  • Vitamins and minerals

    Vitamins are chemicals of various structures. They are extremely important for the body: they activate metabolic processes, increase the body's resistance to infections, improve the human performance, stimulate immunity. Vitamins are absorbed only in combination with mineral substances, and therefore in tablets they are given in this combination.

    However, vitamins are needed in small doses, and therefore uncontrolled intake of vitamin-containing drugs is dangerous for health. It is best to consume vitamins from food products, since you will avoid the danger of overdose, and also get a number of other useful substances, for example, indigestible carbohydrates, necessary for intestinal health.

    Vitamins are water and fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins are dissolved in water, fat-soluble - in fat.

    Water-soluble vitamins

    C( ascorbic acid)

    Vitamin C must be supplied with food, as it is produced in the human body in insufficient quantities. Most often people lack this particular vitamin.

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    Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, helps protect the body against colds and infectious diseases, speeds up the healing of wounds, burns, reduces bleeding gums. Promotes the removal of harmful substances from the body, including prevents the formation of carcinogens. Also, vitamin C improves the absorption of inorganic iron, promotes the formation of blood cells and hemoglobin, reduces allergic reactions. Vitamin C, as a powerful antioxidant, slows down the aging process, provides elasticity of the skin, improves the complexion.

    Smoking reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body.

    The need for vitamin C increases with heavy physical work, stressful conditions, when working in low temperature.

    In order for vitamin C to be better absorbed, it must be consumed together with calcium, magnesium and bioflavonoids. An example of such a combination is strawberry with cream.

    Vitamin C is destroyed by high temperature, from exposure to oxygen, sunlight, during long-term storage. That's why fruits and greens are better to eat raw, and immediately peeled vegetables in cold water to reduce contact with oxygen. But when cooking vegetables, on the contrary, it is desirable to put it for cooking when the water is already boiling. To maximize the conservation of vitamin C, vegetables should be cooked better with the lid closed.

    Products rich in vitamin C: rosehip, sweet red pepper, black currant, sea buckthorn, young potatoes, citrus fruits, strawberries, cherries, apples, parsley, spinach, tomatoes, cabbage.

    B1( thiamin)

    Vitamin B is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, moreover, it promotes growth, improves digestion, especially facilitates the digestion of carbohydrates. Thanks to this particular vitamin, a person can tolerate sea sickness more easily and is less cared for in transport. It also helps in the treatment of herpes zoster.

    The need for vitamin Bj increases with increased physical and mental performance, during periods of stress, illness, after surgery.

    This vitamin is best absorbed in combination with other B vitamins. When cooked, it easily collapses.

    Products containing vitamin Bj - yeast, bread with bran, wheat germ and other cereal plants, oat flakes, egg yolk, liver, kidneys, brain, pork, beans, peanuts, many kinds of vegetables, milk.

    B2( riboflavin)

    Positively affects the general condition of the body, increases efficiency, promotes growth, and provides reproductive health. Vitamin B2 provides a good condition of the skin, hair and nails, helps cure cracks in the corners of the mouth, reduces eye fatigue, improves eyesight.

    Vitamin is resistant to heat.

    Products containing vitamin B2 - liver, brain, kidneys, egg white, yeast, spinach, blue plums, tomatoes, nuts, mushrooms, milk and other dairy products.

    B 5( pantothenic acid, panthenol)

    Improves healing of wounds and burns, reduces the side effects of most antibiotics, increases the endurance of the body.

    It is destroyed during heat treatment.

    Foods containing vitamin B5 - meat, fish caviar, liver, kidneys, heart, eggs, milk, cheese, hazelnuts, cauliflower, green vegetables, bran and whole grains, potatoes.

    B 6( pyridoxine)

    Necessary for normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes absorption of proteins and fats. Prevents

    nerve disorders, reduces cramps of calf muscles, night muscle spasms, numbness of the hands, acts as a diuretic. Provides beauty of the skin, slows down aging. When heat treatment is destroyed.

    Products containing vitamin B6 - yeast, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, liver, egg yolk, wheat germ, buckwheat and oatmeal, unpolished rice, oats, peanuts and walnuts, red pepper, fish( halibut, cod).

    B9( folic acid)

    Has a powerful anti-anemic effect, ensures the normal development of the fetus in pregnant women, improves the allocation of milk in lactating women. Increases appetite, protects against

    food poisoning and intestinal parasites, prevents the occurrence of ulcerative stomatitis. Provides skin health.

    People who have an intestinal microflora disorder( including the use of antibiotics), most often lack folic acid. Deficiency of this vitamin can also occur due to a decrease in protein intake, as well as regular consumption of alcohol.

    Foods containing vitamin B9 - bread from whole wheaten and dark rye flour, watermelons, green vegetables( parsley, spinach, lettuce, onion, peas, early cabbage, avocado), liver, egg yolk, beans, oranges, apricots,bananas, yeast, milk, yogurt, cheese.

    Вl2( cyanobolamine)

    plays an important role in most metabolic processes, especially in the process of hematopoiesis, ensures normal functioning of the nervous system, reduces irritability, improves memory, concentrates attention, positively affects the state of mind.

    Products containing vitamin B12, - liver, poultry, cottage cheese, pork, beef, eggs, cheese, milk.

    PP( niacin, B3)

    Significantly improves digestion, lowers cholesterol in the blood, increases endurance, gives energy. It alleviates the headache with migraines and prevents its appearance. Improves blood circulation, reduces high blood pressure.

    Products containing vitamin PP - yeast, liver, kidneys, lean meat, white poultry meat, fish, legumes, buckwheat and pearl barley, cottage cheese, whole wheat products, almonds, roasted peanuts, dried apricots, peaches, prunes, dates,avocado.

    Biotin( Vitamin H, B8)

    Relieves muscle pain, provides skin health, helps prevent baldness and graying.

    Products containing biotin: kidneys, beef, egg yolk, milk, cheese, shellfish, tuna, and many vegetable products - unpolished rice, corn, peas, soy, oat groats, walnuts and almonds, tomatoes.

    Choline( vitamin B)

    Improves liver function, promotes the removal of poisons from the body, helps the body monitor the accumulation of cholesterol, positively affects memory performance, has a calming effect.

    Products containing choline: liver, meat, egg yolk, oatmeal, rice, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, green leafy vegetables,

    Vitamin R( bioflavonoids, rutin, citrine)

    Strengthens capillary walls, helps in the prevention and treatment of bleeding gums, increases the body's resistance to infections. It has another important function: it assists in the assimilation of vitamin C. It is believed that for every 500 mg of vitamin C that enters the body, one must take 100 g of vitamin R.

    Foods containing vitamin P are citrus, especially their interlobular part and white peel, broth of wild rose, walnuts, black currant, tea leaves, sweet cherry, black chokeberry fruits, apricots.