
Photo of the bangs obliquely and step by step tips on how to cut it in this way

  • Photo of the bangs obliquely and step by step tips on how to cut it in this way

    Among all the variety of bangs in women's hairstyles, there is one that is called a bang on the side, or obliquely. Many women prefer to wear just such a bang, because it allows you to experiment endlessly with the image. Photos of the bangs obliquely presented below, and which one to choose, it's up to you.

    Not to be confused with oblique

    Important point: it is necessary to distinguish the oblique bangs and bangs obliquely. These are far from synonymous terms! The basic shape of the bangs obliquely can be either straight or asymmetric. It all depends on how the bangs are laid. The oblique bangs are initially unevenly cut. Below are examples of oblique bangs and bangs, laid obliquely.

    Who will go?

    Too short a bang, laid obliquely, definitely will not go to girls with a square face and chubby. Also it is necessary to apply caution to such packing with a triangular face shape. But for owners of an oval face shape, such a bang will be very helpful. It is perfect for a narrow face. Here are the most successful photo stacking bangs obliquely.

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    How to shear?

    Knowing this information is extremely important in order to properly explain to the master the wishes for a haircut. Below is a brief description of the technology of haircuts.

    So, first we need to prepare very sharp scissors - regular and thinning( this is a feature of a stylish bang on the side - the presence of "torn" ends), as well as mousse for styling. On this preparatory stage can be considered complete. Cutting is best done on dry hair, because wet strands, drying out, will become shorter, and there is a risk of greatly mistaken with the length of the bangs. Separate the bangs with clips from the rest of the hair, brush on the face. Sharp ends of scissors gently trim the tips, making short and jerky movements. Scissors must be held vertically. If everything is done correctly, you should get this result.

    Two options that are fashionable this season

    It should be remembered that such a bang can have, like a straight bang, two options - short and long. The short bangs obliquely in the 2015-2016 season does not lose its popularity and looks especially good in hairstyles such as cascades. The length of such a bang - maximum to the middle of the bridge of the nose. Short length is very suitable for women with small facial features and a fragile physique. With a long version of the bangs, the gentle miniature face will seem rougher and tougher.

    The bangs on the side for long hair are cut approximately the same as the short one. The difference is only in the length of the control strand. This type of bangs obliquely very much goes to women with a square and oval face. In some cases, it even gives the woman extra sexuality and makes the image more mysterious. Below are examples of bangs of this length.


    An important detail of the bangs obliquely is its thinning, that is, the creation of "torn" strands with special scissors with a serrated edge. The need for such a bang treatment is dictated by the very nature of the hairstyle with bangs on the side - bold, defiant, breaking the usual canons of haircuts. As a result, strands in a bang - no matter the difference, short or long - look like feathers from the bird's wing. Quite unusual, but for avant-garde haircuts, this is exactly what you need!

    This year's trend

    A clear favorite of the current season - short female haircuts with a long bangs, laid obliquely. And the length of the bangs can even reach the chin. For very desperate women of fashion: you can paint such a bang in color, different from the color of the main hair. By the way, a stylish chelochka, covering one eye - an indispensable attribute of hairstyles in the style of emo.

    Kare with oblique bang

    Perhaps, the most popular female haircut - square - today also often meets with a slanting bang. Slanting fringe in combination with quads is a win-win option for women who prefer classic style, but sometimes allow themselves to go beyond strict limits. In addition, this hairstyle is very young, which means that I will like the representatives of the age "slightly over forty" who want to look on the level. Information on how to trim the quads and leave the long bangs obliquely can be found in the video below.

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