  • Using roses in gardening

    Roses due to almost continuous flowering throughout the summer and the beauty of flowers are widely used in various types of gardening in parks, squares, streets, urban courtyards and homesteads.

    Depending on the purpose and possibilities, different groups of varieties of roses and types of decoration are used.

    Special rosaries( sections of roses) are arranged in botanical gardens, large parks, at exhibitions on projects compiled by specialists of landscape architecture and architects.

    Small rose gardens, or rather flower beds from roses, can be arranged in any city or village - in the central part of the park or in the most famous square. Roses look more beautiful on the general background of a lawn and a green vertical screen made of trees and shrubs, which also create a favorable microclimate, protecting the landing from wind and dust.

    You can place roses in groups, long stripes, cuttings or large beds. Large bushes of park or remontant roses are planted closer to trees, singly or in small groups, in three to five bushes. On large beds, round or rectangular in the center of the rose garden, it is better to plant the most beautiful tea-hybrid roses. On the periphery, also on the lawn, it is possible to place tea-hybrid roses, varieties of roses of floribunda and hybrid-polyanthus in small croplands or groups. Poliant short roses can be planted paths or planted them with whole stripes, long cuttings. Roses can also be used for floribunda roses and hybrid-polyanthus. In all cases, single-breed beds or flower beds look better.

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    Groups from individual varieties can be arranged according to the principle of color contrasts or, conversely, smooth color transitions. Between the groups of roses on the lawn you can plant early spring flowers - bulbous, forget-me-nots, primroses. They will bloom in May,. before roses, and prolong the elegant decoration of the flower garden. It is better to lay out the paths with tiles or fill them with broken brick. To flower garden always looked beautiful, you need to carefully look after plants and lawn throughout the summer.

    Park roses, which do not require any care, are planted in groups and in separate bushes in parks, squares, on boulevards, in urban courtyards. Blossoming hedges of densely planted park roses can decorate fences and walls, separate the public gardens from the streets. Along the boulevards on the background of the lawn, the flowers or long stripes of roses of floribunda and hybrid-polyanthus look spectacular.

    All types of roses are grown on private plots, giving them the sunniest place. You can plant roses on garden beds, in groups or in solitary bushes in combination with other plants. One or two bushes of a climbing rose are well planted near the wall of the house( preferably southern).Lovers of roses on their household plots can collect whole collections of varieties. In this case, it is more convenient to plant or place varieties in small groups, in three or four plants, along a strip along the tracks.

    Very small rosaries can be created on the school grounds. If there is a flower garden in the schoolyard, then for the roses it is necessary to take away its central part and plant several beds with a small number of leading varieties. You can plant roses in groups on the lawn along the front alley or arrange such groups ahead of the tree and shrub plantings along the perimeter of a small courtyard.