  • The problem of cellulite

    Causes of cellulite

    Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not directly related to obesity - this problem is also found in skinny girls. Cellulite often occurs in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat poorly. There is a definite relationship between cellulite and slagging of the body with all sorts of toxins. Also, cellulite is more common in those women who have difficulty in blood circulation, impaired liver function and reduced thyroid function. How to eliminate cellulite

    For the treatment of cellulite it is important to activate blood circulation and metabolism in the connective tissue of problem areas. This is facilitated by massage, exercise and the use of special anti-cellulite creams and gels. Means of this kind usually contain caffeine and extracts of algae, pineapple and ginkgo bark. Often the use of anti-cellulite creams is combined with massage. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and move as much as possible.

    Cellulite remedies

    Scrubs and anti-cellulite preparations

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    Scrubs are not directly a means of cellulite, however they remove dead cells and thus contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen. As a result, stagnant phenomena in the skin are weakened, and her tone rises.

    Anti-cellulite preparations( creams, oils, lotions, gels).The composition of such products includes: caffeine, silicon compounds, vitamin A, various enzymes, essential oils, extracts of ginkgo, ivy, tiger grass, horse chestnut, algae, etc. All these components contribute to the normalization of metabolism, increase the elasticity of the skin, splitfat. Due to its unique chemical composition, one of the most successful and effective means for combating cellulite is algae( especially brown seaweed) - that is why they are often added to appropriate cosmetics.

    Despite the fact that today the cosmetic market offers a huge selection of anti-cellulite drugs, it should be borne in mind that they can not completely rid you of the manifestations of cellulite. These are rather preventive and supportive means than therapeutic ones. However, in the case when the cells have still been working, such drugs are able to stop the process of cellulite spread.

    Essential oil baths

    Essential oils are used to strengthen cell membranes, stimulate metabolic processes, improve skin regeneration. Aromakosmetika helps to improve blood supply, nutrition of skin cells, increases muscle tone. Essential oils recommended for cellulite: orange, mandarin, lemon, grapefruit, juniper, bergamot, pine, sandalwood, rosemary, neroli.

    Essential oils mix thoroughly with 1 cup of yogurt, bath water temperature - 37 ° С.The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

    Mixture 1: juniper - 3 drops, rosemary - 1 drop, geranium - 1 drop, lavender - 1 drop, sage - 1 drop.

    Mixture 2: lavender - 4 drops, lemon - 3 drops, thyme - 5 drops, rosemary - 5 drops.

    Mixture 3: thyme - 6 drops, rosemary - 4 drops, lemon - 2 drops.

    Baths with sea salt

    Sea salt contains the whole complex of mineral substances, beneficial and healthily acting on the body, gives it a pleasant feeling of comfort and freshness. Medical properties of sea salt: analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, alteration of metabolic processes, improvement of functional activity of tissues and organs.

    Sea salt will help you reduce the appearance of cellulite. To do this, stir in the bath, the water temperature in which is 36-37 ° C, 350 grams of natural sea salt( it can be purchased at the pharmacy).In the resulting composition, you can stay

    for 15-20 minutes. A course of 10-12 baths is recommended every other day. These procedures will remove fatigue, calm nerves. The skin will improve, it will become more smooth and supple.

    Body wraps

    Wrapping can be done using algae, mud, blue clay, etc. It is proved that wrapping is not only useful, but absolutely safe.

    However, if you have any health problems, you should first consult with your doctor. Thus, the wrap can not be performed by pregnant women, people who have recently undergone surgery and who have unprotected seams, and if there is a rash or abrasions on the skin.

    Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, varicose veins, asthma, liver and kidney disease are not contraindications for carrying out wrapping sessions.

    Oil wrap

    The base oil is "base oil"( olive oil, hazelnut oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil).Essential oil or a mixture of essential oils is added to the base. For 20 ml of "base oil" - 3 drops of lemon, 3 drops of juniper oil, 3 drops of lavender oil. Mix the essential oils, then add "base oil".

    To the places affected by cellulite, apply the mixture, then wrap the problem areas with a plastic wrap. It is advisable to put on some warm clothes and, if desired, actively move or lie under the blanket for 0.5-1 hours. Next, wash the mixture and use a moisturizer.

    Wraps with blue clay

    Blue clay is a unique natural and environmentally friendly therapeutic and cosmetic skin care product. Clay contains mineral salts and microelements: silica, phosphate, iron, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, potassium, radium, etc., and in a very well-digested human body form.

    Blue clay has cleansing properties, disinfects the skin, activates blood circulation and enhances the process of metabolism in skin cells, smooths wrinkles, prevents the appearance of acne.

    This procedure can be performed

    at home

    as follows

    1. Several bags of clay diluted in a nonmetallic container with warm water to the state of gruel. If desired, you can add aromatic oils. Stir the mixture so that there are no lumps.

    2. Apply clay to the hips.

    3. Thigh wrap the hips with thermo-film( if not, you can use food film).

    Next, wrap your thighs with a towel or a warm blanket. To sustain 1 hour.

    4. Wash off the clay.

    5. Wet the skin with a towel, apply moisturizer.

    Massage and gymnastics for cellulite

    Dry brushing with

    This method gives a good effect in combination with the use of anti-cellulite cream or aromatherapy. It is recommended for the treatment of all types of cellulite. Improves the appearance of the skin, but does not reduce the amount of cellulite tissue.

    Dry grinding is carried out as follows: after the bath, when the body is warmed, the muscles are relaxed and you are in no hurry, take a brush made of natural bristles or a massage mitten with a large viscous of natural material, and then rub the problem areas. Start anti-cellulite rubbing should be from the ankles and gradually rise to the hips and buttocks. Rinse with soft movements. Buttocks massage more vigorously, in circular motions.

    The procedure of dry grinding of the skin should leave pleasant sensations and take no more than 5-10 minutes. After grinding, gently apply an anti-cellulite cream or aromatherapy composition on the body.

    Also for the massage you can use coarser types of massagers - for example, a massage brush against cellulite with thick rounded teeth. Such massagers improve blood circulation and, what is very important, promote resorption of fatty tubercles. After massage with a brush on the massaged areas, an anti-cellulite remedy should also be applied.

    Massage in the form of grips

    Methods in the form of grips act much deeper than surface massages, cause a greater flow of blood and thereby activate the vessels and connective tissue. It's enough 10 minutes of daily practice to strengthen tissues and skin. By these movements, you can also massage your forearms, knees, and stomach. It is also recommended for the removal of cellulite, which appeared after pregnancy.

    Next, we describe the types of captures. If the skin has a capillary mesh, limit the massage described in captures 2 and 3.

    1. For the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. Compress your hand into a fist and with your knuckles tightly hold the skin in the direction from top to bottom and vice versa - until there is a rush of blood and the body will not start blushing.

    2. For the knees, hips, buttocks. Fold your fingers together and massage the skin in a circular motion, lightly pressing. Circular movements are done with both fingertips and thumbs, while hands are found on each other.

    3. For the inside of the arms and hips. Firmly grasp the skin with your fingers and smooth in the upward direction. At the same time, you do not need to grab it, as bruises may appear. After the massage, apply this anti-cellulite cream on the

    ( but not before the massage, as your hands will slip and you will not be able to grab the body sufficiently) - after the massage the blood circulation improves, the nutrients contained in the cream get much better. Example of hip massage( full version) Before the beginning of massage it is recommended to make a contrast shower on the corresponding parts of the body.

    1. Start with strokes from the knee up. Stroking is performed with the entire palm. First you should hold 3-4 light

    strokes on all sides, then do more intensive movements.

    2. Collect the "cushion" of the skin at the knee and move it up the leg - on the outside of the thigh, then along the front and inside. In total it is necessary to conduct an exercise 2 times for each zone.

    3. "Stir" the problem area with both hands, like a yeast dough.

    4. Apply cream or oil to the thighs and rub it with palms in different directions, as if using an iron.

    5. Squeeze your hand into a fist and hold with your knuckles your knuckles up your thigh - from the outside, from the inside and from the front. For each zone, make 4-5 movements.

    6. Vigorously paddle your hands over your hips - they should turn red and light up slightly.

    7. Finish the procedure by stroking movements. After the systematic application of massage, the skin will become smoother.

    Honey massage

    About honey massage is known from ancient sources that came from Tibet. This massage is based on the interaction of the skin and the biologically active substances contained in honey, including the standard mechanisms of action of other types of massage. Honey massage is a type of reflexotherapy - a striking combination of the therapeutic effect of bee honey and massage. Improving blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin and the underlying muscles contributes to improving the nutrition of internal organs and tissues. Honey, giving biologically active substances, adsorbs toxins and promotes their rapid removal from the body. Such a massage is performed to increase lymph flow and skin cleansing. The skin after applying honey massage becomes silky, elastic, the subcutaneous compaction is smoothed, the general condition of the body improves.

    The course of honey massage is designed for 15 sessions, conducted every other day. This frequency of conduct must be observed.

    For massage you need honey - natural floral, lime or any other, without additives and necessarily not candied. As an addition to honey, you can enter aromatic oils: lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, juniper oil, eucalyptus, lavender, petite grains.

    For 1 tsp.honey - 5 drops of oil or a mixture of oils. If you are massaging the thighs and buttocks, enough 2 tsp.honey and 5 drops of oils. Examples of mixtures for honey massage:

    2 tsp.honey, 5 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of eucalyptus, 2 drops of lavender oil;

    2 tsp.honey, 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of orange, 2 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of juniper oil;

    2 tsp.honey, 5 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of orange;

    2 tsp.honey, 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of mint oil.

    Honey massage is carried out as follows

    1. Immediately before the massage, mix the honey with the oils. If several oils are used, then the oils are mixed first, then honey is added and everything is thoroughly mixed.

    2. Honey put on the palms of your hands and patted movements to transfer to the massage area. Part of the mixture leaves, some remain on hands. If there are several such zones, then each zone is massaged in turn.

    After the honey is completely transferred to the body, the palms should be firmly "glued" to the body and sharply torn.

    Gradually, patting movements should become sharper and stronger. Hold your hands tight. Accordingly, tear them apart more sharply. Honey is hammered into the skin, and only its thin layer remains on the surface. Then a white mass begins to appear on his hands. In the beginning, it leaves the pores of the hands and remains on the skin. And then most of the mass goes to the palm of your hand. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

    3. Next, wash the honey with warm water.

    4. In conclusion, the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizing cream. After the massage, bruises remain in places, which disappear with the passage of time. To be frightened of it it is not necessary. A rather painful procedure is only in the first sessions, then the skin adapts, and the massage is much easier.

    After the honey massage, the skin becomes more elastic, the subcutaneous seals are smoothed, the manifestations of cellulite will disappear gradually

    .Alternating the procedures of gymnastics, wraps, massage, and also leading a healthy lifestyle, you can, if not completely eliminate cellulite, then at least reduce its manifestations and achieve a good cosmetic effect.