  • Define your body type

    Many women think that it is useless to engage in fitness, because their figure is no longer correct. They are sure that it is simply impossible to achieve a flat stomach. They reassure themselves with thoughts that they have never been skinny and nothing will help them. In fact, this is not so and the genes have nothing to do with it. Of course, they affect the propensity to fullness( or leanness), but still a person is not only genes, but also mind, willpower and perseverance. Why should genes dictate to you the size of clothes or the quantity of buns eaten every day? !Resist! And you will certainly win.

    Of course, not everyone can easily cope with the problems of the figure. And often this is due to the constitution. For example, according to the shape of the body, people are divided into three types:

    Ectomorphs. Thin, with the fastest metabolism. This type of body has its pros and cons. Plus, it's clear that people of this type do not suffer from excess weight, and if they need to lose weight, they achieve it quickly and without much effort. But this plus turns into a minus when they decide to yell mass or pump up muscles. Can you imagine how often and how much food they get, and absorb, to at least get better?

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    Recommended scheme


    Fitness( 20 minutes at least 3 times a week) to stimulate cardiovascular de-icity. Exercises with gru-yum on the lower part of the body -( K) repetitions of the cycle. Long-gel rest between sessions - 45-90 seconds.

    Mesomorphs. These are those happy people who have leanness and splendor successfully balanced. They can be thin, full or normal. Their metabolism is normal. But, if necessary, it is difficult for them to lose weight, and the unwanted nails accumulate faster.

    Recommended training scheme

    Fitness in the same mode. Plus a balanced exercise program for the lower and upper body.

    Endomorphs. Metabolism slow. That's who really hard to drive fat! But they can easily gain the missing mass( the trouble is that this mass is growing at a very fast rate).

    Recommended scheme


    Fitness( 30-40 minutes 3-5 times a week) for burning extra calories. Exercises for the upper body with a small load( 12-20 repetitions of the cycle) with a small rest between sessions of 30-60 seconds.

    How to determine your type. If in childhood your grandmother lamented that the child was as thin as a sliver, if in adolescence you absorbed a triple portion of the second, if till now you can, without thinking about the consequences, eat one ice cream, then you are an ectomorph.

    If you already noticed from the school bench that any cake you eaten the day before makes it harder to squeeze into your favorite jeans in the morning, you are an endo-morph.