
Biochemical analysis of urine - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Biochemical analysis of urine - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Bilirubin in the urine of healthy people is contained in minimal, undetectable amounts. Bilirubinuria is observed mainly in liver damage. But the first pigment that appears in the urine with liver damage is not bilirubin, but urobilin. In norm - the analysis for urobilin is negative.

    Ketone bodies in the urine of ( ketonuria) are formed as a result of enhanced disintegration of fatty acids).Determination of ketone bodies is important in diabetes mellitus. In the norm - the reaction is negative.

    Hemoglobin in the urine of is normally absent. A positive result is observed with intravascular, intrarenal decay of erythrocytes with the release of hemoglobin. For the study, the entire portion of the morning urine is collected after a thorough toilet of the genitals. The urine should be collected in completely clean, dry dishes;Store up to the study can be no more than 1.5 hours in a cold place.

    Bile acids in the urine appear with liver pathology in varying degrees of severity: slightly positive( +), positive( ++), or abruptly positive( +++).Their presence indicates a gross defeat of the hepatic tissue, in which the bile formed in the cells of the liver along with the admission to the biliary tract and intestine directly enters the blood. The causes are acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, mechanical jaundice caused by blockage of the biliary tract. This indicator is used as an important sign of differential diagnosis of jaundice. Bile acids in the urine can be found in people with liver damage without external signs of jaundice, so this analysis is important to those who are suspected of liver disease, but there is no jaundice of the skin.

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    Urolithine in urine .The fresh urine contains urobilinogen, when standing urine turning into urobilin, which causes darkening of the urine with jaundice. In healthy people with a normally functioning liver, urobilin falls into the urine so little that conventional laboratory tests produce a negative result. An increase in this indicator from a slightly positive reaction( +) to a sharply positive( +++) occurs with various diseases of the liver and bile ducts, such as acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the liver: hepatitis, cirrhosis, toxic hepatitis, blockage of bile ducts with stone.