  • Features of nutrition after childbirth

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    When breastfeeding, substances that enter the body with food penetrate the milk and can cause the formation of gas in the baby's belly or an allergic rash. The trouble is that the sensitivity of the tummies of different kids is individual, and the woman herself will have to choose her own diet by trial and possible mistakes. I recommend in this case to make a list in which it is necessary to mark the time of using this or that product and the child's reaction in 18 hours. Perhaps, acceptable for both of your products will be few. Do not lose heart: by the age of 5-6 months, the baby's intestines will grow stronger, and you will be able to diversify your diet.

    A breastfeeding woman is recommended to eat 200 grams of meat or fish per day, 100-150 g of cottage cheese, 20-30 g of cheese, 500-600 g of vegetables, and 200-300 g of fruit. From fats it is better to use creamy( 15-20 g) and vegetable( 25-30 g) oils. Many women enjoy eating porridge, including fast food. It is necessary to drink no more than 1 liter of milk or sour milk drinks.

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    Here is the list of foods that are generally not negatively affected by infants: low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, kefir, low-fat yogurt, potatoes, porridges( buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn), beef, low-fat pork, turkey meat,green apples.

    For products that babies usually tolerate poorly, they include cabbage, beans, coffee, kvass, beer, salted and smoked fish, fatty and smoked sausages, canned goods, sweet fizzy drinks( such as cola).

    Foods that can cause allergies in the baby and which should be used with caution: fish, eggs, chicken meat, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, black currants, pineapples, melons, persimmons, pomegranates, citrus fruits, coffee, cocoa, mushrooms, mustard, spices.

    A nursing woman makes a menu for herself, taking into account the child's reaction, because not all babies have so-called forbidden foods that can cause negative reactions. In addition, the child usually tolerates the use of

    in small quantities by the mother of these products in small quantities. This primarily applies to vegetables and fruits, so necessary for enriching the diet.

    After the birth, many women suffer from constipation. To combat them, recommend a diet rich in raw and cooked vegetables, fruits and fruit juices, as well as the use of wheat bran. If you are breastfeeding, you may, although not necessarily, have to give up some foods that regulate the stool well, such as beets, cabbage, prunes, dried apricots. In such cases, you need to drink enough fluids( to start a glass of cold water in the morning on an empty stomach).Many women with constipation helps a spoon of vegetable oil( preferably olive oil) on an empty stomach or a glass of kefir.

    In case of anemia after delivery, the body should receive enough iron from the food( the menu is selected individually).Especially useful for anemia is meat, besides, it does not cause intestinal colic in a child. Yes, and cook it easier and faster if you use an oven or a microwave oven, and the boiled meat can be cooked without problems.

    For anemia, it is recommended to eat 200 grams of meat per day or 250 grams of fish, 1 egg, dairy products not exceeding 1 kg( cheese, cottage cheese, kefir and others), 80-100 g of fats, about 800 g of vegetables and fruits, some of which are neededto eat in raw form( carrots, turnips, apples).A good side dish for meat will be porridge - dishes from cereals also contain iron. A large amount of calcium and phosphorus, which is contained in milk and cheese, can somewhat inhibit the absorption of iron, so it makes sense to share the use of dairy and meat products. It is recommended to combine foods rich in iron, with foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C, which improves the absorption of iron in the stomach. Do not drink tea or coffee immediately after eating: the tannin contained in them has the property of binding iron. It is recommended to use specially fortified foods( cereals, cereal for breakfast, bread, etc.).

    Here are a few recipes for meals that you can include in your daily diet to enhance the defenses of the body. They include fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, nuts, sour-milk products, oat flakes, which contain coarse fiber, which contributes to the good work of the gastrointestinal tract:

    1 tbsp.l.any berries( can be frozen), 1 tbsp.l.oat flakes and the same amount of raisins to pour yogurt or sweet yogurt;

    1 tbsp.l.slightly soaked oatmeal flakes mixed with a handful of nuts and raisins, add 1 tbsp.l.honey, grated apple and 0.5 lemon zest;

    1 tbsp.l.oat flakes mixed with crushed fruits - banana and green apple, add a few spoons of yogurt or kefir and 1 tsp.honey;

    3 tbsp.l.oat flakes insist in 50 ml of boiled water for 3 hours, add a finely chopped green apple and 1 banana, 1 tbsp.l.dried fruits, 1 tbsp.l.walnuts and raisins, 1 tbsp.l.honey, juice 0.5 lemon, mix( the recipe is designed for 2 meals).

    To strengthen immunity and restore the body, there are several recipes for simple dishes with the use of medicinal plants - nettle, dandelion, snyti, parsley and others.

    Salad from greenery: young nettle to stand for 1 hour in cold water, cut, pound, add chopped dill, parsley, spinach, sorrel, egg whites( in arbitrary proportion), fill with any vegetable oil with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

    Nettle and egg salad 100 g of nettle leaves, 1 egg, dill greens and parsley, sour cream, salt. Leave nettle leaves with boiling water, squeeze, finely chop and saute on butter( no longer than a minute).Cook boiled hard-boiled egg, finely chop dill and parsley. Combine greens and eggs, salt and season with sour cream.

    Salad "Spring": 2 tubers of Jerusalem artichoke( ground pear), 2 medium carrots, 15 borage leaves( cucumber

    grass), vegetable oil and salt to taste. Topinambour and carrots grate on a large grater, cut the cucumber grass, mix everything, add salt and season with oil.

    Salad with egg: grind 2-3 tubers of Jerusalem artichoke, 1 egg, hard-boiled, stir, season with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs. Salt to taste.

    Pasta from greens for sandwiches: 100 g of nettle leaves, 100 g of dandelion leaves, green onions, 1 boiled egg, 50 g of butter.

    Nettle boil in salted water for 3-5 minutes, dandelion leaves finely chopped, put for 20 minutes in salt water or scalded with boiling water, chop the onions finely. Egg to mash with a fork, butter slightly soften. Mix everything to a homogeneous mass, salt to taste. Serve on sandwiches or boiled potatoes.

    Millet porridge with dumpling: 1.5 cups of lard, 1 cup of millet, 4 cups of water, 3 tbsp.l.oil, salt. Millet soak and cook for 10 minutes, chop finely chopped, put in porridge, bring to a boil. Cover the pan and wrap it for 1 hour. Put the butter in the prepared porridge.

    If you use wild plants for food, you must remember that:

    - it is better to use young plants, old plants take only leaves;

    - the greens are thoroughly washed under cold running water.