  • Footwear

    "Boots Do not Lie!" - so called the book American cartoonist Mimi Pond. She believes that shoes for women are not just a matter of fashion or style. They talk about their mistress, about her character and habits, all or almost all.

    Shoes with thick soles with lacing. A woman who knows what she wants. She goes her own way, bypassing the beaten paths. Her life principles: ambition, energy, success.

    Boats. Prefering this shoe shines in all life situations. She is good as a hospitable hostess, an understanding partner and a prosperous business lady. She does not like surprises, she has a very specific idea of ​​her own life and how to build it.

    Moccasins. Do not despair, better address it! The woman wearing this type of shoes will always give you good advice. She has analytical thinking, she will easily solve any problem. Her self-control never fails. A partner can always rely on her, friends - count on her help in a difficult situation. Her dream is a house drowning in greenery, and children with higher education.

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    Lace-up boots. This woman is somewhat like Mary Poppins. Without any effort on her part, she is always in the spotlight. This place is destined for her by nature.

    "Ballerina"( boats without heels) .A lover of such shoes constantly presents herself as a heroine of fairy tales, for example, the Brothers Grimm. Romantic, dreaming of perfect love, she is a creative person, she necessarily dances, plays the piano or draws.

    Sports shoes( sneakers, sneakers). A good companion, absolutely independent and always in search of adventure. Nothing can stop it. Her life motto is forward, forward and forward.

    Lacquered half-boots. A woman with lots of faces. Always ready for surprises. Bright, cheerful, versatile and full of vital energy, a temperament that shines the same as her boots. Who wants to walk next to her, must be flexible and have a sense of humor.

    Studs. A woman who lives on a broad foot. She loves champagne, parties, guests, a regular visitor of vernissages. She enjoys the looks that accompany her. She always keeps her hand on the pulse of time.