  • Treatment of sinusitis without puncture and interference

    Rhinitis is a common symptom in any cold or viral respiratory disease. For most people, this is so common, that when there are discharge from the nose, treatment is limited to the acquisition of drops, or not at all.

    But often there is a week or more, and the runny nose does not pass and often pains also appear - in the nasopharynx or head. It is possible that the harmless rhinitis transformed into sinusitis - a chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, and the possibilities of modern medicine allow the treatment of sinusitis without a puncture.

    Means for the treatment of sinusitis

    The medicamentous treatment of maxillary sinusitis is prescribed, as a rule, with exacerbations of the disease. Antibiotics of the new generation can defeat the disease in a matter of days.

    Predominantly it is a remedy for the treatment of a disease taken internally. The choice of a particular drug depends on the patient's allergic reactions to the active substances of a particular drug and the physician's preferences. Sometimes the cause of sinusitis is allergy, in this case, the administration of antiallergic medicines is also prescribed, in this case, drugs of different directions may be used: antihistamines, adrenomimetics in the form of tablets taken orally, drops or aerosols.

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    Often also prescribed treatment with an inhaler. If you do not have a special device at your fingertips, you can do inhalations at home. To do this, the herbal broth should be cooked in a wide saucepan, after which the patient, covered in a large towel should inhale the vapors. As ancillary methods in the fight against this disease, a special device for the treatment of sinusitis is also often used.

    In hospital conditions these are special devices for warming up. Positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease is also observed with lavage of the nasal passages. This procedure can be performed with the help of special medical equipment or at home.

    For washing, special pharmacological preparations, sea salt solutions and herbal infusions are suitable. At home, positive results are obtained by treatment with Vishnevsky ointment - this remedy is used as part of complex therapy and is placed in cleared nasal passages 2-3 times a day.

    Drops for the treatment of sinusitis can also be used as an additional therapy. Preference is given to oily drops, the compositions of this type gently envelop and protect the nasal mucosa from drying out. On the appointment of a doctor as part of a comprehensive treatment, several types of drops can be used - vasoconstrictive drugs are instilled in the first stage of treatment, and 20 minutes later, oil droplets are buried in the nasal passages.

    How to cure sinusitis without puncture

    One of the main tasks of treating sinusitis is removing the pus from the sinuses and restoring the normal outflow of the contents from them. Many doctors offer their patients a procedure such as the cuckoo method.

    A patient lying on his back should "cuckoo" - say "ku-ku-ku", while the doctor pours a medicinal solution into one nostril while sucking it with an aspirator from another nostril. Such treatment by washing, in spite of its simplicity, must be performed exclusively by a specialist in the conditions of a medical institution.

    Different methods of treating sinusitis are offered by traditional medicine. This preparation of solutions for instillation, lotions, compresses and other recipes. For example, it is quite easy to prepare an ointment at home. To do this, you need to mix in equal parts the juice of onions, milk, vegetable oil, alcohol, honey and grated household soap.

    The components are mixed and heated in a water bath, when it turns out all the mixing until a homogeneous mass is obtained, cool the mixture. Ready ointment applied to cotton swabs and inserted alternately in each nostril, repeating the introduction of this drug 2-3 times during the day.

    On the question of how to treat maxillary sinusitis without a puncture, folk medicine offers another effective remedy. To do this, grate the horseradish root and add to it an equal amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The resulting mixture should be thick enough. Take in the morning, just half a teaspoon before eating.

    This method perfectly allows you to treat chronic sinusitis. As a preventive measure, this remedy can be used in the spring and autumn. Such treatment can not be recommended to patients who suffer from diseases of the digestive system.

    Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in adults can also be performed with onion compresses. To do this, finely chop the onion, wrap it in gauze and apply in turn to each nostril. You can cut the onions and leave the patient at bedside for the night.

    Detailed treatment regimen for

    In order to effectively cure the disease at home, a treatment plan must be drawn up. First of all, it is necessary to stop the inflammation and defeat the viral infection that caused the disease. Treatment and prevention of sinusitis should begin even at the first signs of catarrhal and viral diseases. Even with a common cold it is necessary to regularly remove mucus from the nasal passages, apply drops, do inhalations and rinses if necessary.

    It is necessary to deal with the underlying disease accordingly. It is important to teach the patient how to properly empty the nasal passages - this procedure should be performed alternately for each nostril, the second nasal passage should at that moment be pressed against the septum after the nose.

    Treatment of sinusitis without puncture should include immunostimulating drugs. The next task - the timely removal of pus from the sinuses and nasal passages, should also be applied to the nose to prevent the mucous membrane from drying out. Nasal warming is as effective as the treatment of genyantritis with homeopathy, procedures of this type should be included in the therapy after consultation with the doctor.

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