  • Miniature figure, small height

    You should avoid long and loose sweaters, lengthened jackets or blouses, double-breasted jackets, a large pattern and horizontal strips in clothing.

    Forget skirts, the length of which reaches the middle of the roe - they visually shorten the legs. Also you are contraindicated with curvy skirts, it is better to choose a rectangular silhouette.

    Such items of clothing as large buttons, large pockets, lush jabot and sprawling collar do not suit you either.

    Slim tight knitwear on a young girl looks good, but after 30 such clothes do not worn - otherwise, by emphasizing your leanness, you will look ridiculous.

    Regardless of the age, when laying your hair, give up long, loose hair, lush hairstyles. You might think that this way you look feminine, but in fact, they "steal" from you a few more centimeters of growth and make you look like a doll.

    You also do not fit big hats, lowered fields.

    What to wear? Visually increase the height you will help shoes with high heels or "platform", vertical stripes on clothes, "top" and "bottom" of the same color, solid dresses.

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    The choice of skirt depends on your individual characteristics. If you have a proportional figure, then you will look good in the long skirts, to the ankles. If you are young, you have perfect legs and you do not hesitate to show it - you will like a mini. Most miniature women look good in straight skirts

    just below or just above the knee.

    You will also like classic length trousers and breeches. However, you should lose your vigilance, and wear short pants( in your case - it's trousers 7/8) - and you, on the contrary, "lose" a few centimeters of growth.

    From the "top" you should stop choosing on short and fitting clothes: for example, jackets to the waist or sleeves - they "pull" you in length and make the silhouette more harmonious.

    However, remember that in a shortened suit there should be one thing: if you put on capri pants, then the jacket should be with a sleeve of usual length - otherwise clothes will look disharmonious and make an impression as if you grew out of it.

    Suitable headwear for miniature women - hats with small margins, preferably high, tightly seated on the head.

    The best option for a hairstyle is a short haircut or a smooth hairstyle made of half-length hair.