  • Be on the lookout for work

    For sure, many are familiar with the situation, when in one far from the perfect moment they felt like an outcast in the team. All the efforts to be a member of the team broke about the deaf wall of resistance from colleagues. In a word - mobbing. This word is of English origin and means "harassing and persecuting someone".

    It is customary to call Mobbing a situation in which you are attacked and quibbling by your colleagues. It is dangerous in that small antics develop over time into persistent harassment that can lead to serious harm to the psyche and health. Already the first conflict at work creates a constant nervous tension. Subsequently, the victim of a mobbing can literally turn into a beast.

    So, mobbing is a kind of hunt where there are hunters and a victim, and the weapon is hatred for the stranger. Very often, colleagues form "terrorist" groups to psychologically destroy one person. Then these formations usually disintegrate in order to reborn, only in a different composition and against the new object.

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    Now in most Western countries a number of special laws and regulations have already been passed, providing for punishment for organizing mobbing. In Germany, for example, you can even demand substantial monetary compensation for moral damage, and the paragraph on mobbing is included in labor agreements and contracts. Unlike other countries, we have such behavior is not punishable, so you need to defend yourself.

    Discomfort in a new workplace, of course, it's normal, and some time with it it is quite possible to put up. Worse, if grinding with the team lasts forever: you are kind of pushed out of the general environment. Few can withstand rejection from the team for more than six months. Usually people break down and leave their jobs, even if they like him very much. But there are cases when a scythe finds on a stone, we will consider them.

    In addition to the classical mobbing, there is also such a form in which the subordinates "terrorize" the middle manager. This is the so-called Sandwich-Mobbing. As a rule, his reason - in the envy of colleagues with an unexpected increase in co-worker.

    Effective protection. Is it possible to fight with mobbing? Necessary! Especially when you are sure that your new job or position is worth certain moral and physical effort. Unfortunately, there are no universal methods of protection. But there are rules, observance of which is obligatory in any situation: not to support conversations discrediting colleagues and superiors;Do not allow yourself negative statements about your company.

    It is very important not to miss the beginning of the mobbing. You can determine it on several grounds: your greetings are not answered;your remarks do not react at all or they cause undisguised irritation;Important documents disappear from your desk( later they are found in a completely different place);Indecent rumors are about you;to you finding fault on trifles;with you do not discuss vacation birthdays, personal problems;over you all the time joking. If at least three of these statements are true, then it's time to take urgent action.

    Countermeasure # 1

    First determine the source of danger. You need to find out the following:

    which employee feels most invulnerable

    who with whom spends lunch together?

    who is the leader in the team?

    In fact, you need to create such a "dossier" in any case. Information on how the team's relations evolved before your arrival will help you understand the current situation. Know who you run across the road, who likes to gossip or who walks in pets with a boss never hurts. The main thing is to feel what the climate is in the team: benevolent, purely businesslike, playful silt;hard. And, based on this, develop their own style of communication with colleagues.

    Counter-attack number 2

    You calculated the enemy, now your task is to find out what the essence of the conflict is. You can start a conversation with a direct question: "It seems to me that you dislike me. Am I right or not? "Or from a hint:" I constantly have mail disappeared. Will not you help deal with this? "A direct attack sometimes forces the aggressor to retreat, and let the friendship fail, but he will also be afraid to harm you. However, you must always be prepared for new provocations, until the situation changes in your favor.

    Countermeasure # 3

    The new person always violates the established relationships in the team, no matter whether they are good or bad. Before you go on a frank conversation, analyze the situation: perhaps you made mistakes that your colleagues perceive as defiant behavior.

    In many companies there is a special document. It specifies the general rules for employees: how to contact, lunch time, allowable length of hair and even the critical length of skirts for employees. But in each micro-group there are also unwritten rules, violation of which causes discontent on the part of "aborigines".Often such nuances are only opened after a certain time. But then you can make an innocent face: "I did not know anything!" Sometimes it's enough to repent of my mistakes and ask for advice on how to properly "position yourself" or "lead", so that the antipathy of colleagues disappears by itself. This is pretty painful for self-esteem, but if the work suits you, it is worthwhile at the outset to demonstrate the readiness to learn from "senior comrades".

    The main thing - always keep your self-esteem, not opposing yourself to the team.

    Mobbing has the following manifestations:

    colleagues hide or give incomplete and incorrect information about the state of affairs - 26%;

    your proposals run into reluctance to listen to them - 20%;

    in a colleague's conversation allow themselves incorrect statements about you - 18%;

    you were actually suspended from work - 16%;

    all around say that you're messing around - 10%;

    is presented with overstated requirements, inappropriate to your position - 10%.

    Reasons for mobbing:

    survival of a newcomer - 26%;

    intrigues for the purpose of career growth - 70%;

    privileged position of individual members of the collective - 28%;

    envy the achievements of colleagues - 56%;

    rejection of white crows - 37%;

    personal dislike - 20%;

    impunity - 25%.

    Consequences of mobbing:


    is depressed;

    aversion to work;

    feeling of overload;

    problems in your personal life;


    Comments of a psychologist

    When a person makes a career, he is afraid of a lot of things: penalties, wage cuts, accusations of incompetence and, finally, dismissal. In addition to the fear of losing prestigious work, the cause of mobbing can be elementary envy - to successful studies, successful personal life, mind and even health. In this struggle there are no honest tricks: the entrance is blackmail, humiliation, gossip, forgery. It is not necessary to be under a delusion that mobbing threatens only people with weak will and mentality. Well thought out tactics of persecution will lead to the despair of even the most seasoned worker. What( psychologists call "psychological compatibility", can easily lead to the problem of psychological terror from the side of "like-minded people."

    At the same time, one can not consider mobbing a one-time gossip, a conflict situation when solving a work item, and even explicit sexual harassment from a colleague or chef. Mobbing is a systematically repetitive action, the purpose of which is to dislodge the victim from his position

    Psychological protection rules for mobbing:

    Do not lose self-control - names

    Do not complex - remember that you have already achieved certain successes in life.

    Do not fall into depression - for sure you already had to get out of difficult situations, cope with this too. Do not rush into conclusions - the information that

    Do not try to do everything in your own way - even if you know how to optimize the process, first make friends with your colleagues, and only thendriving rules.

    Find out what traditions exist in the team: for example, how it is customary to address each other, to the leadership, whether memorandums are written, etc.

    First of all, try to establish relations with the leader of the hostile group.

    You can become a potential victim of mobbing if:

    received a promotion( especially if you bypassed someone);

    take the initiative and are not afraid to make decisions;

    are ambitious and do not hide it;

    are prone to workaholism;

    has an education higher than required by the position held by you;

    more often than others receive bonuses or incentive prizes for their work;

    have charisma.