  • Gypsophila

    Gypsophila( shaking)

    Family clove.


    This plant is also called pumping. It is perfect for decorating any bouquet, making it light and elegant. And this is quite understandable, since in the Latin translation the species name of gypsophila is elegant.

    The plant is cold-resistant, photophilic and unpretentious, blooming 1.5 months after sowing seeds. Therefore, it can be sown several times during the summer, but the bloom is short. Fast blooming allows the use of gypsophila to decorate empty places in mixborders.

    Hypsophila can grow on one place without a transplant till 25 years! Hypsophila has a core root, so at an older age it does not tolerate a transplant.

    A herbaceous annual plant 40-50 cm high, erect, densely branched. Leaves are small, flowers are not large, 8 - 10 mm in diameter, white, pink, collected in wide corymbose panicles.

    Plants in height from 10-15 cm are used for stony hills, and up to 80-100 cm for cutting. But there are intermediate grades, 50-60 cm tall. Here they are and put on the flower beds. For example, on an elegant white flower bed, both non-marble and terry( best suited for White Pearl) are perennial hypsophiles.

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    For arrangement of bouquets it is possible to receive flowering plants in a greenhouse in April-May.

    Easily multiplies by seeds that are sown in April on a bed previously freed from weeds, and at the end of August the grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place according to the scheme of 30 x 30 cm. It can be propagated by cuttings in spring, especially with regard to double forms. For the collection of seeds, the plants are cut off when a part of the boxes turns yellow and is dried.

    blooms for a long time, in July-August with a white or pink air cloud.

    Gypsophila elegant ♦ Annual;bush spherical, stem up to 50 cm high, branchy;leaves small, lanceolate;inflorescence - corymbose panicle, flowers small( up to 1 cm in diameter), white, pink or carmine;flowers 40-50 days after emergence( depends on the seeding time).

    Gypsophila paniculate ♦ Perennial;bush globular, up to 1 m in diameter;flowers smaller than the previous species, are simple and terry, color white or pink;blooms from June to August.

    Gypsophila creeping ♦ Perennial;shoots creeping, up to 20 cm high;leaves narrow-lanceolate;flowers small, white or pink;blooms in May - June. Requirements for moisture: do not like waterlogging, drought-resistant.

    Requirements for heat and light

    Heat and lightfastness.

    Soil requirements: prefers light, without fresh manure, medium-augmented, slightly alkaline soils, can grow on limestones( which is why the genus got its name).
    Perennial species of gypsophila prefer sandy loamy or loamy fertile soils.

    Reproduction of : by seeds, in shpeophily creeping also by cuttings and by dividing the bush.

    Features of : only non-fruit forms bear fruit.

    Usage: for cutting for summer and winter bouquets;gypsophila creeping also for alpine bitteries, stony gardens and curbs.

    Cultivation and care

    Gypsophila is grown by sowing seeds in the soil from early spring or winter. Seedlings appear after 8-10 days, they are thinned to a distance of 15-20 cm.

    Very brightly look bright or deep red roses of Floribunda group, long blossoming with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, surrounded by white lace of perennial non-marvelous gypsophila, with which the rose hasfriendly relations. Or, on the contrary, surrounded by pink gypsophila amazingly look snow-white roses from the same group or a group of red or bright yellow lilies from the team Asian hybrids. By the way, when the lilies bloom, the delicate gypsophila perfectly covers them. It can generally be used for this purpose - to cover plants that lose decorativeness, after flowering in June-July.

    Usually, perennial gypsophila is grown for cutting to arrange bouquets. This is a beautiful cut plant, standing in the water for a long time.