  • Helping hair after summer

    Usually everyone complains that the hair has become dry, brittle, poorly laid. In this case, nutritional shampoos, balms, conditioners and hair masks will help. Buy funds with extracts of chamomile and aloe, lavender with the addition of coconut or palm oil, with silk and wheat proteins, as well as collagen and ceramides.

    Hair oils can be used if you have curly and naturally hard hair. They will become softer, combing them will be much easier. It is possible to make hot oil masks, but after them it is necessary to thoroughly wash the hair. If you visit the pool, hair oils will become your protectors against chlorine.

    When using hair dryers, use styling products with heat-active additives. It can be foam, mousse, gels, and varnishes. In many lines of care there is a full range of such products. Then the risk of damaging the hot air dried hair will decrease.

    If the hair is severely sliced, it is necessary to get a haircut first. The optimum length of the haircut will be determined by the salon specialist. Best if you are cut with hot scissors. They seem to "seal up" the ends of the hair and do not allow them to split. It is worth such a haircut a bit more expensive than usual.

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    And one more thing. Try to get by for a while without dyeing your hair. Pay attention to toning balms, shampoos and henna. With the help of henna, mixed in different proportions with basma or coffee, you can get a variety of shades. This remedy has a beneficial effect on the skin, the roots of the hair, and promotes their growth.25-50 g of paint, dilute with hot water until the density of sour cream.

    And the hair will become darker if you take more basma. Cool and apply on hair, dividing them into small strands. Cover your head with a polyethylene kerchief, and then with a handkerchief. Rinse off the paint after 15-20 minutes. After drying, spread the hair again and leave it for an hour and a half. The longer you hold, the darker the tone will turn out. For those who want to pamper their hair with the beneficial effects of henna, but do not want to change their color, there is a special colorless henna. If you are accustomed to radically lighten your hair and can not see the dark overgrown roots, do the melioration, so the hair will suffer much less.

    Many complain that the hair fall in the fall. In fact, autumn is the traditional period of the change of hair.

    Small tricks:

    before washing long hair should be thoroughly combed with a brush, free of surface contaminants;

    learn how to use the detergent properly: moisten the hair well, never pour the shampoo directly on the head, first pour a small amount on the palm and rub between the fingers and then apply soft circular motions on the head, gently massaging the hair;

    never shampoo the scalp with fingernails, only with fingertips;

    if a foam cap formed on your head, then you took too much shampoo;

    with frequent head wash, shampoo is applied only once without prior washing;

    hold the shampoo for half a minute and then rinse the hair thoroughly;well washed hair "creak";Do not wash your head with hot water;

    follow the exact dosage and maintain the conditioner on the hair specified time, if you want to get the desired effect;

    wash the hair as long as possible, shampoo rinse under a stream of warm water for about a minute and spend the same amount of time to flush the air conditioner.