  • Hat

    For centuries, the hat was an important element of the women's wardrobe. It was she who pointed to the woman's belonging to this or that social stratum, testified to her wealth or poverty. At the beginning of the century there was a division of women into a "hat" and a "scarf".The rules of good tone were that a woman could not go out into the street, even in a garden without a hat.

    Today, the hat has won a full place in the wardrobe of women of all ages. Wherever you are and wherever you are going at any time of the year, an elegant hat is simply indispensable. It protects the hair from the sun and weather, hides the shortcomings of the hairstyle, when there is no time to mess with the hair.

    Some headgear, like berets, go to everyone, but you need to carefully select the hats of other, complex shapes. Make sure the margins and trunks fit your face and hairstyle. It happens that large fields optically reduce the face, and a higher crown increases. Check that the proportions of the hat are in harmony with the figure. Large hats are often as if pressed low women to the ground, and small just disappear on the ladies. So low hats with tall tulle and fields of medium size will suit women. They face small asymmetrical hats. Full chubby women should choose a hat so that the bulk of the headgear dominates the face oval and attracts the main attention. Broad cheekbones will hide the hat with the fields lowered down. Try your hats in front of a full-length mirror to find out whether the proportions are correctly observed.

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    The hat must be combined with the rest of the clothes. The extravagant, fanciful hat style does not go to a business suit, just like a panama - to an elegant dress. Only one headdress fits practically all summer toilets - a straw hat.

    Also the hat requires careful storage - it is better to store it in special cardboard boxes.

    If you follow the shows of new collections of well-known fashion designers, then make sure that the head dresses are paid more attention to. So you can always choose the right model for yourself.