  • Preparing a drawing for a tattoo

    If you need a ready-made picture, do it yourself. First try on paper. Then, when you feel confident, start slowly and methodically draw on the skin with a white eyeliner that can be easily erased in case of an error. Stand in front of the mirror to see the result of the work. When the contours are ready, paint the necessary places with paint for body art, applying thin layers with a brush or sponge, until you achieve the desired depth of color. When the pattern dries, lightly sprinkle it with talcum powder.


    Mendy is a form of body decoration that uses henna paste to color the skin. Sets can be found in specialized INDIAN SHOPS, the best department stores and pharmacies. Decals and pens with paints for body art Mendy are also available, but they will easily be washed off. The best technique is drawing by hand, but you can also use ink translations to apply contours, which are then filled with henna paste. Before starting the drawing, use the henna to apply thin, even lines. When you master this technique, you can start work. Drawing lasts from ten days to three weeks, gradually erasing.

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    To make a paste from henna, prepare the coloring component. Put two teaspoons of instant coffee in a cup. Pour half a cup of water and put in a microwave oven for 20 seconds for high power. Leave it for 20 minutes.

    Put one full tablespoon of henna powder in a bowl, then gradually add the coloring component, one tablespoon after another, MOVING until the mixture reaches a uniform consistency of the toothpaste, without lumps. Close it and leave it for 24 hours. The remaining coloring component can be poured. The paste can be stored for about two weeks.

    Roll a square piece of plastic into the CONE, pasting it with adhesive tape. The size of the tip of the cone should be like a pencil.

    Spoon the pasta from henna into a cone. Tuck and stab the top of the cone so that it is completely filled. Cut off the point and practice squeezing the cone so that the henna comes out in the form of an even line. The easier you press, the thinner the line will be.

    Draw or paint a picture prepared by PASTA FROM KHNA.Allow to dry for 20 minutes.

    To fix the pattern, mix three tablespoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of sugar in the cup. Moisten the whole surface of the solution with a solution, moisturizing it well. Let it dry. Do not touch. Over the next few hours, the paste will fall off, leaving behind a deep color trail.

    Tools for drawing drawings To apply paints for body art, you will need artistic brushes or makeup brushes of three sizes. A thin brush, such as an eye brush, is necessary for drawing contours and drawing details. The average size is good for mixing colors, and large brushes can be used for painting areas. Cotton buds can be used to erase wrong lines or put small colored dots, and cotton pads can be applied to shiny powders. To work on the stencil, use a specially designed brush or cosmetic sponge.

    Cleaning excess paint

    If the paint is out of the picture or leaks under the stencil, wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in make-up liquid. In the case of using henna, which immediately stains, mistakes should be paid immediately. Wipe off the henna with a moistened WET STAM.You will see that in a few days the error will be less noticeable.

    Attaching a picture

    Securing a picture, you will extend his life. To do this, sprinkle it with TALKOM, using a large brush or a pillow for powder. To fix the translation design, gently blot it with a wet cotton pad.