  • Briophyllum

    Family of crustaceans. Genus bryophyllum. Natural climatic conditions: subtropics. This genus of plants is chronically confused with the genus Kalanchoe, so do not be surprised if you meet bryophylla under that name. The principal difference between the two genera is that only bryophyllum is able to form on the leaves adnexal buds( buds of reproduction), similar to miniature shoots with rootlets below. Briophyllum - semi-shrub or shrub succulents with various variants of stem and leaves structure: the leaves can be petiolate or sedentary, simple or pinnate, with a smooth or serrate margin, their arrangement can be either opposite or regular( unlike Kalanchoe);the inflorescence is usually a cluster located on peduncles.

    The most common species in the indoor culture: Dioremont Briophlum( Kalanchoe Daigremont, viviparous) ♦ Semishrub up to 1 m high;the leaves are large, up to 12 cm in length, reminiscent of leaves or nettle leaves, but they are often narrower: narrow-ovoid with a pointed tip and serrated or serrate edges;They are fleshy, they curl with age, or their tip bends downwards;the kidneys are located on the denticles, leaf blades of dark olive green color with brownish-red or brown spots;flowers hanging down, bloated, grayish-lilac;blooms in June-July. Has medicinal properties. Lifofillum pinnate( calanchous pinnate) * Semishrub with fleshy stems, reaching 1 m in height;young leaves ovate, dentate, leathery, fleshy, on the tips of the teeth subordinate buds are formed;inflorescence apex, located on peduncle, flowers up to 4 cm long, corolla tube slightly inflated, young flowers greenish-white, efflorescent - pink;blooms in June-July.

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    Pretty unpretentious plants.

    Demand for moisture: rare, but abundant watering in the summer, very mild in the winter.

    Temperature regime: mature specimens in winter need a temperature of 12-14 ° C, young - at a slightly higher temperature.

    Light mode: sun-loving, short-day plant. To achieve flowering in spring and summer, it is necessary to artificially reduce the light day to 12 hours. The southern exposure is optimal.

    Requirement for soil: optimal soil mixture from compost, humus and deciduous lands with sand in a ratio of 4: 2: 1: 1.It needs fertilizing with solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers, in the period of budding - having an increased content of phosphorus or separately phosphoric.

    Propagation: by reproduction buds, less often by seeds, leaf cuttings and propagation of peduncles. Cuttings are desirable before planting podvyalit within a day and a half. Cuttings root in the sand. The peculiarity of seed breeding is that the seeds are germinated at a temperature of 16-18 ° C.

    Features: Young rooted plants need to pinch the tip. Transplant or transshipment - annual.