  • Minerals

    The human body contains about 70 elements, most of which are vital. Mineral substances are involved in many processes of the body, and without them the normal vital activity of a person would be impossible.

    Mineral substances do not have energy value. Therefore, water, including mineral water, although it contains some minerals, has zero caloric value.

    Excess mineral substances, like their deficiency, can lead to malfunctions in the body and even cause some diseases.

    Calcium( Ca)

    Provides strength of bones and teeth.

    Supports heart rate in normal.

    Promotes the metabolism of iron in the body.

    Helps the nervous system in the transmission of nerve impulses.

    Improves sleep.

    Products rich in calcium: cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products, soybeans, peanuts and walnuts, greens, sardines, salmon.

    Phosphorus( P)

    Helps keep your teeth and gums healthy.

    Promotes growth and recovery of the body.

    Helps metabolize fats and starches.

    Reduces pain in arthritis. Sources: poultry, fish, meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, bone

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    flour( vitamin D must be added to it).Sodium( Na)

    Takes part in the formation of gastric juice.

    Regulates the excretion of slag formations by the kidneys.

    Activates some enzymes of salivary glands and pancreas.

    Sodium-rich foods: table salt. Potassium( K)

    Improves the supply of oxygen to the brain.

    Reduces blood pressure.

    Promotes the removal of toxins from the body.

    Helps to preserve youth and beauty.

    Helps in the treatment of allergies.

    Potassium-rich products: bananas, melons, citrus fruits, all green vegetables with leaves, tomatoes, dried apricots, sunflower seeds, mint leaves.

    Chlorine( ะก1)

    It works in conjunction with potassium and sodium, helps to remove toxins from the body.

    Helps maintain body flexibility.

    Chlorine-rich products: table salt, olives. Magnesium( Mg)

    Responsible for maintaining human health throughout life.

    Helps to remove depression and irritability.

    Maintains healthy teeth.

    Helps prevent heart attacks, providing a healthy cardiovascular system.

    Eliminates indigestion.

    Prevents deposition in the kidney and gallbladder of calcium and stones.

    Products rich in magnesium: hard water containing calcium and magnesium salts, cocoa, dolomite apples, figs, grapefruits, lemons, almonds, nuts, sunflower seeds, dark green vegetables.

    Sulfur( S)

    Helps fight against bacterial infections.

    Gives shine to the hair and a healthy appearance to the skin.

    If a sufficient amount of protein is consumed, there will be no sulfur deficiency.

    Rich in gray products: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, oat and buckwheat groats, legumes, cabbage.

    Iron( Fe)

    Necessary for the formation of hemoglobin( red blood cells), in this regard helps prevent and treat the same-lezodefitsitnuyu anemia.

    Increases the body's resistance to disease.

    Increases efficiency.

    Promotes growth in children.

    Iron-rich foods: liver and kidneys of animals, egg yolks, red meat, oysters, peaches, apricots, nuts,

    parsley greens, oatmeal, beets, potatoes, onions, apples. The highest demand for iron in women. Zinc( Zn)

    Eliminates white spots on the nails.

    Accelerates wound healing.

    Is a preventive tool in the occurrence of prostate diseases in men.

    Helps in the treatment of infertility.

    Increases mental activity.

    Helps children grow.

    Helps to restore lost taste sensations.

    Helps reduce cholesterol deposition.

    Products rich in zinc: lamb meat, steak, pumpkin seeds and sunflower, eggs, milk, pork fillet, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, mustard.

    Manganese( Mp)

    Reduces irritability.

    Activates memory.

    Improves muscular reflexes.

    Increases efficiency.

    Products rich in manganese: strong tea, cranberries, nuts, green vegetables with leaves, peas, beets, egg yolk, whole grains.

    Chromium( Cr)

    Reduces high blood pressure and is a preventive tool in the onset of hypertension.

    Prevents the development of diabetes mellitus.

    Promotes growth.

    Products rich in chrome: oysters, crabs, shellfish, chicken, meat, corn oil, brewer's yeast. Copper( C)

    Promotes effective absorption of iron.

    Increases resistance to certain diseases.

    Foods rich in copper: prunes, veal and beef liver, shrimp, most seafood, peas, dried beans.

    Cobalt( Co)

    Participates in the hematopoiesis.

    Improves metabolism.

    Stops development and progression of malignant tumors.

    Cobalt rich foods: beef, grapes, radish, cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, black currant, strawberries, mushrooms.

    Selenium( Se)

    Prevents the appearance of dandruff and helps in its treatment.

    Supports skin elasticity.

    Neutralizes certain carcinogens.

    Eliminates ailments during the menopause.

    Products rich in selenium: seafood, liver, kidneys, germinated wheat grains, corn, bran, onions, tomatoes, broccoli.

    Fluoride( F)

    Helps prevent caries and stops tooth decay.

    Strengthens bones.

    Rich in fluoride products: water( satisfies the need for fluoride by 2/3), tea, salad, lamb, seafood, gelatin.

    Iodine( J).

    Makes the skin, hair and nails healthy.

    Improves mental activity.

    Increases efficiency.

    Promotes proper growth and development of children.

    Burns excess fat.

    Iodine-rich foods: all seafood, onions, vegetables grown on soil rich in iodine.

    Table The daily requirement of an adult in mineral substances

    Mineral substances

    Daily requirement, mg

































