
General urine analysis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • General urine analysis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Urine is a mirror of the body. The most simple and often used is a general or clinical urinalysis.

    When collecting urine for general analysis it is important to follow certain rules. After all, this is one of the few analyzes that people collect themselves. In the evening you need to prepare a jar. The vessel must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water - so that "excess" bacteria and fungi do not appear in the analysis. Collect urine in the morning. It is enough 100-200 milliliters. Be sure before the moment of filling the jar you need to conduct a thorough toilet of the genital organs, otherwise the analysis will be "contaminated".Set the day for the urine test if you have a period. If you are taking any medications, tell your doctor, because some drugs affect the analysis of urine. There are no restrictions in the diet, but it is not necessary to "lean" on mineral waters - they change the reaction of urine.

    The general analysis of urine tells us about:

    Color of urine. It should be straw yellow. If the urine is similar to meat slops, the doctor will suspect an inflammatory disease of the kidneys. Some drugs stain the urine in a pinkish red color. And if you overeat carrots, beets, strawberries, then urine becomes reddish.

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    Transparency of urine. It must be completely transparent. Dregs and flakes are evidence of inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract. But if the urine was transparent, but standing a little, clouded, it's nothing - it often happens.

    Reactions of urine. It should be sour. Neutral or alkaline reaction of urine happens at infections of urinary ways and at a delivery, poor meat.

    Density of urine. It is equal to the norm of 1018-1025.If the density of urine rises, the doctor will suspect dehydration, an increase in the sugar content in the blood. With a decrease in specific weight, he will think about inflammation of the kidneys, kidney failure or that the patient drank too much water.

    to the squirrel. It should not be more than 0,033% in urine. More occurs with infection, inflammatory and immunological diseases of the kidneys, kidney failure or just after a strong physical load.

    Bacteria and fungi. They simply should not be

    Cylinders. They are normal or not, or very few - single in the field of view. Otherwise there is damage to the tissue of the kidneys.

    Erythrocytes. They, too, either are completely absent or should be isolated in the preparation. If the erythrocytes are up to 100 in the field of vision, this is called microhematuria and indicates inflammatory and immunological diseases of the kidneys, kidney stone disease, cancerous kidney damage or severe infection. If the erythrocytes in the field of view is more than 100, then this is called macrogemuria. With it, the color of urine also changes - it becomes the color of meat slops, and hence, there is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys or bleeding.

    Leukocytes. Men are allowed to have 0-3 white blood cells in their urine in the field of vision, and women - 0-5.(the same indicators are the norm for boys and girls) Leukocyturia - the so-called increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine - speaks of inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, cystitis, prostatitis, and immunological damage to the kidneys.