  • Lip Makeup

    Technique of lip make-up

    1. Apply lip balm on the lips - this will make them soft, supple, and lipstick will lie better. After applying the balm to get wet it, tightly squeezing the napkin with his lips.

    2. Lightly powder the lips - this will help lipstick to gain a foothold. Powder can be applied through a tissue napkin - she will act

    as a sieve and will miss as much powder as necessary.3. Circle the lips with a contour pencil.

    According to the rules of makeup when applying a contour pencil, the deviation from the natural contour of the lips should not exceed 1-2 mm, otherwise the lips will look unnatural.

    If you want to increase the size of the lips, use a pencil to tone darker than the base color of the lipstick, and the contour is applied to the outermost lip of the lips( but not beyond it!).

    If it is necessary to reduce the lips, then the pencil is applied 1 mm inward from the natural edge of the lips.

    The line of the contour pencil should be thin, it does not need to be too zealously drawn.

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    In order for the pencil to be well laid down, it does not crumble and does not spread, it must be cooled beforehand, putting it for a short time in the refrigerator.

    The contour is applied as follows:

    , first, in the middle of the lower lip, draw a horizontal line approximately 2 cm long;

    from the right edge of the drawn horizontal line on the lower lip to lead a pencil to the right corner of the mouth, giving the right half of the lip a beautiful shape.

    Do the same with the left half of the lower lip. When applying the contour, make sure that the left and right halves of the lips are symmetrical;

    to draw a contour in the middle of the upper lip in the form of the letter V with two exact strokes. Then from the right apex of the letter V draw a line to the right corner of the mouth, from the left apex of the letter V - the line to the left corner of the mouth;

    opening the mouth, connect the contours of the upper and lower lips so that the contour turns out to be solid.

    4. Apply lipstick.

    5. To get wet lips, tightly squeezing the napkin with your lips. This will help remove excess lipstick, and it will not spread.

    6. If necessary, correct the lip contour. Professional secrets

    To make the lips more convex and relief, before applying the lipstick, you need to circle them with a white pencil, standing for the outer natural lip contour for 2 mm, and then carefully blend the karanash.

    To create more voluminous and natural lips after applying the main layer of lipstick, you can cover their inner part( at the very edge of contact with the inner, mucous side) with a transparent luster.

    Too protruding forward lip. This defect can be hidden if a contour pencil for one tone is lighter than the main background of the lipstick, draw the contour line along the inner side of the lip edge, and under this contour draw the second line already in tone with the outline of the lower lip, which the

    should trail along the edge with a contour pencil in the color of the mainbackground of lipstick.

    Too protruding forward lower lip. Visually, you can reduce its size if you apply a contour pencil slightly above the natural contour of the lower lip, while making the line horizontal in the center. The size of the upper lip should be slightly increased.

    Too full upper lip. This can be hidden if we draw a V-shaped bend of the lip below the natural one, and make the corners of the lips slightly protruding beyond the natural contours.

    Too full lower lip. Visually, it can be reduced by circling the lip around the inner contour of the inner edge of the lip, and in the center to draw a horizontal line.

    If it is necessary to increase the size of just one lip, then above it( if it's the upper lip) or under it( if it's the lower lip), you need to draw a contour that protrudes beyond the natural boundaries of the lip. On the lip, which you visually want to increase, you must impose a lipstick lighter tone.