  • How and how to cure superficial glossitis

    Superficial glossitis is a process of inflammation that affects the upper part of the mucosa of the tongue. As a rule, this form of the disease is considered one of the signs of stomatitis, but sometimes it indicates the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract and the development of some infectious diseases such as diphtheria, measles, etc.

    With the development of superficial glossitis, the tongue acquires a bright red color, patients complain of its soreness, puffiness, denseness, limited movement. Also a white coating is formed on the tongue.

    In the tongue there is a burning sensation, besides there is a loss of perception of flavors and the separation of saliva increases.

    Causes of the development of the pathology of

    The main causes of the appearance of glossitis are:

    • Caries on teeth.
    • Difficulties in teething.
    • Teeth.
    • Injury of the mucous surface of the tongue or oral cavity.
    • Abuse of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
    • Non-compliance with oral hygiene.
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    • The poisoning of the body with salts of heavy metals.
    • Getting burned.
    • Eating too hot food or sharp spices.
    • Development of a hypersensitivity reaction to toothpaste or a freshener for the oral cavity.

    Symptoms of pathology

    Often superficial glossitis accompanies pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious pathologies - scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria, etc.for the disease is characterized by the appearance of a strong plaque in the tongue, edema of the tongue, its densification. Together, these signs provoke a restriction of language mobility. The tongue becomes bright red, a burning sensation and pain appear. Also, patients complain of copious separation of saliva and loss of taste sensations.

    When glossitis accompanies the development of ulcerative-necrotic form of stomatitis, a dirty gray shade appears on the tongue. When removing the plaque, bleeding and painful erosions become visible, and at the same time an unpleasant odor from the mouth appears.

    Diagnosis of the pathology of

    The diagnosis of glossitis and the main cause of its appearance is established by the doctor after studying the clinical picture of the disease and the data of the examination performed, taking into account blood tests - bacteriological, histological, immunological, etc.

    If treatment with glossitis is not carried out, then it can provoke a strong swelling of the tongue and difficulty breathing. In this connection, it is required to begin medical therapy, as soon as possible.

    Treatment of pathology

    The treatment process involves the removal of mucosal damaging factors or therapy of a primary disease. In order to calm the process of inflammation, patients are not allowed to eat irritating food.

    Locally, in the form of rinses, appliqués or baths, solutions of antiseptics - furacilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, etc. are used. For the removal of pain, reception of solutions of anesthetics is indicated.

    With the development of erosion and the appearance of sores, it is required to remove the necrotic plaque from the surface of the tongue every day with a cotton swab. After this, the affected surface is lubricated with an antiseptic solution. To accelerate the healing of wounds with glossitis, applications are made with special ointments, vitamin A. rosehip oil, etc. With pronounced hyperkeratosis, the keratinized area is removed through surgical intervention.

    Treatment of superficial glossitis involves the use of local anesthetics such as anesthesin in glycerin, chloral hydrate, rosehip oil, peach butter, vitamin A solution, and anti-inflammatory medications.

    For oral administration, multivitamin complexes, antihistamines, calcium chloride, and stimulators of immunity work are shown. An important role is given to sanitation of the oral cavity - the cleaning of open wounds through the removal of dead tissue and foreign particles from them. So that later nothing could prevent proper healing.

    Prevention of the disease

    As a rule, people who have suffered from this unpleasant pathology think about the prevention of glossitis. To prevent the development of the disease, it is important to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, limit the use of acute and too hot food.

    It is also important to organize a full meal and adhere to the basic rules of oral hygiene. It is required to regularly go to the dentist for an appointment with the purpose of timely diagnosis of pathological changes in the mucous surface of the tongue. In addition, one should carefully treat pathologies that can provoke glossitis, monitor the intake of vitally important vitamins.

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