  • Your body after the birth of a child

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    During the past nine months, you were pregnant, so now you feel a bit strange - both physically and psychologically. Take care of yourself to properly recover, and then return to a physically active state.

    The physical changes that you will encounter after the birth of a child can simply shock;you will have contractions of the uterus and heavy bleeding, possibly accompanied by pain, numbness in the perineum, and a chest that has become stiff to stony. The effort spent on the birth of a child can create a sense of ten-round fight in the ring with a heavyweight. Although you have lost most of your abdomen, it can still bring great disappointment - sagging and flabby, and you are thinking about whether you can bring it to a normal state. At the same time, the rapidly falling levels of hormones no longer required for the

    to provide pregnancy can make your response unpredictable. If you feel anxious and depressed, try to remember that all these symptoms will pass when the body returns to normal. However, it is vital to seek help if you feel uncomfortable or something bothers you.

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    Immediately after birth, you will experience severe abdominal pains similar to those in the month. These pains, known as painful postnatal contractions or contractions of the uterus after birth, caused by hormone oxytocin, initiate labor contractions and work to reduce and contract the uterus and reduce bleeding.

    Symptoms of contraction of the uterus

    Immediately after the placenta, your uterus will weigh approximately 1 kg. In six weeks it will be 95% lighter. If you are breastfeeding, the uterus will shrink much more quickly, because with breastfeeding oxytocin is produced more. By the end of the first week after delivery, the uterus will decrease by half in relation to the navel and the upper part of the pubic bone. After two weeks, you should not feel its top at all. This is an amazing process, showing which womb was at the end of pregnancy, when it had a baby, placenta and amniotic fluid. The uterus will always be greater than it was before pregnancy, but after the abdominal muscles have regained their former strength, no one will know about it-even you yourself.

    Pain relief

    The malaise from postpartum uterine contractions should decrease with each passing day. If you think that you should take some pills to relieve pain, then ibuprofen or paracetamol is safe, even if you are breast-feeding. Aspirin is not recommended, as it provokes bleeding, this medicine also gets into milk and can harm the child. If these remedies do not relieve pain, consult a doctor. Warm baths can help, but you probably prefer to wait for the bleeding to stop.


    After childbirth, there are secretions consisting of blood, mucus and uterine tissue, which are called lochia. They can be extremely heavy, as the bleeding mainly comes from the location of the placenta. Lochias are dark red, thick and may contain blood clots. Especially hard for you after a night's sleep.

    Changes in loach

    Lochia can last up to six weeks, but their course is gradually eased, with the color changing to reddish-brown, then to yellowish, and finally they will become almost transparent. To absorb secretions, use postnatal pads( special very large hygienic towels), not tampons. Perhaps, first you will have to change them every time you visit the toilet.

    Be sure to consult a doctor if the bleeding increases, turns bright red, contains a lot of blood clots or smells unpleasant. This may be a sign of infection.


    After birth, the genital area can swell, ache and stretch. If you have had protracted, difficult births, breaks or episiotomy, you will feel pain and malaise and will feel the perineum( the area between the vagina and the anus) numb. Exercises for the pelvic floor, which can be performed on the next day after birth, will help the muscles to restore their tone and recovery by increasing blood circulation.

    After the birth of a child, you may have abrasions in the urethra area as a result of stretching. They heal quickly and do not require medical intervention, but can saddle

    Drink plenty of fluids to dilute the urine, this will reduce burning sensation, and also regularly empty the bladder.

    Try applying ice or a packet of frozen peas wrapped in a soft cloth, to the perineum to reduce swelling and ease the pain. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes every two hours during the first day.

    Try to bend over the toilet instead of sitting down. Choose the right angle so that the flow of the jet does not cause pain.

    Keep a pitcher of water in the tub and pour it during and after urination, so that no urine remains on the skin.

    A sitting bath( a basin filled with warm water) or applying warm compresses for 20 minutes three times a day will help ease the pain.

    Try to soak the hygienic bag in the witch hazel broth( plant. -- Note Ed.). You will feel the removal of heat, it will also prevent the flow of blood to the pubic hair.

    when urinating. If, after an episiotomy and ruptures, sutures were applied to you, they do not require removal, since they will dissolve after a few weeks. But getting urine in these places will cause burning.

    Hygiene compliance

    To avoid infection, hygiene in the genital area is very important. When washing the perineal area and after the toilet, always wipe it from front to back to prevent bacteria from entering the rectum into the urethra. Change sanitary pads at least 4-6

    Permanent swelling When the baby's body begins to get rid of excess fluid after birth, the tumor from pregnancy should disappear. However, if the swelling does not go away, headaches or pain in the legs occur, consult a doctor, since these symptoms may indicate high blood pressure, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.

    once a day to ensure cleanliness and monitor the intensity of bleeding. Always wash your hands before and after treatment of the perineal area and after replacement of the puerperal pads.

    Difficulty with urinating

    After giving birth, especially on the first day, problems with urination may occur. You may not have a urge at all or you can feel the urge, but you can not empty yourself. It is important to empty the bladder within 6-8 hours after the birth of the baby to avoid infection of the urinary tract and prevent bladder enlargement, which can lead to

    decrease in muscle tone. Drink more fluids and try to get up after the birth as soon as possible, as soon as you are allowed, it will help the bladder. If you do not urinate for eight hours after giving birth, the doctor may suggest putting a catheter( tube inserted into the urethra) to empty the bladder. After a day you will go to the toilet often and abundantly, as the fluids formed in the body during pregnancy will be removed from it.

    Anxiety about the intestine

    The first operation of the intestine after delivery can cause you some anxiety. If you have stitches, you may be worried about not going apart, or about exacerbating hemorrhoids. The abdominal muscles, which are used to evacuate slags, may temporarily prove ineffective due to superimposed sutures.

    However, the more you worry, the less will the bowel become empty. Therefore, the best thing you can do is not to worry. Although the first movements of the intestine will most likely cause unpleasant sensations, this will not affect the seams, and in a few days you will return to your usual condition. Eat fibrous food( whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables) and drink more liquid, which is good for triggering the intestine. Easy physical exercises and exercises for the pelvic floor will eliminate discomfort. But if you have constipation, see a doctor, he will prescribe a stool softener or laxative.

    Chest pain

    Even if you decide not to breast-feed, hormonal changes that provide a readiness for breastfeeding will still occur. The pituitary will begin the process of lactation( producing milk), releasing the hormone prolactin. Once this process begins, it is stimulated by frequent consumption by the child. Regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or not, within 2-4 days after the birth of the baby your breasts will increase in size, become firmer, and you will probably experience painful sensations,

    If you are breastfeeding, then frequent sucking by the baby will helpreduce coarsening, but in some countries, women are recommended to massage their breasts to relieve pain. Here, for example, is the Japanese massage technique.

    Start with a massage of the base of the breasts. Close your breasts with your hands, supporting them from below. Give the chest forward, while simultaneously pointing the chest to each other. The inflow of milk from the bottom of the breasts will be much freer. While holding your left breast, gently walk on it with your fingers in a circular motion around the nipple. Repeat for the right breast. This daily massage during the coarsening of the breasts can eliminate pain. Other methods are given below.

    when they prepare to make milk. This process is called "coarsening of the mammary glands".

    Relieving chest pain

    While your breasts are swollen, wear a well-fitted supporting bra that will provide comfort. Some experts during this period recommend wearing a bra around the clock. Before breastfeeding can help a very warm shower or warm compresses on the chest. Wet heat expands the milk ducts, and when the child suckles the milk will flow more freely and the tension from the breasts will be removed.

    If you are not going to breastfeed, try applying cold compresses to it and taking an analgesic, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Do not stimulate the breasts and do not try to suck the milk to relieve pressure, as the body will only strive to produce more milk. Coarsening of the breasts lasts from two to five days, the lack of stimulation from the sucking child will gradually reduce, and then stop the production of milk. A healthy breast does not require any special care. It is enough to wash your breasts with water with mild soap and thoroughly dry it. Tips for caring for

    with inflamed breasts, with severe pain or cracked nipples, see p.358.

    The BIRTH of a child leads on average to a 5 kg weight loss, which sounds great until you see yourself in a mirror with a huge chest, swollen belly and saggy skin. However, this is how the body should look after delivery. The breasts are prepared for feeding the baby, the abdomen bulges out because of the retention of the liquid, since the uterus has not yet contracted to its original size, the sagging of the skin is due to excessive stretching and loss of muscle tone. But over time, your body will approach the state before pregnancy. Your waist may be somewhat larger, but a healthy, nutrient-rich diet and well-chosen physical exercises can work wonders. But now is not the time to talk about a diet.


    Changing the level of hormones after the birth of a child can be bad for the skin, which will result in the appearance of spots, dryness and increased sensitivity. Such pigmentation of the skin as linea nigra( pigmented white abdominal line during pregnancy) and chloasma should gradually

    Recovery after caesarean section

    Caesarean section is a serious surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity, therefore it is inevitable that after the delivery youyou will experience some pain, feel unwell due to the presence of a seam, and also because of postnatal contractions of the uterus. Body care after caesarean section is somewhat different from usual, after natural delivery.

    When you can move, you will be transferred to the postpartum department. Perhaps you can get up with someone else's help on the same day. Movement will help you feel better and contribute to a faster recovery.

    Pain relief After the operation and for several days you will be given medicine. Depending on the practice of pain relief in the hospital, you can be provided with a continuous drop of pain with the help of a dropper, which you yourself will control, this method is called "autoanal-gezia".Do not be afraid to take the right

    you the number of medicines. Short-term admission after childbirth will not seriously affect the child, and an anesthetic will allow more and faster movement, contributing to recovery. In addition, an inappropriate amount of medication, and hence continued pain, can affect breastfeeding.

    In the case of an epidural or spinal injection, anesthesia during the first day may sometimes be via a catheter. You can also do injections of a drug. On the second day, probably, oral medications or any suppositories used in the hospital, which last from 18 to 24 hours, will be prescribed.

    Food and drink During the first day you will be under a dropper with nutrient fluids. Perhaps on the day of the operation you will have a liquid diet, and the transition to solid food will depend on the state of your health and the doctor's decision.

    Visiting the toilet You can put a catheter to drain urine. There is a possibility that on the second or third day after the operation you will be tormented by the wild pain associated with the fact that the intestine takes some time to return to normal functioning. All this will create additional discomfort, but walking through the ward and corridors will quickly return the intestines to working condition.

    Scarf care The cushion or bandage on the abdomen will ease the pain from the surgical incision.

    When walking, hold on as straight as possible, try to have someone close by in case you feel dizzy. Supporting the abdomen with hands will also provide proper comfort.

    The incision on the skin should heal within a week. You or your spouse should examine it every day to make sure that the healing is proceeding properly. If there is inflammation on the seam or any discharge appears, consult a doctor. After removing the bandage, rinse the scar with water with mild soap, dry well and wipe. Within a few months after wound healing, you may experience a loss of sensitivity at the site of the scar and next to it. Most of the sensitivity will be restored, and the scar becomes less noticeable with an increase in the strength of the abdominal muscles. There is nothing unusual in the sensation of tingling, when the nerves of the skin begin to recover at the site of the incision. It is believed that the internal incision of the uterus heals within six weeks.

    Before leaving hospital or after visiting a doctor, he will remove stitches and staples, this occurs on the 4th-7th day.

    Homecoming After caesarean section, women are usually in the hospital for 3-4 days. Returning home, avoid lifting weights and resume work until the doctor permits, the average recovery period is 4-6 weeks. It is necessary to plan who will help you take care of other children, in homework and cooking.

    disappear, but some spots may not disappear ever.

    To prevent dark areas of the skin from darkening, avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight or protect the skin with good means.

    Over time, and extensions. A cream or gel with vitamin A, as well as laser treatment can somewhat reduce their appearance, but before you start any treatment, make sure that it is safe from the point of view of breastfeeding.

    Excessive sweating

    After giving birth, you can sweat a lot, as the body tries to get rid of excess fluid accumulated during pregnancy. Sweating can last up to six weeks. You will sweat more if you are breastfeeding, as feeding speeds up the metabolism. Drink plenty of fluids to speed up the process. To the skin breathe, wear clothes made of natural fibers - cotton and wool. If sweating is in doubt, measure the temperature, and if it is above 37 ° C, contact a doctor, you may be sick

    Hair loss

    Some women with anxiety find that after the birth of the child the hair is tufted. During pregnancy, hormones block the normal cycle of growth and hair loss. After birth, the hormone level falls, the stagnation phase turns into an active one, which seems to cause a massive loss of hair, but these are the hair that in ordinary lifeand you would have lost in the first nine months.

    For half a year the picture of growth and hair loss should return to normal. At this time, eat healthy food and take good care of your hair. Wash your head only if necessary, using a mild shampoo and conditioner with nutrients. Do not use hot curlers, hairdryers and hair straighteners, since these devices can damage the hair. It is also not bad to avoid chemical treatment of hair - permanent and chemical wave - until the hair returns to its normal state.


    This is normal after the birth of a child, which can last for months. During pregnancy, your back should have been able to hold the weight of the growing baby, and also help the weaker abdominal muscles. The presence of the hormone relaxin relaxes the ligaments and joints, which makes you more prone to pain in the back. In addition, pregnancy displaces the center of gravity, so you had to deviate back, carrying the stomach in front of you. Childbirth can aggravate back pain, especially if the contractions are long and heavy. If you were given an epidural injection, there is a possibility of pain in the lower back, in the place where the anesthetic was injected. After the birth of the child, the slopes to take or put it, or prolonged sitting while feeding can aggravate the situation.

    Aligning the spine

    How long you will experience back pain depends on your individual characteristics, but simple physical exercises to increase the tone of the abdominal muscles and back will help eliminate many problems. However, check with your doctor or consult a physiotherapist regarding the timing of the beginning of the session. It should be determined whether the more severe conditions, such as a bruise or even a coccyx crack, are the cause of the pain.

    To check your posture during standing, imagine that your head is stretched by a wire to the ceiling. Relax your shoulders so that the chest is not too tense. Gently pull in the abdomen and stretch the spine. If you have to sit for a long time, always provide support for the lower back. To relieve tension in the neck, press the chin to the chest, make a "rolling" of the head from side to side to the shoulders.


    MENSTRUTIONS If you do not breast-feed, your menstruation will be restored in about 4-6 weeks. If you are breastfeeding, they can recover within the same time, but there may be irregular periods or lack of them until the end of feeding, which is determined by the individuality of the organism. In most women, the severity of the menstrual cycle is reduced compared to pre-pregnancy. The reasons for this are unknown, but this change is definitely for the better.

    The amount of menstrual blood in the first few cycles can vary from insignificant to very large, but over time it will settle to a certain level. It's good to mark the dates in the calendar and their kind( light, heavy, spots) in order to consult with your doctor. Record the presence of any cramps or ailments.

    Choosing a way to control the birth of

    Ovulation in your body will begin before the first menstrual cycle after the birth of a child, so uncontrolled sexual relationships can lead to the next pregnancy. To avoid this, after the resumption of sexual life, use any method of contraception. If you are not breastfeeding, you can start taking oral contraceptives two to three weeks after the baby is born. If you feed, then estrogen-based pills can affect the production of milk, so only progesterone medications are recommended. Avoid mechanical contraceptives if you are stitched or until the cervix is ​​fully restored. For more details about the contraceptive options in the initial period after childbirth, you can check with your doctor.


    After the birth of a child, you should make an appointment with a doctor to make sure that the recovery is normal. Usually such a check happens about six weeks after the birth, but you can go to the doctor before, if you are concerned about something, you have depression or you have given birth through cesarean section and you need to remove stitches or staples.

    What is checked after delivery of

    The goal of postpartum testing is to check the recovery of the organism and the physical changes that occur there. The doctor will check the weight, blood pressure of and pelvis to determine if the uterus has decreased to a size close to that before pregnancy. A smear will be taken if it has not been taken in the past three years. Survey all the stitches( performed as a result of caesarean section or episiotomy) to make sure of their healing. You will be asked questions about the work of the bladder, intestines, changes in the chest, possible pains and feeding the baby.

    To prepare a visit to the doctor, prepare a list of issues of interest to you. It's good to discuss psychological problems during a visit, especially if you feel unusual tiredness or anxiety, there are significant changes in appetite or simply if you do not feel like you expected.

    Also discuss possible methods of contraception. This visit to the doctor is an additional opportunity to remove your questions and talk about the physical and psychological aspects of health after childbirth. Extract from the visit the maximum benefit, it is for this they are intended.