  • Types of manicure

    In the technique of performing the manicure is divided into several main types:

    trimmed manicure( classic);

    unedged manicure( European);

    SPA manicure;

    hot manicure. In turn, each of the

    of these species can include several different procedures, for example, with an unedged manicure the cuticle can be removed in various ways: dissolve with a special preparation or move back into the nail. Types of SPA manicure vary in the number and composition of the procedures performed.

    Trimming manicure

    Trimming manicure is the cheapest and fastest method for achieving the ideal condition of heavily neglected nails.

    Sequence of

    1. Pre-soak the finger tips in a special aqueous solution.

    2. Raise the cuticle with an "orange" stick over the nail plate.

    3. Cut with scissors or bite off the tweezers.

    Unfortunately, cuticle cutting leads to its coarsening, as well as to accelerated and thickened growth. Once grown up, it will be strewn with small burrs.

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    The trimmed manicure includes the usual procedures, such as: the removal of lacquer residues, the bath, softening the nails, shortening the nails( if necessary), shaping them with special tools, grinding, softening the brush tray, processing the skin around the nails and cuticles, the final bath and the application of varnish. In addition, the classic edging manicure can include such intermediate procedures as cleaning the under-nail space, rubbing the hands, applying creams and oils, massage, etc.

    Gradually the trimmed manicure gives way to the unedged( European) manicure, where the cuticle procedure is not performed, therefore, scissors and other cutting objects are not used. This is explained by the fear of Europeans before contracting AIDS through getting into the blood of infection with manicure instruments.

    European unedged manicure

    In the process of European unedged manicure, the cuticle is removed with special preparations containing a certain percentage of essential acids( milk, fruit, etc.).They soften the cuticle and disinfect it.

    With European manicure, two new ways of caring for the cuticle are used. The first is to soften the cuticle in a special oil or gel and then gently and gently remove it with a special stick. The second way: a small amount of cream is applied to the cuticle, which softens, exfoliates and thins the cuticle, and after 3-5 minutes it is enough to wipe the nail - and the cuticle as it was. These drugs further inhibit the growth of the cuticle.

    Procedure for the European unedged manicure

    1. Remove the old varnish from the nail with a nail polish remover that does not contain acetone. In a container with warm water, dilute a little sea salt or liquid soap with a softening effect. If the hands are dry,into the water a decoction of chamomile. Wet your hands for 5 minutes, then dry it well.

    2. Apply the remedy for its removal to the softened cuticle

    3. Remove the cuticle to the base of the nail

    4. After 2-3 minutes remove the cuticle removerand rebuffadjust the surrounding area with the help of the sharp end of the orange stick, remove the remaining skin on the nail

    5. Clean the inside of the grown nail with a manicure stick and cotton fleece dipped in a cream or antibacterial liquid

    6. Form the nails with a non-metallic saw.should be in the same direction - to the center of the nail. Nails should be the same length.

    7. If the nails have defects( irregularities, tubercles), then the nails are recommended to grind.

    For final processing, the nails are polished and degreased with a nail polish remover. Then you need to wipe your nails well.

    8. Apply a basic lacquer base. Then the first layer of colored varnish. After 10 minutes - the second layer of the same varnish. Dry the lacquer and coat the nails with a lacquer-fixer.