  • 15 rules of survival at work

    If you want a career to grow, and you remain a young beautiful woman with healthy nerves, try to follow our recommendations, and then you will come to the office with a smile.

    1. Demand normal working conditions: you can not work with a monitor that has been laid for 10 years in a landfill.

    2. If the work process is a continuous job, talk about the flexible schedule or compensation for the weekend that you spent at work, and the days when you sat up until late at night.

    3. Use the leave. Injecting without rest, you risk to earn a syndrome of chronic fatigue and a lot of diseases.

    4. The temperature has risen - immediately go to bed and drink medicines. This is your legal right. Be treated until full recovery!

    5. Returning home, do not grab at once for household chores."Cinderella Day" arrange on Friday, that on Saturday and Sunday as it is necessary to have a rest.

    6. Do not assume other people's responsibilities. A colleague can be helped, but you do not need to do her job all the time. You do not want to work for wear for free?

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    7. Save time - do not be distracted by personal telephone conversations. Explain to your friends that talking about "how are you" is inappropriate. Promise that you will call later. If you talk all day on the phone, you'll have to stay in the evening. You do not have time to rest!

    8. Come and go on time. Staying up late, you demonstrate the inability to cope with the work on time. And you do not have time for a gym or a walk.

    9. Put on the table a funny photo from the family archive, hang a nice picture on the wall. Let the objects surrounding you cause joyful emotions. And on Friday, allocate 20 minutes to put on the table order: on Monday, will not be nervous in trying to find something.

    10. At the break, you must leave the office. Throw muscles, breathe air - and in the second half of the day you will have everything you planned. After all, even a half-hour walk at least a little, but saturates the brain with oxygen.

    11. Do not take work at home, especially on weekends. Learn to distract yourself at home and gain strength. Make a relaxing mask, listen to pleasant music, read a good book, play with the child. You will rest and tomorrow you will do so much that you yourself will be surprised!

    12. If you go to work not having breakfast, skipping lunch, and catching up in the evening, do not be surprised that you have little time to recover, and even suffer from gastritis. Give up snacks sandwiches and hot dogs. Order a full dinner in the office.

    13. Of course, this advice has already filled everyone's nails, but it is still relevant. Quit smoking! Tobacco smoke spoils the complexion and poisons the body. Think of another reason to get distracted: for example, do gymnastics or have a cup of tea.

    14. During an intellectual assault, lean not on coffee, but on juice. At you - stress, the stomach in a considerable quantity allocates acid. Coffee stimulates the production of gastric juice, and it also harms the heart and skin.

    15. To prevent unnecessary stress, say "yes" to your personal life. But do not start official novels. If the novel ends, you are unlikely to be pleased to meet every day in his office. Why do you need unpleasant emotions?