  • Rhododendron

    There is an amazing group of plants - rhododendrons. But they do not grow in the Northwest. They are heat-loving, do not like winter thaws, and suffer in spring frosts, so we can not grow rhododendrons in the form of trees and shrubs. In the North-West region, only creeping rhododendrons can be grown. They can be covered with double lutrasilom - that's all. Bushes large, too, of course, can be so sheltered for the winter, and most importantly, for the early spring, but it's difficult to do. There are deciduous rhododendrons that drop foliage in autumn, and there are evergreens. Evergreens suffer from a sunny spring burn. Plant them so that at noon the sun does not fall on them. From 11 to 15 hours they should be in the shade or half-shade from the trees. Therefore, at the end of February and the beginning of March they must be sheltered, otherwise the leaves will get burned.

    Rhododendrons have several more features. First, they grow solely on acidic soils, therefore - no ash, in any case. It is best to take the soil out of the coniferous forest, add organic matter, but be sure to introduce an acidic substrate, or peat with sand, but without ashes. Prepare a planting pit and plant the plant, but it is advisable that at noon it will be illuminated only by the morning or autumn sun. Especially like these plants are coniferous crops. So put them in one group.

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    Rhododendron requires feeding, and it needs to be fed physiologically acidic fertilizer. However, the fertilizer AVA plant also responds well, but this fertilizer is an non-acid fertilizer. Therefore, if once in 3 years, as expected, you feed them rhododendrons, you must necessarily soil the rhododendron, acidify it, pour it with potassium permanganate in a bright pink color. Or sometimes add citric acid( 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water) to the water. Never need to remove from under the rhododendrons all that it falls: leaves, twigs, twigs - all leave under it. If there is nothing under it, you need to pour soft needles. The soil should be branches, leaves, coniferous needles. Open soil under it can not be left and planted, too, is undesirable.

    There are less fanciful species among the rhododendrons, and if you buy the planting material, it is best to buy them.