  • If you want to have a beautiful chest

    It is very important what shape your breasts have. It is necessary to take care of it from the age of 14, from early youth. It is necessary to accustom yourself after a shower or a bath to rinse your breast with cold water. You need to wash every day to the waist. The best way to preserve skin is elastic - cold water, muscles elastic - gymnastics.

    And now exercises for the chest.

    1. Describing circles with shoulders. Sit "in Turkish", bend your arms, pressing your elbows to the trunk, put your fingers on your shoulders, shoulder blades together. Now lift your shoulders up, then take them far back, down and forward. So do 4 times, then 4 times down, back, up, forward. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

    2. Compression of the palms. Stand up straight. Place your palms in front of you, fingers up, elbows at chest level. Two times strongly compress the lower parts of the palm for "one, two," for "three" turn your fingers to yourself, at the "four" straighten your hands, drop "five" hands down, "six" fold your hands in front of you. Exercise repeat 5-8 times.

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    3. Leading the elbows as far back as possible. Stand upright, raise your arms, bent at the elbows so that they are at shoulder level, and your fingers are straightened and connected just below the clavicles, palms down. Take your elbows back energetically, your hands separate, but your shoulders do not fall. Do this movement for a "time", a second pull back to "two".At the "three", spread your arms out to the sides and take them back( do not let your shoulders fall down at all).At the "four", bend your hands like at the beginning of the exercise. Repeat the exercise 6 times. The pace is lively, energetic. Remember about even breathing.

    4. Alternate lifting of hands. Stand up straight, legs join together. Raise your right arm straight up( muscles relaxed) and take her by the head for "one", for "two" try to take your hand back even further, put the hand forward, down, on the "three".The same movement is repeated with the left hand, counting "four" - raise your hand, "five" - ​​deepen the movement, "six" -move your hand. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times with each hand.

    5. Raising hands. Stand upright, lift your straightened hands with a gentle movement forward for "one", for the "two" divide them in the sides, for "three" turn the palms up, at "four" raise your hands over your head and clap your hands, lower the "five"hand in hand, down, on the "six" stand in the starting position. Exercise slowly, relaxed. Repeat it 4-6 times. The breathing is uniform.

    6. Describe the circles with your hands. Stand up straight. Feet on the width of the shoulders, feet parallel. Place your left hand on the hip, on the right describe a large circle( the muscles are relaxed), starting with the movement of the arm forward. Exercise at a fast pace. Describe in this way three circles, by "one, two, three," the next three circles, by "four, five, six" start with the movement of the hand back, i.e. in the opposite direction. Then put the right hand on the thigh, and the left describe the circles. Repeat the exercise with each hand 3-5 times.

    7. Hand movements like in swimming style breasts .Stand up straight, connect your legs together, raise your hands slightly, obliquely, forward. On the "fold", turn the palms outward and put your hands down, obliquely, outwards - elbows slightly bend, but do not take them back and do not lower them( palms do not pass over the shoulder line) as if you are dissecting water, fingers join, palms rotateback. At the "two" strongly bend your arms in the elbows, press them to the body, and palms to yourself- more or less at the height of the neck, for "three" lift your palms up obliquely. Movements to "one, two" are slow, to "three" - fast, but the entire exercise should be performed smoothly, with a short pause after the "three".Repeat the exercise 10-30 times.

    When you learn to perform movements with your hands fluently, you can do the exercise with your eyes closed.

    Breath is: on "fold" draw the air with your mouth open, then fold your lips with a tube, like for a whistle, and exhale the air for "two and three".Inhale and exhale do without pause.

    We strongly advise you to learn this exercise. He has a triple action: 1) perfectly strengthens the muscles of the chest, 2) develops proper breathing, 3) strengthens the muscles of the face near the mouth.