actions demanding activity of imagination. A game situation is created in which the children take turns in the role of Petrushka, showing tricks: Parsley knows how not to guess what object he has in his hands.

    The fulfillment of this playing role has an important educational significance. Robust and insecure toddlers such role helps to overcome these shortcomings. At the same time for excitable children, prone to increased motor activity, compliance with the order serves as a condition for the formation of the ability to behave in a team, to reckon with others.

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    Game material. Toys that are very familiar to kids. They should be of medium size and of a contrasting shape, i.e., noticeably different from each other. These requirements are satisfied approximately by the following set of toys: a wooden ball, a cube, a fungus, a nesting doll, a bucket, a cup, a plate or saucer, a naked doll, a dolly, a duck, a fish, a car, etc.

    To get acquainted with objects onlytactile examination of the form, it is necessary to exclude participation in this vision process. To do this, you can put on your child a smart cap of Petrushka, as in the game "The Cap and the Wand".It is made of opaque thick paper or fabric, which is held on a wire frame. The cap should sit on the baby's head freely and deeply( but not touch the eyes), reaching almost to the tip of the nose so that it does not slip. Need for the game is also a smart bag for storing toys.

    Description of the game and its techniques. All children of the group can participate in the game: They sit on chairs opposite the table with the game material. The teacher takes out the bag, takes out every toy from it, shows it to the kids and puts it on the table. Giving children the opportunity to view toys, an adult offers everyone to play a new game together.

    The game is explained in a visual-efficient way. The educator takes out Petrushka's cap, tries it on himself and some children, and explains that the one who wears the cap will perform like a holiday and show tricks like in a circus. Then the teacher beckons to the child, puts on a cap and says: "Petruka, hello, take off the cap, bow to the boys and say to them:" Hello, guys! ", And they will clap your hands and say:" Hello, Parsley! "such preliminary actions that help the kids enter the game situation, the teacher places Petrushka at a separate table, so that other children can clearly see what he is doing.

    Then the teacher calls another child and gives him an important assignment: as soon as Petrushka puts on his cap, go to the toys, choose any one, pick it up and ask: "Petrushka, Petrushka, what is in my hands?" If Petrushka says, that he does not see, go up to him and put the toy directly in his hands and say with everyone- "Petrushka, touch what's in your hands, and guess what toy we gave you."Do not make a mistake, Parsley! "

    The teacher puts on the cap of Petrushka, and the game begins. As her teacher moves, she reminds children of the rule: to observe silence and not to name the object that Petrushka gives to her hands.

    Given the impulsivity of babies, you should just slightly hold the cap on Petrushka's head so that he does not discard it at the moment when he discovers that the cap prevents him from seeing. When Petrushka takes the toy in hand, we must advise him to turn it in his hands, touch it with fingers on all sides. So the teacher directs the process of tactile examination, contributing to the assimilation of rational techniques. If the child does not succeed, you can take his hands in his and show how to act so that he muscularly felt this technique. The child should himself call the toy, but if this does not happen, all children ask it- "Tymoshenko Petrushka, which one took the toy?" The correct answer is applause. Petrushka removes the cap and bowes before the audience as an artist. Then he sits down in the place of the new Petrushka, the child who will transfer the toy to him, is chosen, so the game repeats itself repeatedly. Rules of the game.

    1. To observe complete silence, so that Petrushka was not mistaken and could guess what was in his hands.

    2. It is forbidden to call * the subject and suggest Petrushka

    3. Carefully follow the actions of Petrushka-who is distracted and violates the rules, that Petrushka is not chosen

    Advices to the educator. In order for Petrushka to perform his role artistically and enthusiastically, show him an example-put on a cap and guess what you have in hand, clearly demonstrating the methods of examination.

    In this game it is important to check if Parsley is peeking through the cap. To this end, he is shown the object. In cases of error in guessing an object, you can replace the toy with a simpler one in shape( a ball, a cube, a nesting doll, etc.).