  • Powder application technique

    It should be remembered that there are problems that should not be masked, but eliminated. For example, in no case should the skin be powdered, where there is dermatitis( inflammation of the skin), as well as unknown inflammations and eruptions on the face, as it can provoke their aggravation and as a result, the treatment can take a long time. If the skin is healthy, then use

    powder can and should be - it protects the skin from drying out, temperature changes, harmful environmental effects. When applying the powder used:

    sponge-sponge. Most often it is attached to a compact powder or bought separately. The main thing - it should not be too thin, high quality and finely porous. Do not forget to wash it from time to time;

    cotton swab( disposable).It is certainly hygienic, but not entirely convenient to use;

    puff. This is a pompom made from swan's down or from any other very soft, fluffy material, used to apply mainly loose powder;

    special wide brush. This is the most optimal solution, which is why the brush is used by professionals.

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    Apply the powder as follows:

    1. Collect a small amount of powder on the brush( sponge, puff or cotton swab).Lightly shake the excess powder, tapping the palm of the free hand with a brush.

    2. With light imprinting movements apply powder on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. Lightly powder the neck and décolleté area. Then, moving on massage lines, not rubbing powder and not stretching the skin, carefully shading the boundaries. The layer of powder for any method of laying should in no case be thick - it is aging the face.

    3. Use a large brush to draw over the entire surface of the face, excluding only the area of ​​the shadow overlay.

    When removing excess powder, light movements of the brush should be directed from the top to the bottom, so that the powder crumbles, without remaining a touch on the thin cannon of the facial skin. Particular attention should be paid to the side portions of the cheeks and chin lines, which are less visible to us in the mirror.

    4. After completing the tonal foundation and powder, thoroughly wipe the paper with a tissue paper on the areas bordering the hair and the lower areas of the cheeks and chin so that the excess cosmetics do not get on the collar or hair.

    If during the day the skin appears unwanted gloss, wipe the skin with a tonic. If you put a new powder on the old layer, you will get rid of the fatty gloss for a very short time. After repeated application of powder, the skin will glisten even more strongly, since along with a new layer of powder you will spread all the dirt and layer of fat accumulated on the previous layer of powder.